
Friday, July 5, 2013

Whooping it up Friday

I hope everyone had a pleasant and safe 4th of July.  I stayed home, enjoying the piece and quite, to keep an eye on the shop.  My big Whoop - finishing those 5 bindings that were on the 'to-do' list for the week.  A lot of red.white, and blue in there.  These are the backs as some projects cannot be revealed just yet - BUT they are all done!

One of those binding projects - finishing up "Little Baskets" from the Simply Charming Minis book.

I believe these were extra blocks I made during one of the Temcula Quilt Co projects - that poor little top sat for quite a while - finally it is a finish. Oh, did you see the latest Temecula mini?  2.5" finished baskets - and yes, I made one - and that is all I will be making - I have lots of MINI projects on the go and need all those tiny parts.  My little basket will become a new name tag badge for Quilt Guild.

The last binding project I can share - finished up the hidden spool quilt that I found in the 'under the bed' tote that held my Christmas fabrics.  Such a shame I hid that away.

A first - I did a lot of micro stipple on this one and it took forever!!  And lots of thread.

Yes, lots of thread has been used and thankfully my cone order came in the nick of time.  I went thru two of those smaller spools in 3 weeks - yes, I sew a lot! 

Yes, leave me alone and I sew like crazy!!  Two more blocks for the
Flower Patch Quilt.

The next block for the Quilt Doodle's 2013 BOM.  I really love this Birds & Berries fabric.

And the next two blocks for BeaQuilter's Sampler.

There has been a lot of new BUTTONS added to the side bar so take some time to browse them all - I am sure there is something there for everyone.

Please consider taking part in 100 Quilts For Kids - I have a quilt in progress from my left over scraps and a panel of The Lorax.

AND my helpers................

Well, Bella was sitting here first and when I came back with the camera - Moe!!  Magic!!  Bella drawn to the red and Moe drawn to the black.  He got a swat as my little tubs of pieces got scattered to the floor as well as the pins.  Don't forget while you are working up your quilts - The Pets On Quilts parade is coming up fast - August is around the corner.


Sewingly Yours,
      linking up with Whoop-Whoop Friday and Feline Friday              


  1. Oh Sharon what lovely blocks you have made - and so much to see on your blog -I just don't have time to do it all !!!!!

  2. Your hidden spool quilt is lovely Sharon. You certainly have been busy.

  3. FIVE bindings, Sharon? Wow!!! You are my hero. I always love love love seeing your quilt progress. 2.5" baskets? That's just amazing! Love your Quilt Doodle BOM block. (That's what I am working on today.) Love your spool quilt that was hidden under the bed! Glad it got to come out to play. Some great finishes here. I can't wait to see the reveals of the others!

  4. love your quilt Sharon and wow your blocks are great,well done.xx

  5. I love seeing all of your projects. That Hidden Spool quilt is stunning.

  6. Wowie Kazowie! I can't believe you get all that done! I love that quilt you found hidden away. And your Bea blocks look wonderful. I need to get on mine too!

  7. The mini baskets sounds like just your thing and amazing to me. I love that quilt, it's beautiful!

  8. You and your quilty kitties have been very busy! I particularly love the Hidden Spools quilt and the Flower Patch blocks ... :) Pat

  9. My goodness! You have been busy! Many lovelies. Those furry buddies have been mischievous! lol. We barbecued some chicken between showers on the 4th. It was a good day to eat and sew. Your closing thoughts made me smile.

  10. Love every single one. The micro stippling is really pretty. I think my fav is the first little basket one :). I used to say I didn't like summer but then we had last winter... I love your poem, it really hit home with me.

  11. What a great post, Sharon. Your hidden spools quilt is stunning, and the rest of your work is beautiful. You had a good day! I like summer, but I'm crazy anyway. I wonder what that means.

  12. So many goodies as usual. I sure love The Hidden Spools.

  13. You have been sewing up a storm Sharon! Your hidden spool is beautiful - great quilting.

  14. Love your basket quilts! BTW, Temecula's newest little blocks are only 2" finished. I've made one so far and I'll make more but not at the one-a-day pace they set since I started late and will be gone half the month :) Do Bella and Moe often "fight" for the same spot? happy Feline Friday!

  15. Hehee! Love your poem at the end....thanks for the shout out for the Pets on Quilts show. Love seeing all your blocks, and your furries, too!

  16. I have seen the mini basket and marveled at the tiny four patches. Both of your basket quilts are sweet. The poem is a good wake up call for someone like me who has been moaning about the heat these past few day. I'm not crazy, just hot:)

  17. Lots of eye candy today Sharon , love both basket projects and the spool quilt is amazing !

  18. Lots and lots of pretty finishes for you today, Sharon! Love the little quilts, and your blocks are awesome! And your under-the-bed quilt is amazing! Whoop whoop!!

  19. Great post, Sharon!! And boy have you been busy!! Everything you have finished are great!! And thanks for the heads up on 100 Quilts for Kids - I posted about it on my blog this evening!! Great idea!!!

  20. Sharon, you had another wonderful time with these projects! I really love the hidden spools quilt...I find the fabrics are gorgeous and show the pattern so well. Great quilting!

  21. Finally completing those bindings I'm sure felt good. I'm glad you enjoyed your 4th even if it was quiet.

  22. Sharon, your Hidden Spools quilt is just lovely -- I don't think I've seen this particular pattern before! At least, I never saw the spools, if I did. I wouldn't have looked for them if not for the name of the quilt! I really like it! And Moe -- he's such a dapper fellow! I like that little ditty on summer, too! May have to borrow that one! : )
