
Monday, December 23, 2013

Celtic Soltice Part #4

Well, the old gal came home all cleaned, repaired, and prime for some sewing!  What better to put her back into her paces that the next step of Celtic Soltice.

Lots of 4-patches quickly went thru her in an afternoon.  I love how this machine hums along and is so spot on with her seam allowance that very little trimming had to be done.  We are ready for the next step.
** linking up with Bonnie Hunter @ Quiltville **

The only sewing I have been doing this month has been Solitice.  Gosh, piecing on my old machine got me inspired.  So I pulled the box of units for the 'Count Down to Christmas' by Temecula Co.  I will try to get at least half of the quilt top together - already rippet a few sections as I just lose the flow of the pattern for some reason.  I love these Mid Winter Reds fabrics.


Remember the photos of all our snow, here is the same shots a few days later.  We went from single digits to the 60's and rain (yes, Winter Soltice felt like Spring), so most of the snow is gone - yet still that same grey sky.  We are to drop back down into 'cold' and an ice storm is predicted now for Christmas Day.  We shall see.

I will be taking the rest of the week for family, friends, food, and memories.  Merry Christmas and Season's Blessings to all.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Your "old" machine looks brand new. The Celtic quilt is going to be a beauty. Merry Christmas and wishes for a beautiful holiday.

  2. There's nothing like sewing on a favored machine.... after a while you become a team, you know what the other needs and will do at any given time. Congrats on having your partner back, and on getting so much of Celtic Solstice done! Merry Christmas to you & yours!!!

  3. I have spent a few days on catching up on CS. I can't wait until we get to make blocks! I did cave and start a 2nd one in Bonnie' s colours too.

  4. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Sharon. Thanks for a great year of friendship. Hugs, Christine xx

  5. Merry Christmas Sharon. Love the Countdown to Christmas. I really wanted to do that one too. Enjoy your family.

  6. Merry Christmas Sharon. I hope you enjoy it with family and friends! :)

  7. merry xmas my lovely friend to you and your family.xx

  8. I love the Midwinter Red fabrics too.

    Merry Christmas Sharon.

  9. Merry Christmas and enjoy your time with family

  10. Merry Christmas Sharon! blessings, marlene

  11. Can't wait to see how your Countdown to CHristmas turns out... you used some darker neutrals so I look forward to seeing how the design is changed by that.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  12. Happy Holidays to you and yours Sharon!

  13. At first I thought that was a new machine!! NICE!!

    Gosh, you have such beautiful scenery around your place. I just love it.

  14. The ' old gal' is a new must work like a charm!
    I closed my shop for two weeks so I'm using spare time to pop in on my long lost friends. Merry Christmas Sharon. Send me your snail mail in reply. I've had a box sealed for you for months. I don't even know what's in it. Time to send it then lol!!

  15. I'm so happy your machine is back home!!! Merry Christmas, Sharon!!!!

  16. Way to keep up with the mystery!

  17. How nice to have your machine back in time to finish off this mystery!

  18. Merry Christmas, Sharon!! And thank you for being such a sweet friend!! :-))

  19. Lovely colors in those blocks....and what fun to get a special machine back, ready to put the pedal to the metal! Hope the ice storm skipped over and didn't dump on you! Hugs!

  20. Ooooh this is looking great - I'm so excited to see this finished. You make me want to run over and get out my scraps and head to Quiltville! :) Believe it or not, I have never done one of her mysteries!

  21. The Midwinter reds are so pretty. I hope you had a fantastic holiday with your family and friends.
