
Monday, June 16, 2014

Tuesday Archives 6-17-2014

Val's Quilting Studio

This weeks Archive is Design Walls and Directional Prints.  Now I don't have a design wall - well, I stick things up all over the house.  Would love one, but no wall big enough to put one, plus two furries would have a blast pulling things off.  

Now I do a lot of scrap quilting and really don't worry too much about diagonal prints, but I remember my favorite fabric.......

I just LOVE the Ghastlies!!!  I played a lot with them for the Ghastlie Blog Hop so you can go visit my old post to see all the wickedness.  AND did you know??!!  There is a NEW Ghasltie out - 'The End of the Ghastlies' - OH MY!!  Yes, I have an order placed and can't wait for it to arrive.

Please see what other have linked up with Val's Quilting Studio.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I had to revisit your Ghastlie projects! Love them all! Love, love, love the Ghastlies!

  2. Love it! I'm a Ghastlie fan too and I'm hoping The End of the Ghastlies isn't really the end.

  3. I've always enjoyed the Ghastlies. I wonder if this will really be the end of them.

  4. What an interesting post. I'll take a look at Ghastlies.

  5. I do remember all your great ghastlie projects , I have never seen that fabric around here , it is so neat :-)

  6. Such a fun fabric line and you used it to your advantage.

  7. I had not seen the Ghastlie fabrics before, they look fun! A design wall would be wonderful, I hang up a flannel backed table cloth on skirt hangers. It is not a very big space, but I can put part of a quilt up.

  8. I'm not a fan of Halloween, nor the Ghastlies although they are cute. Your room looked pretty fun even so.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
