
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Design Wall Monday 7/8/13

I made up the July set of Alphabet Blocks for the QAL over at Blossom Heart Quilts.  They are as easy as ABC - yes, a bit of a pun, but really - they are so quick and easy.  Hop over and check it out - 5 blocks may sound like a lot, but they really do work up fast.

I was very tempted to do them up in very modern fabrics, but I wanted something a little different, a little fun, and great texture.  So I pulled an old Connecting Threads FQ bundle - a colorful flannel 'Wild Ones' with some Kona Snow. Lots of fun animals, bright prints, and alphabet pieces.

I am so tempted to go back to my old broken camera - ugh, my pictures are really suffering  with this new one.  Anyway - two more Flower Patch blocks are done.  I am holding myself back from doing this quilt right up - let's enjoy the process instead. (I have plenty of projects to keep my busy anyway)

**I will be linking up with Pathwork Times

And I will be mailing out my July Red/White/Blue theme Monthly Doll Quilt swap in the morning.  Just a sneak peek!


Jen over at Quilted Daughter is despirately looking for some 2009 Sandy Gervais "Celebrate Spring".  She has a post up with selvedge # and a photo of the fabric - she's searched the web and I spent a lot of time too - with no luck.  So hopefully one of you sweet bloggers has some in your stash.


Speaking of selvedges - I have a large zip bag over flowing and my person whom I gift these on to has said 'enough'.  Yes, there are some Moda, Kaufman, Hoffman, etc.... ties in there, too. So if you would be interested, let me know in your comment - will ship international.  I will leave the comments open until midnight (est) Friday and will draw a name and contact person on Saturday, July 13. 

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Please put my name in the hat Sharon! There are some small projects I've been wanting to try with selvedges but I haven't collected enough yet.

    Love the ABC blocks so, of course, I had to join the QAL. Your doll and doll quilt are so sweet!

  2. I love your Flower Patch blocks Sharon - I've been meaning to try some!
    I'd love some selvedges but I'm in the UK and I expect the postage is too much!

  3. I'm not interested in the selvedges, Sharon, but had to leave a comment about your awesome alphabet and flower patch blocks. Good luck getting to know your new camera.

  4. love those blocks Sharon and how cute is that little doll.xx

  5. The Alphabet blocks are great...perfect choice of fabrics. As always, your flower blocks are sweet, and your doll and quilt are sure going to please someone. I'll have to pass on the selvedges...I collect them too so already have plenty.

  6. Your ABC blocks look nice and using flannel is smart. A child would have fun with that quilt. Love your dolly and the flower blocks, too.

  7. Your ABC quilt is going to be great and some lucky person is going to be really cosy wrapped up in it.

    I love the look of your flower blocks, they are fun too, and I bet your red, white and blue doll quilt makes someone very happy.

  8. I would love to have your selvages. I am saving up for a quilt project. It is taking a long time to get enough.

  9. I'm crazy about selvages! Thanks for the giveaway and love your flower blocks!

  10. I would love your extra selvedges. I have saved the alphabet directions to make the grandson's names. Ofcourse I need to wait for X and Y to complete their names. Seeing your blocks I think I should do them all. Joanne

  11. Your alphabet blocks are so awesome. The fabric is perfect for them. No selvages for me but hope someone enjoys them!

  12. Love your alphabet and flower blocks, Sharon. Enjoying watching those quilts come together. Sweet baby doll.
    I'm not interesting in the salvages.

  13. I love those alphabet blocks!! I have been wanting to join in on those.

    The flowers look terrific too.

    Since I am working on a selvage quilt right now, I would really appreciate some additional selvages. Please add my name.

  14. Oh, I would love to win your selvedges! I am saving for a big project, so yours would find a nice home here! Thanks for thinking of your readers and not (...gasp...) throwing them away.

  15. Great blocks , the Abc's Re so cute and I love those other blocks as well . You make the cutest dolls ! I would love to win the selvedges , thanks for the chance,

  16. Your ABC's are just sweet and love the little doll. Thanks for the chance to win the selvedges.

  17. I really like the alphabet blocks and I love the fabrics that you chose. Your little doll is very sweet and I may need to make one!

  18. I am a collector of selvedges too. They add up when your quilter friends find out you want them. My long-term quilting buddy gives me her long ones from trimming. I have mine rolled into a big ball for now. A rag rug may be made from them at a later date. You sure did SEW up a lot while you had alone time.

  19. I would LOVE the bag of selvedges. I never have enough to make anything it seems. Do you know where I can get the pattern for the Flower Patch block? I just saw the site for the ABC's today and can't wait to get started on them. Gee maybe I can do them out of selvedges. Joke Joke.

  20. Oh wow, done already!! They look fabulous!! Thanks for joining in! And heck, never say no to selvages :)

  21. I love the ABC blocks... I love to win the giveaway too.. Please put my name in the hat :)

  22. I would love some selvages! I've been saving mine, but don't have enough yet for a project (new and slow quilter here). Thanks for the chance to win some!

  23. I love those ABC blocks! Thanks for sending that link. :) blessings, marlene

  24. Those blocks are great. I love your flower blocks. I am adding this quilt to my wish list!

  25. sharon -- please include me as I am wanting to start making string blocks and this would be a great addition to my collection.

  26. You are always so busy! :) Blogger is doing strange things again with my blog comments...for some reason your comment didn't go into my inbox...and I received a comment from months ago today from my Dad...what is going on?!! LOL* :) I think I may have some leftovers of the Celebrate Spring line but not very much, I don't think there is even a was one of my favorites!!!

  27. Please add my name to the drawing! I have been wanting to do a selvage wall hanging but just don't have enough variety yet. Thanks, Beth in AL

  28. I love the colors you are using for the alphabet blocks.
