
Friday, May 3, 2013

Traveling Stash Box & Pass It On Box

I spent the day (Friday) baby sitting my grandies - this senior citizen tired out the younguns for once - instead of the other way around!

The winner of the Traveling Stash Box is Vicki of A Creative Notion.

NOW on to the second box that arrived at my house - Pass It On

The Pass It On box was originally designed for various crafts, gentle UFOs and blocks as well as fabric, but somewhere along the line someone dumped the box and changed it up totally to fabric.  As well as it was a large box, now it is a medium box.  This is the fabric and there are 3 different 'pre-cut squares' packaged.

A few patterns - one embellishment package and two pre-printed stuffy cut outs.

 These are the items I decided to take:
1/2 yrd of an older Thimbleberries, 1/2 yrd of the civil war blue, 3/4 yrd of the wine country, 1/2 yrd of the Monet Garden print and 5 FQs.  The stuffy pre-prints I donated to the church 'sewing sessions' - they have some pre-teens who like to make these to add to the Christmas boxes. And the two year planner - I really need this one for my purse.

This is what I am adding to the box:  3/4 yrd of the yellow butterfly print, 1/2 yrd CT 'Bookish' orange print, 1/2 yrd hot pink 'Sketch', 4 FQs, package of 50 five inch squares (florals cut from my stash), 20" wide 2 yrd length (left of a border fabric) Windham civil war print.

To add some 'other' craft to the box - three rocking horse cross stitch patterns  and the dogs cross stitch book.  Not in photo - I am adding two packaged (2 set) pre-stamped pillowcases and a large bag of DMC floss.  Once the box is re-packed, I will fill in the 'holes' with some other  items.

Due to shipping costs, only posting in the USA - all the rules and guidelines for the traveling boxes can be found HERE.  I will leave the comments open until Wednesday Mayl 8th midnight (est) and announce the winner the next day.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Looks like a fun box--(I think you meant comments until May 8, not April?? LOL) I have never done this before, but it looks like fun...Julierose

  2. Thank you Julie - that has been corrected.

  3. That box looks fun, I wish I lived in the USA so I could join in. Never mind I'll have to try and start a similar box here in the UK.

  4. What FuN toys to play with...the box/s looks sooo interesting! :)

  5. Do not include me please but I am always so
    Impressed with your cleaning up and taking care of these boxes. Too bad not everyone does that.

  6. Hi Sharon! Sure looks like a fun box! You have added some great stuff. Haven't had a stash box in ages and this one would be great to win! Thanks for all of your great work keeping the boxes full of good stuff!

  7. would love ot be entered for this one

  8. Pretty additions, please put my name in the "hat."
