
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Monday May For Me

Hard to believe that we are into the last week of May!  And that we had snow in our area over the weekend!  But, good news, it is to start warming back up with a few dry days before we start to get drenched again. 

My ME time was a lot of 'un-plugged' time - thanks to mother nature.  But I did enjoy some fabric catalogs - yes new fabric will be arriving for some June fun.  As well as I browsed some quilting books off the shelf - marking pages.  I think 2014 will be a year to grab a book and make at least ONE quilt from it - instead of sitting gathering dust on the shelf.

And I finished my 'Favorite Quilt Blocks QAL' with Persimon Dreams.  If you finished your quilt top by May 25 and added to the flicker group, you were entered into some winnings - I won a $50 certificate toward a longarm quilting with Marcia's Crafy Sewing .  This quilt will actually be sent off to a local longarmer to be completed and I will wait til' the fall to hook up with Marcia on another project.

No tip today, but I would like to remind you that Tonya of HillBilly Handiworks is collecting 12.5" unfinished blocks in school colors for quilts for the teachers of Oklahoma - visit Tonya for full information as well as where to send your block(s). There is a time frame as blocks need to get to those putting them into tops and off to the quilters for finishing for a timely presentation of the quilts.


First - the winner of last week's giveaway - had my SIL pick a number between 1-30.  SO ------- number 6 come on down.  Ooops, gotta go check who that is -------

Belinda of The Seam Rippers  is the winner of the 'Baby Cakes' quilt kit.
Congratulations Belinda and I will send off an e-mail for information.

This being the last May For Me week and ALSO this is my 500th post - I am giving away FOUR 'double the charm' - I need to clear that box off the shelf to make room for the new fabrics coming.  Two for within the USA and Two for International.  Just let me know in your comment if you are US or INT and what your first and second choice is - I will try my best to fill requests.  OH the Morris Apprentis packs have been given away earlier - reusing the photo of the group :

Duck Duck Goose - flannels
Avalon/Happy Go Lucky (they only had one Avalon,so sent the Happy with it)
Pheasant Hill
Collection for a Cause - 1835 prints
PB & J 

Comments open until midnight Sunday June 2 - I will announce the winners (and personally contact them so be sure I have a way to reach you) next Monday - June 3


Sewingly Yours,


  1. I love your idea to work from the books on your shelf next year Sharon - I may decide to join you in that! I have so many great books that are just gathering dust. Your quilt is really lovely, can't wait to see it quilted!

    As for your giveaway, number 1 is usually not the winner, but I'm in the US and my first choice of those wonderful charm packs would be PB&J, followed by Kasuri.

  2. WOW! I love your quilt, it is wonderful.
    I think I need to work my way through the boxes rather than books - all my projects that I have started, imagined or bought for are stored in boxes and I need to clear some of these out.

    You are very generous to run another giveaway. I am international and I would love PB&J or Duck, Duck, Goose. Thanks again.

  3. Congratulations! Certificate toward some long arm quilting! Awesome.
    Love your sampler block quilt. I like sampler quilt.
    I have some wonderful quilt pattern books and calendars. I'd like to make some quilts from those next year, too.
    Wonderful give away. I'm in the US and my first choice would be PB&J, followed by Kasuri.

  4. Congratulations on your win and thanks for the giveaway!
    I'm in the UK and my choices would be PB&J and Avalon/Happy go Lucky

  5. love your quilt Sharon,the blocks are fantastic. If i was lucky enough to win my 1st choice would be collection for a cause and 2nd choice is pb&j,thankyou for a chance in your giveaway Sharon,have a lovely evening.xx

  6. sorry i forgot Sharon i am international.xx

  7. Congrats on your 500the post...quite a milestone! Your quilt is wonderful and I love your idea of making a quilt from every book. Thanks for the chance...I am International and love Collections for a Cause and Pheasant Hill.

  8. Congratulations on your 500th! I'd love to help you celebrate by winning wither the Pheasant Hill or the Collections for a Cause pack, thanks. Oh, and I live in the UK.

  9. 500 posts! Wow. You are a faithful blogger. It is always a treat to see what you are up to.

    Thanks for the chance to win. I am in the US. 1st choice is Avalon/Happy Go Lucky. 2nd choice is PB&J.

  10. Congrats on 500 posts! These charms are all great but I'd choose Kasari first, then the mixed Avalon. Thanks so much for the giveaway! Oh....I'm in the USA, celebrating (honoring)Memorial Day!

  11. I'm local and I love the Pheasant Hill.

  12. 500 posts is a testament to your productivity. I know when I have good work to share, it's much easier to write a post. It has taken me about 7 years to do 100 posts.

  13. Congrats on a wonderful month of surprises for you and your followers! Thanks for a chance to win Avalon/happy go lucky and Lario. in the USA

  14. I love your quilt Sharon and congratulations on your 500 post. I am in London UK so International. Should I win I won't mind which you send me, all fabric is joyfully received in my house.

  15. 500! Congratulations! Keep writing and I will keep reading. I love your blog.

