
Monday, March 31, 2014

March NewFO Challenge

Another month gone by yet it is still winter here.  But maybe for a long month, the cold and snow it made for good creativity time indoors.

My selected NewFO for the month was my project for the Monthly Doll Swap Group.  The theme was 'Keen on Green' - and of course the little doll that I send with each quilt.

But being a long miserable month - I finished all my monthly goals plus more.

The mini for Simple Projects and used for my month Christmas project, too - mini swap bird house - relaxing round robin - rainbow challenge blocks

Pinwheels finished for the 'patches' quilt in progress - QOV blocks made and mailed for Kevin (see side button) - snap bags with quilt guild challenge - framed x-stitch (goal was one but got three done)

Fleece Snugglies for my grandsons (which they are thrilled with) and two flimsies ready to quilt for Hands2Help

And there were some secret projects that hopefully can be shared soon. Somehow a couple more leader/ender projects stacked up by my machine.  I will add my Something Old/Something New projects on tomorrows post.

I do sleep, really.  I use to be a horrible insomniac, but since rehabbing from the broken hip - I nap at least once a day (sometimes 2) and I sleep solid at night.

** linking up with Barbara's NewFO Challenge **

Sewingly Yours,


  1. You were very, very busy! Love your projects.

  2. March was definitely very productive for you Sharon , as always lovely work!

  3. Wow, what a month you had! Love the pinwheel, but also love all you do. Not sure I do that much in a year!

  4. Wow, Sharon, you really got a LOT done!! I love the little dolly to go with your March doll swap quilt -- she's precious!! :)

  5. You had a great quilty month! And, I hope this winter isn't a hint of those to come since we're planning to move back to WNY when DH retires later this year!

  6. You do get a lot done and all of your projects are lovely. Glad that hip is healing. Are you out of the wheelchair yet?

  7. You have had a very productive month, Sharon.

  8. boy you are on a roll Sharon,such lovely work there,well done on your beautiful finishes.xx

  9. Breaking a hip does seem rather a drastic way to cure insomnia Sharon!

  10. I'm not sure I believe that you sleep, LOL. Everything looks great, I really love the kid's quilts.

  11. You are the Queen of March!!! :)

  12. Oh my gosh Sharon......I agree that you are the Queen of!!

  13. I agree with Connie that you are the Queen of March! I can't seem to get any real sewing done lately. Gotta remedy that!

  14. You really had a great month of sewing.

  15. A busy month for you, and cute stuff here. Thanks for linking up.

  16. Lots of lovelies this month. Glad something good came out of the broken hip (good sleeping).

  17. Yes we did have a long cold month but it was great for getting lots accomplished, which you always seem to do well.

  18. Even with napping twice a day and sleeping through the night, you still manage super human sewing feats.
