
Friday, January 31, 2014

January 2014 NewFO

2014 NewFO Challenge

I have found Barbara's NewFO Challenge a great resource for inspiration and creativity, so I am joining again with this year's challenge.

I have neglected my love of cross-stitch, so want to start including more.  Not only with NewFO, but also with Slow Stitching Sunday.  Sometimes is is just a good plan to pull up a chair and slow down.

And I enjoyed the Rainbow Scrap Challenge last year and there is always an overflow of scraps.  So joining in again and thrilled that the first month's color was blue - my favorite color!

I fell across Sew You Quilt 2 's Relaxing Round Robin - something I have wanted to try and plan to just work (challenge myself) out of one of my scrap totes to clean that out.  First round was the center block and the second round was a border.  The third round is to add some applique - I have a plan in place and this should be a challenge for me as I kind of avoid applique.

I have had a lot of people ask me how many BOM's I am doing - please don't think I am doing all those listed on my sidebar.  I have an overflow of 2.5" squares so when I saw Terry's Goodnight Irene Sew Along, I thought that was a great way to use some of those.  I have the center together and the outer borders are ready, but they will wait for February.  I think I will save this quilt for Hands2Help2014 donation.

This little piece was for Handmade Christmas and Mini Challenge for January.  I could almost save this one for myself.

These were for Something Old, Something New Challenge.  The Pinwheel mini was from a block I demonstrated at one of quilt guild meetings last year and the Delectable Mountains mini is also part of my Let's Book It - yeah, blowing the dust off those books on the shelf to make something new.

I know NewFO is about starts, not finishes - but these are small pieces, so easy to finish.  Plus, I am so bored being laid up that once I was allowed to hit that machine - I hit that machine!

Please be sure to visit  Barbara's NewFO Challenge to see what other's have created in January.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Quite a nice collection of starts and finishes. So glad you are better and can hit the machine. Love your cross-stitch.

  2. Sure, now you say that your favorite color is blue! Haha. I read through a couple years of your posts looking for information like that for your Santa Sack gifts. Sigh. At least I got the color right. I've noticed that even if blue isn't a favorite color, I've never know anyone who didn't like it at least a little!

  3. Your scrappy Irene looks wonderful! It really is a great way to use up those scraps! :0)

  4. Love seeing how many projects you did after you felt better. I can't do all the projects that I want to do let alone all that are available in blogland. Bom's and SAL's are at the limit at my house for now. NO NEW ones to add.

  5. So many projects....grin. How is your healing going?

  6. I love the way you usually don't let things sit around too long without finishing them Sharon! Small or not, they still have to go through all the steps of a big quilt, so they're not that easy to finish up. I'm looking forward to seeing your NewFO's and RSC projects this year. And I'd definitely keep that little quilt for yourself if I were you - you deserve it! :*)

  7. Love the garden gate surrounded by squares.

  8. Glad to hear you are back to Hitting that Machine & with a vengeance, I'd say! Can't keep a quilter sidelined for long. Fabulous January of projects.

  9. It's always great to have a plan. You have some lovely projects under way.

  10. You have a lot of things going on. I only picked two monthly things that I'm doing, but I am thinking about adding another to include some cross stitch. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. What a wonderful collection of projects to start out the new year! I love the Goodnight Irene and may check that out myself. I have a whole bag of scraps left over from making Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice, so I need to find another project to use more of those scraps.

  12. Fantastic, Sharon. I don't think that hip has slowed you down one bit!

  13. Your cross stitching is moving right along. Love your littles. You do such wonderful work!

  14. I oohed and aahed all the way through your post! You have some fabulous those blue churn dash blocks! And your cross stitch picture is really coming to life!

  15. You really did hit the machine with a vengeance Sharon, and have made some great things.

  16. love your projects and your relaxing robin is gorgeous! can't wait to see what you add for applique.

  17. Beautiful work Sharon,you always achieve quite a lot,well done.xx

  18. lol....I understand how you felt being laid up and not stitching! Once you got that release, the race is on to make something. Enjoy this therapy :)

  19. The quilt with the beautiful center scene and the block immediately after it are so eye catching and lovely. I bet your machine missed you, as well. Love that cross stitch scene, too.

  20. So many beautiful projects! Love all of them. Your Goodnight Irene is especially striking. Wow! So many fabrics in this one. That scrap 2.5" square jar produced another beauty. To think that a lot of people throw away their scraps.

  21. Okay ... you've been uber-productive!! What a fun lot of projects, Sharon! I love the 'wordiness' of the center of your RRR! All great stuff!! :)

  22. Wow, you are right! When you hit the machine you hit it! And it also looks like you are making nice progress on your cross stitch. Glad you are having fun.

  23. Lots of pretties! I love the Good Night Irene quilt, and the pinwheel mini, but the Handmade For Christmas is stunning - I don't blame you a bit for wanting to keep that!!

  24. It does not matter how small the project. You got a lot of pretty projects started and finished!

  25. As always, you have so many beautiful things to show off. good for you and I'm glad that you are healing and getting to spend more time at your new machine. How do you like it so far?

  26. Lots of fun and beautiful stuff started in January.

  27. Some times we just have to finishing something and it sounds like you had been away from your machine so a finish was probably called for. :) I love seeing that you have brought out an old cross stitch piece for the Slow Stitch Sunday. Thinking I might need to check this out too. ;) Have a wonderful day!
