
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Handmade Christmas Challenge - April

2014 Christmas Handmade Pledge

I know so many of you are enjoying Spring - some of us are still waiting for it, but I like to work on my Christmas projects thru the year and have found this challenge perfect to keep me on track.

This month I worked on a pillow to add to the present box.  This pattern is from Quilter's Cache and called The ArrowHead Block.  Marcia has a lot of wonderful 12" blocks that can be easily made up for pillow tops.  I like this size block and then add a 2.5" border around so you don't lose any of the block into the sides.  And I use the envelop method so the cover can be removed and washed - easily replaced on the pillow form.  I didn't have any more 16" pillow forms (on the shopping list), so put it over one of my over-stuffed chair pillows - hence the odd shape.  I can see making more pillows as gifts.

I know it's hard to think Christmas now with Easter so close, but have you seen the new Halloween AND Christmas being advertised by all the fabric companies???!!!!  AND we had this just the other day:

You can join in any month and please go visit SewCalGal to get some Christmas inspiration.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. lovely cushion Sharon,and yes xmas will be here before we know it,lol.xx

  2. Oh I really like it Sharon. Christmas can be celebrated all year. I just saw some darling Halloween fabric too.

  3. Great cushion Sharon! Perfect as a Xmas gift. :)

  4. Lovely idea for a gift, Sharon. I hope to join up with the sewcalgal linky this month too so had best put my skates on!! Snow photos always look pretty to me but I guess they aren't what you are wanting!!

  5. Very pretty pillow. I like the block. I have made many blocks from quilte's cache. This is a great site.

  6. Halloween? Christmas? I was startled this morning when someone said Have a Happy Easter, LOL. Halloween and Christmas are probably next week and the week after.

  7. Seriously? SNOW???? I have to say I'm glad I live further south LOL!!! It is lovely though :) Although spring is here, our temps have been rather cool. That's okay with me though, especially since the upstairs A/C is on the blink :*)

  8. I don't remember ever seeing the Arrowhead block before. It looks great as a pillow.

  9. Love the pillow. I'm using the rainbow scrap challenge to work up Christmas gifts this year. Yarn dishcloths, pot holder/hot pads, scrap quilts. Hopefully I'll have a stash of items ready by December 25'th.

  10. What an awesome idea! I wish I wasn't so busy with work, and I could make these and put them in the closet for Christmas! Love that block!
