
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Rows on the Wall

I don't have a wall big enough, so luckily it was a nice day (we've had lots of rain and cold) so photo'ed outside.  This is the Trifle Dish Sew Along row quilt with Moda Bake Shop.

This is a lot of speed sewing - only 2 days inbetween release of the next pattern/tutorial.  I am just using fabrics from my scrap baskets for this one.

I was lucky to find these pretties in my FQ totes for the next row - strawberries.  A much simpler block that will be a breather.  I am just hoping the background fabric (cut off from a quilt backing) is enough - a lite beige on cream basket weave print which should work great with those strawberries.

And I haven't shown these at all.  This is Cindy of Quilt Doodle Designs' 2014 BOM row quilt.  The snowmen will get their button eyes once quilted as well as some other embellishments.  **is anyone else having trouble with flickr?? I can't even get the home page - hate to think I lost all my photos**

And I got three more rows on my 'Island Chain' quilt - look - a corner!  Putting on the longest row means it will go quicker now, but making sure all those little labels are placed to keep track of the pattern.

I am having trouble with my sleep pattern again, so a sleepless night had me catching up on the cute little 6" blocks offered thru the month along with the RSC2014.  You could easily pick some of these blocks and make a row quilt with them.  My little mini eclaires container is full, so I will have to pull another to start filling for the second half of the year.

What's on your wall (floor, bed)?

**linking up with PatchWorkTimes design wall Monday**

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Beautiful work. That's a lot of sewing!

  2. Excellent projects in progress in this post! The Modashop row quilt is moving fast. Glad to hear that you are having some nice weather. I know what you mean about sleeping patterns as mine is slipping, too.

  3. Lots of beautiful sewing going on at your house! :0)

  4. Your projects look great, as always. I love the Trifle Dish blocks. I am saving the instructions for these. Hope to do them later. Flickr seems to be requiring a Yahoo account in order to get in.

  5. Woww that's a lot of sewing you've been doing. I absolutely love your batik chains quilt.

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  8. Such awesome blocks Sharon,you amaze me with your beautiful work.xx

  9. Sew inspirational!! Makes me want to sit right down and get to work!

  10. Sew inspirational!! Makes me want to sit right down and get to work!

  11. Your projects look great! As for flickr, I noticed last night that they had made some more changes to the page layouts and I had to search for things that I used to know where to find. So frustrating! Someone else mentioned needing a Yahoo account. I made that change some months ago and until I did that, I couldn't make anything work. Like you I couldn't get to my home page or anything. I thought for a while that I had lost all my photos but I got it all straightened out. I had to do some searching for instructions and help screens to find out how. Probably took me half a day to get it all working again.

  12. Wow, wow, wow! Love your works in progress. The row quilt is the peels! And your skates really set the stage for the QAL. Sorry you're not sleeping well, but you sure get a lot done!

  13. So many beautiful blocks! The batik chain quilt is gorgeous. That will be fun to quilt, I think. Happy Monday!

  14. Wow-ee! Awesome. That's a lot of stitching - it all looks beautiful.

  15. Your machine must be smokin. lol I love the row quilt and nothing better than scrappy!

  16. The Quilt Doodles BOM is so cute! I haven't been to Flickr in a while, but went over to see what's up, lots of changes and it seemed really slow, just keep trying, I have a feeling the changes have made it a bit buggy.

  17. Your machine has been humming away! You are doing a great job keeping up with the QAL. Those are involved blocks to come out every other day.

    I love the winter quilt along blocks and your chain is beautiful.

  18. Lots of pretty projects. Sorry about the sleeping (or lack of it). I've been waking up an hour or two before I should, for the past week or more. Not a good thing at all.

  19. I love your Island Chain!! I think I have to add that to my list of "must do someday soon" !!
    Sorry about the sleep issues, but you certainly make good use of your awake time :)

  20. The Trifle dish quilt will be a darling quilt! I will enjoy seeing it progress!

  21. Love the Trifle sew along, now I will have to go and at least download the patterns because it looks fabulous. Also love the Island Chain where did you get the pattern? Love it!

  22. Wow, you have been a busy girl. Now I am wishing I had kept up with downloading the Quilt Doodle Doodle BOM. That is too cute. I didn't know about the Moda one, but I do now! ;-) Thanks!

  23. You have been super busy and all such lovely work , I especially love the chain quilt , gorgeous !

  24. I think I would loose sleep with keeping track of that quilt you have the markers on. It sure has pretty colors in it. Lots of Row Quilts in the works. I didn't have any trouble today with my Flickr. Try again.

  25. That fabric for your strawberries is perfect. That's a fun row quilt! And I love the Island Chain Quilt and I did a search but couldn't find the pattern. It's so lovely in those batiks!

  26. Lots of great work! Hope things are going well up in your part of the country.

  27. No problem with flickr here - yet anyway. Your Doodle blocks look great; I like the lighter blue and red house.

  28. Your rows are coming along nicely, Sharon. So are your other two projects.

  29. Your row quilts are coming along nicely! I love your Island Chain quilt! It is really coming along too! Great fabrics for strawberries! I hope you don't have any more trouble sleeping though.

  30. I love all the colors in your Row Along Sharon!!! I would have loved to have joined in but too much already on my plate. I can see that I will be getting my thrills vicariously through your fun scrappy blocks! Your snowman row quilt is going to be pretty adorable too :) Hooray for getting a corner done on your Island Chain quilt!!! I always breathe a sigh of relief when I get that longest row done :)

  31. I'm really loving that row quilt Sharon! I didn't sleep well last night either - up and down several times. I'd get up and sew but I'm afraid the sewing machine would wake my husband. :( blessings, marlene

  32. You've been really productive. Love how your Island Chain is coming together.

  33. I'm using scraps for the Moda QAL too but haven't gotten far! Yours is coming together wonderfully! As well as the winter BOM. Love!

  34. Sorry you're not sleeping, but at least you are making use of your insomniac hours. Cindy's BOM quilt looks great. I really like the row with the trees and the house.The Island Chain quilt is really looking great. The batik work up beautifully.

  35. Ok, so I'm a sucker for Christmas and Winter themed quilts. I'm in LOVE with yours!

  36. I so enjoyed seeing all your projects! And I'm inspired to do some scrappy blocks. Your island quilt blocks are fabulous!!!!

  37. You sure keep yourself really busy. I love how your Island Chain quilt is coming out.

  38. Love the "Island Chain" quilt! Can't wait to see it finished!