    I in the US - my choices would be Lairo, Collection for a Cause, Pheasant Hill, PB&J. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  16. Congratulations on your 500th! Not sure if I've read them all but certainly have enjoyed your many posts. I am an international reader and really love Lario or Pheasant Hill. Thank you as well for the reminder of the importance of this holiday.

  17. Congrats on 500th post. I enjoy your blog. Your quilt is awesome. I live in the US and I would like collection for a cause or pheasant hill. Thank you for a chance to win.

  18. The quilt really turned out great. Nice job. I'm glad better weather is here if only for a few days. If I am so lucky enough to win I'd love the Collection for a Cause packs. US of course. Thanks for the chance to win and a big congrats on the 500th post.

  19. Congrats on post 500! Love your idea to use your books next year - I should do that, too. The 1835 prints and Lario are very pretty - thanks for the chance to win (US).

  20. Congratulations on your win and your 500th post. Your quilt is gorgeous!

    I would choose Kasuri and PB&J if I were to win. That would be my #1&2 choice.

  21. Congratulations on your 500th post!
    We didn't have snow but it sure was cold! I would love "Duck Duck Goose" or "PB&J" I am in the US.

  22. Thank you so much Sharon!! I can't wait to get my hands on the Baby Cakes!! Thank you for your generosity and congratulations on your win!!

  23. Congrats on 500! I love your goal of using your books. I have a couple I'd like to make something out of!

    I love the PB&J, I'm in the US.

  24. It sure has been fun reading your May for Me posts! Thanks for sharing them with us all. I really like your idea to make at least one quilt from a book next year. I had some people over recently and while we were looking through my bookshelf, I realized how many books I have in which I had planned to make a quilt and it hasn't yet happened. I think I'm going to start pulling fabric right away when I pick a pattern too. Maybe that'll be the swift kick in the butt that I need. Awesome giveaway! I live in the good old USA and like all the choices. :-)

  25. Lovely quilt top finish! I'm in the US, northern Ny so know about those idiving temps. and those PB&J charms would be so sweet to win, that I'd be willing to help you empty that part of your shelf. lol
    As for the other selection, that Lario looks appealing. I've Enjoyed your May for Me posts and thank you for hosting such a generous giveaway. Thanks for the chance and enjoy your Holiday weekend! Jane

  26. Congratulations on reaching such an impressive blogging milestone! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your May!! I am in the US and love thos PB&J charms!

  27. Congrats on 500th post. I need to work through everything. UFO's Boxes Fabric Books Paterns. LOL Thanks for the give away! Any will be fine. Lynn

  28. Love your sampler Sharon , just beautiful ! I am in Canada and if I were lucky enough to win I'd let you choose as it truly would not matter to me. Thanks for the chance,

  29. Congratulations on your 500th post! Those fabric catalogs can be dangerous to the pocket book. Enjoy your new purchases. If I were lucky enough to win I would pick Collections for a Cause followed by Pheasant Hill. I live in the US. Thanks for the chance.

  30. I am in Canada and would love any new fabric as a win. Thank you for sharing and congrats on your 500th.

  31. Yes, I need to work from my books too! Congrats on 500 posts - I would love either PB&J or Happy Go Lucky if I were to win.

  32. Congratulations on 500 posts! Your quilt is just beautiful!

    I would love Kasuri or Avalon/Happy Go Lucky. Thank you for the chance to win.

  33. Hi, Sharon! Lovely quilt top - I love the colors and the blocks!! For the giveaway, my 1st choice would be PB&J, second would be Kasuri! Thanks for the chance!!

  34. Love your quilt top, and congrats on your win! I'm in the US and would love to win the Avalon/Happy Go Lucky or the PB&J. Thanks for the chance!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Congratulations on your 500th post. My favorite is the PB&J. I am in the US.

  37. Congratulations on your 500th post! I am international and I choose PB&J and Avalon/Happy Go Lucky.

  38. Congrats on 500 posts. I'm in the US & my choices are PB & J and Lario. Thanks.

  39. Great giveaway -- thanks for this opportunity. I am loving the PB&J but also the Morris Apprentice or Happy Go Lucky strike my fancy. I am within the US. Thanks again and congrats on 500 posts

  40. Great giveaway, thanks so much for the opportunity!

    I'm in the US, and my first choice would be Happy Go Lucky, my second PB&J.

  41. Congrats on 500 entries. Quite a milestone for sure!! I live in the US and love the flannels.

  42. Love your quilt. Very pretty and colorful. Congrats on your 500 entries. I know that also means LOTS of sewing to blog about!!

    I would be fine with whatever you choose to send as blog candy. I am in US

  43. 500 interesting and informative posts is quite an accomplishment. I would be one of your international followers. As to which pack I would like to win....It wouldn't matter. Whatever is available at the time would be wonderful. Joanne

  44. Thanks for your blogging-many great ideas you share! Avalon/
    Happy go Lucky would be good or
    blue too.

  45. Congrats on 500 posts. What a great milestones... I'm from International and love to have the Avolon/ Happy go lucky and the Pb&j if I'm the lucky winner.
