
Friday, December 20, 2013

Santa Sack Swap

CLOSED for 2013

I always enjoy this swap that Cheryll hosts each year.  There were a few rule changes this year to make things easier with the mailing.  My partner this year was the lovely JoAnne at The Patriotic Quilter and I had lots of time to browse her blog to get some great ideas as to what to send her.  And she stalked me too -- and did a terrific job of it, too.

First I grabbed some Hot Chocolate in my Santa Mug (not in photo as I was afraid I would knock it over and spoil things) and  this tin of GREAT cookies.  My dear friend Sheila sends me these from NC every year - she lives around the bend from them - OH SO GOOD!!

This was the 'sack' - I LOVE buttons and look at them and all the pockets on and in this bag is perfect.  And not overly Christmasy, so I plan to use this as my new Guild bag - I'm VP and need to carry lots of stuff, so this is perfect.

 Pockets all around the inside and a draw string top - I love this and plan to show it off at the January meeting.

And all the goodies!!  Which to open first?  I went from the smallest to the largest.  I thought my furries would be happy to help - but they are napping.

The bag of nuts are native grown/packaged Virginia (where JoAnne is from) and I will be taking them with me when visiting my daughter's family on Christmas.  A sweet tree on a vintage play block - and she found the letter 'V' for me - and buttons on it too.  I actually saw something similar at a local show and thought how cute - now I have my own personalized one.  And the pincushion - that is going into the bag so I have it when we do little projects at guild meetings.

Thank you, thank you, thank you - JoAnne notice on my blog that I LOVE Mary Engelbreit - note pad and little journal, cute baking cups (these are just too sweet to bake in), and the great iron carrier that opens to be used as an ironing pad.  Oh, I need this!  A guild member loaned me her pattern for one of these, now I don't have to make it.  AND I have one in ME fabrics!!  Drool!!

A sweet little sewing kit for sewing machine care - perfect for my new machine.  My favorite color is blue - look at those FQs!!  And JoAnne hand dyed these herself - extra special.  These will have to go into a very special project - they need to shine.

Thank you JoAnne for so many lovely and thoughtful gifts and to Cheryll for hosting again.

It looks like a very Merry Christmas,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Hasn't Joanne done an amazing job her goodies are fabulous. Love the bag it's gorgeous.

  2. wow sharon you got some gorgeous goodies there,this is such a fun swap.xx

  3. What lovely gifts Joanne has sent you, Sharon.

  4. Sew many wonderful gifts from your partner Joanne

  5. What a wonderful "sack", and the gifts in it were great too.

  6. Fabulous bag - just an amazing parcel - and JoAnne was worried she hadn't sent you enough presents in her parcel to you - she has excelled. just loving seeing all the beautiful gifts being sent and received!!

  7. What nice gifts from Joanne! Looks like a fun swap!! I found your blog after reading Joanne's post about your swap! I'm a new follower!

  8. Oh my goodness! What a spectacular Santa Sack, those blue fabrics are just scrumptious and the bag is fantastic but I especially like the take along ironing pad! So many goodies to cherish.
    I'm going to have to check out this fun swap, it looks like scads of fun.
    Merry Christmas :)

  9. You definitely had the right swap partner. Joann did an awesome. Enjoy your gifts.

  10. It seems JoAnne knows your tastes very well. That's a wonderful bag and great treats inside.

  11. Oh My... JoAnne's gift are perfect! I love them ALL too! And a just reward as well. Thanks to the both of you for joining in this year. Merry Christmas Sharon to you and your family! See you again in 2014! :)

  12. some really great gifties Sharon. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.

  13. Wow, Sharon! So many goodies. You must have been a good girl this year :D

  14. The tree on the block is so cute and I bet you felt like you had Santa's sack taking all of those lovelies out.

  15. Such a lovely post and special, personal gifts. I just read that you are an angel too...very nice of you. xx debbie

  16. You have received some lovely gifts. Santa has been very kind. Jille x

  17. You received so many wonderful surprises in that sack that I don't think Santa could have gotten it down your chimney. I really love the iron carrier/pad. ME is one of my favorites sop I enjoy seeing things made up in her fabrics.

  18. Wow - you made out like a bandit Sharon!!! What thoughtful and lovely gifts :*) Especially like the V ornament - perfect!!!

  19. Many beautiful gifts from your partner, Merry Christmas Sharon

  20. Sharon,
    I'm not sure what happened, but this post never showed up in my feed(s)! I just saw it after your newer post. I'm happy you like everything. I didn't do a lot of real "Christmasy" stuff as you only get to have that out part of the year. I never did see your favorite color, but usually blue is a safe bet. I'm glad you like it! Also I didn't know if you had one of those iron caddies, so I'm glad that you didn't have one of those, either. Best of all was getting to "know" you! Merry Christmas!!!

  21. What a lovely Santa bag. You and I were almost Santa buddies a few years ago and then Cheryl decided it might not cost as much if we stayed within our own country. Anyway that is how I started to follow you and really enjoy your blog and all the beautiful quilts you do.
    Hope that you have power for Christmas, a lot of people in Ontario don't especially Toronto.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year

  22. That was some terrific goodies that you received. I know that you will enjoy all of them.
