
Monday, April 21, 2014

Life Sneezed

I started working on the blocks for my Let's Book It and realized that I didn't want to press them until I knew the layout - so those seams could be pressed in opposite directions so they messed for smoother seemlines.  all the blocks are made, layout done, pressing done, and then a sneeze.....

I picked up two commission pieces (and this is all you will see of them) which meant dumping almost everything - and I mean everything.  Couch was covered, floor covered, every table covered for 3 1/2 days as I stitched almost day and night.  Moe loved all those special beds I made for him.

And then life sneezed again..... my youngest brother was to have an out-patient knee surgery until his EKG went off the charts and it ended up an immediate heart surgery.  So my frenzy sewing became a frenzy clean-up incase family would be arriving.

After the calm, I had three machines calling, begging - play with me.  So I started putting my Something Old project together - Bea's 'Scrappy Chain QAL which I know as the jewel box layout.

And then life sneezed again......  we received word just before Easter that my uncle (mother's only brother) had passed.  So this project was cleaned up for family again.

I wanted to show you the patches and pinwheel quilt - now you  can see why half those pinwheels turned left and half turned right - to create that secondary pattern.  The flimsy is done, but the finish will be done by someone else as I decided to send this on to Sarah's ministry group (with a baby flimsy) while packing up the Hands2Help quilt to her.  This quilt reminds me of my uncle: the bright colors for his playing in a jazz band (right up to the end),  pinwheels for his love of golf (checking those winds before a shot), and the squares for square dancing that he and his wife did for many years.  So I am very happy this quilt is going to be used for wrapping someone in much love and hugs.

I hope life doesn't sneeze too many more times.  I have the triangle quilt to finish binding for the parade of quilts and once my fabric order for sashing and borders for the commission quilt arrives (did I say that quilt is 90"x100") I will be finishing that right up to head for quilting.  Luckily the other piece is only a 20" square wallhanging and sits in a tote with everything waiting to be played with.

So if I am quiet for a time again, family and committments are priority.  Let's Book It will be ready for link up on the 28th.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my Sharon! You and your family will be in my prayers.

  3. Wow...Sure hope your brother is okay. So sorry about your Uncle. Hoping life calms down for your Sharon. Prayers from Texas.

  4. I am so sorry about all of the bumps appearing in your path. Hope you're brother is doing better. I will be including your family in my prayers.

  5. Sorry to hear about unexpected sneezes. Hope your brother is on road to a quick recoery. How nice to gift pinwheel quilt. You have been busy. Sewing will always be waiting.

  6. oh Sharon i am so sorry to hear of all these sad things happening in your life at the minute,i pray there is no more,take care my friend and sending you big hugs.xx

  7. I'm so glad you posted the story about the patches and pinwheels quilt - I'll make sure it goes to someone very special. In fact, I may have received just the perfect request today. Hugs and prayers to you!

  8. Wow - that's a lot to have to deal with all at once! I sure am glad life didn't decide to cough!!! I've lifted up a prayer for you and your loved ones!

  9. Bless your heart, Sharon. So much going on in your life. You and your family will be in my thoughts.
    Love your blocks, fabrics and quilt top. Sarah will find a loving home for the quilt top.

  10. "Bless you Sharon"...hugs and prayers being sent your way!

  11. Oh my's been a stressful couple of weeks or so.

  12. Sharon, Praying for Peace for you and your family. I am going to be bold and suggest grief counseling for you (plural). We lost three family members with five months - two on the same day - my husband and my daughter's unborn baby. It started at the very end of July last year and I joined a grief group in October. It has helped me immensely to know I'm not going insane; others are going through the same grieving process; and we can help each other. I will continue to pray for you as you go through this grieving process. May God wrap you and your loved ones in His loving arms and let you know of His healing power and how much He loves you.

  13. I hope there's no more sneezing for a while Sharon. Sending you hugs. Christine xx

  14. Oh Sharon I hope life settles down for you and your family soon.

  15. My thoughts are with you and your family....I hope things turn around from here on in.

  16. Sounds more like an allergy attack than sneezing to me. Sharon, you are always so amazing in handling all that life throws at you and then you get so much accomplished! Praying for your family and healing and health for each distress.

  17. Well, it is allergy season. So sorry about your uncle, prayers and love heading your way! All the quilts are beautiful.

  18. Wow! You are so busy! Isn't it typical that life fends to hiccup when we are the least prepared for it! Good luck to you and your family during these difficult times! So nice to have beloved pets to mid the scraps and WIP's!

  19. God Bless your life for all its sneezing. Condolences for your uncle, and it does sound like he had an interesting life. Love that you saw him in your quilt blocks and that those memories are being passed on via the quilt top.

  20. Sharon, In commenting on all the sneezing, I forget to tell you how beautiful all your quilts are. I particularly love the first block. I see an upside down heart in the block. I love hearts and see them in lots of things. I adore your quilts. Blessings.

  21. Sorry for all the sneezes. I have a patches and pinwheels quilt started, but, I've not touched it since Bonnie's class in 2012. One of these days I'll pull it back out.

  22. You have had some challenges lately , sorry to hear of your loss and hope your brother is recovering well . Gorgeous quilt !

  23. and life is an allergy of sneezes. Too funny. I know how disrupting it is to be buried deep in fabric and inspiration and you have to set it all aside! Rough, ruff. lol

  24. Wow, I know that feeling, but you seem to be handling it all and keeping up. I'm sorry about your uncle, I hope your mom's taking it O.K.

  25. So sorry to hear of your uncles passing Sharon...hope your brother is doing much better...will be lifting your family up in prayer...I do hope you are getting some rest as can be so hard when those sneezes and hiccups happen...hopefully it will be back to smooth days for you soon.

  26. oh my goodness life does take twist and turns sometimes doesn't. Thoughts and prayers for your brother's quick recover and so sorry to hear about your uncle. I do love the patches and pinwheel quilt, very lively. And your kitties are just to cute, rolling and napping in all your quilty goodness. Lucky cats!

  27. Good gracious! Sending you lots of hugs Sharon.

  28. That's a lot of unhappy sneezes, Sharon. I will be keeping all of you in my prayers.

    Your quilting in between the sneezes is looking great.

  29. Oh my that is a lot of sneezing. So sorry for all of that. I hope things get better. But you sewing looks wonderful.

  30. Your life has hit full blown allergy season. But isn't that the way it often happens. Hopefully with a full box of tissues and some quilty R and R you will be back to normal and no more sneezing for at least a while. Joanne

  31. Fingers & toes crossed for you...but at least Spring has sprung! :)

  32. Sorry to hear about your brothers ill health. Hugs to you and prayers for him. Hoping for a speedy recovery! :)

  33. Your uncle sounds like he was an interesting man. Hope that your brother is on the mend. Your family is in my prayers.

  34. Sharon I'm so sorry about your uncle. But I'm assuming your brother is okay now? Both my brothers had heart issues when very young - both had bypass surgery - and one of them now has 28 stents. I love the pinwheel quilt - such beautiful movement. blessings, marlene

  35. That's a lot to take in over less than a week. Very sorry about your uncle. I hope all is now well with your brother.

    Lots of gorgeous projects going on in spite of all those life sneezes.

  36. Phew! That sure is a lot of sneezing. Hopefully for you it will end and you'll be able to get back to your regularly scheduled program.
