
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let's Book It Link Up

How did you all do finding a book, magazine, pattern on your shelves?

 This is the book I chose to work out of and FQs to play with.

The pattern was 'Delectable Mountains' - kind of gave me that medallion center piece that is on my bucket list.

Yes, my helper.  I was really disappoint with the center - loosing points, that is so not my style!  I read and re-read those instructions and then re-did the math.  Now I know why that book sat on the shelf as almost all the patterns in this book are cut at rather odd sizes.  Now I can cut 7/8 and 1/8 and have a good ruler marked for those, but you are also cutting every triangle meaning you are working all bias.  Yes, I starched the heck out this thing as I went along.

Since I fought so much with the piece, I opted not to add the 'dove' units to the top and bottom - just a square finish for use as a table topper or mini wall hanging.

And so you can see the back.  Love this print and wish I had yardage of it.


The barn pin is a charm holder and the charm I have this month is the Dutchman's Puzzle.  I will ship international. The linky will be open until 10pm (EST) February 7th.

Now is your turn to share:


  1. The fabric is beautiful. Too bad the instructions were wonky. It did turn out really sweet in the end.

  2. I've been going through my quilting pattern books and found that books I bought years ago used template patterns, unusual sizes you talk about. I probably will not try any of those blocks. lol.

  3. Your block is beautiful and I can't tell from here that it caused you any problems. :O)

  4. Great completion ... and you are your hardest critic!! It's beautiful :)

  5. Wow! That is gorgeous fabric for the back. Pretty finish, Sharon.

  6. Despite your troubles, you have produced a truly beautiful piece. Congrats.
    I can't believe I am the first to link up - I am usually the last because of the time differences.

  7. We won't look too closely at the centre Sharon. Your quilt still looks lovely.

  8. Lovely, Sharon! I think this is a great challenge -- I was slow on the uptake at the introduction, but I'll definitely be participating this next month!! :)

  9. I have done projects with those odd measurements. Hard to cut accurately.

  10. It makes a lovely little table topper/wall-hanging. I love the Jacobean print backing you use, they grab my attention whenever I see them!

  11. It's a lovely table topper - it's a shame about the measurements so maybe it will go back on the shelf !

  12. My favorite term is "would a blind man on a galloping horse see it?" . . . if the answer is "no" then I don't worry about it either!

    So, I am sure that there is nothing wrong with your little quilt!

    It looks wonderful (and would be right at home at my house!).

  13. You would never know you had any issues with this project it looks wonderful!

  14. Loving your new linky party Sharon! Thanks for encouraging me to work from my books this year :*)

    I think you were very wise to forego the "dove" units LOL!!! Sounds like this one fought you all the way. But it sure did turn out very nice :*)

  15. Oh, my gosh - what a gorgeous FQ pack!! Love your mini. Hate it when a pattern lets you down like that - I had a quilt last year that kept losing its points, and that's not me, either. I was befuddled!

  16. I also had trouble with instructions on my project. I like the idea of your link up......I have so many books/mags that I need to work through.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  17. I think that's why so many of us don't follow directions in books and magazines. That block is beautiful though.

  18. Just found this. Will join in after I get vpback from a month in Florida! Plenty of books on my shelves!!!

  19. I did pull some books from my library to start a pattern from one of them. However, of the three I found none of the projects spoke to me any more. I realized my quilting dreams have changed since I bought them. So I sent one to a friend and gave two to my guild for their mystery box sale. So in a way I did move forward. I pulled out a Beth Ferrier book that has a great flower block. I'll make a 14" pillow from it and stash it for next Christmas.
    Your quiltlet is great and will look beautiful on a table top.

  20. I so understand. One of the older books that I have is odd shaped pieces like that and I don't use it but I do keep it around for inspiration. Your mini quilt turned out great despite the issues.

  21. Very pretty! Great save by the way, finding a way to finish it so it didn't become a UFO.
