
Friday, May 24, 2013

May For Me in the Blue

It has been a bad week - our storms have not compared to some other areas, but they have kept me off my feet.  I am a real chicken when it comes to thunderstorms.  I have been 'un-plugged' several times to protect devices and myself.  The metal in my body (and I have a lot) reacts to the electrical storms, so I am not only hiding, I am hurting.

The furries are a comfort while curled on the couch - but I also have drooled over these several times.  I really don't need more fabric!  BUT they are so enticing!!

I did manage to get some BLUE sewing done.  I just love these log cabin blocks - especially in BLUE!

And the three little 'starlet' blocks - they look on the green side, but they are BLUE.


I am sure a lot of you know this, but for  those who are a little new to this whole game of 'quilting' - if you are having trouble chosing color/fabrics - use those color dots on the selvedge.  Use a focus fabric and then pull from all those lovely color dots.  AND if you can at your LQS (local quilt shop), take those fabrics to the window or outside into natural lighting to get the true value of the color.



You can use your favorite chocolate chip or sugar cookie recipe, but I am not a baker and want quick and easy so use Pillsbury ready roll dough.

Heat the oven to 375º. Turn two 12-cup muffin tins bottom side up and cover 10 of the cup bottoms with squares of aluminum foil (use every other cup so there's some space between them). Grease the foil with shortening and set it aside.

Place dough between 2 sheets of waxed paper, and roll it out to a 1/8-inch thickness. Cut out 4-inch circles of dough and place each one over a cup bottom, smoothing out any cracks. 

Bake the cookie cups for 10 to 12 minutes or until light brown. Let them cool for 10 minutes, then remove the foil and cookies together from the muffin pan. Peel off the foil and let the cups cool completely on a rack. Just before serving, fill each cookie cup with a scoop of ice cream. 

**I like to use the mini muffin cups and a melon baller to scoop small rounds of ice cream - you get to have many little treats then**

I hope you all have a safe and fun Memorial weekend

Sewingly Yours,

**linking up with SoScrappy and Marcia's May For Me


  1. Oh, Sharon, I sure hope the storms pass through and the sunshine comes out to warm you and the furries...that is no fun. I love your blue blocks - lovely! And whether or not my mid-section needs it, I intend to try that wonderful recipe! Have a lovely holiday weekend, my friend!

  2. We had a bad one come thru here last night - drove my dogs nuts.

  3. Those spring storms have been really nasty.

    I love those blues. Very nice.

    Great idea for the ice cream cups. I'm sure they are a huge hit.

  4. About the only thing more fun and delightful than your blue blocks is a fun idea for a delicious treat! Thanks for sharing that Sharon!

  5. Hope the weather has improved and you feel better - I love your log cabin blue blocks

  6. I am not an ice cream eater but I know my husband would love it. Thanks for the recipe. Your logs are so adorable and so small. I look forward to seeing your finished project.

  7. Hope you are doing better. I've been reliving the first tornado in Moore, back in 1999, when we lived in Tulsa (less than 100 miles away).

  8. Hope your storms are over . I also hope your joints feel better , no fun hurting especially if it interferes with sewing . Love your log cabin blocks and little stars in blue ! Take care .

  9. Hopefully the storms will be over soon and you'll be feeling better. Your blue blocks are lovely. Have a lovely weekend Sharon.

  10. Lots of pretties in this week's post! Sorry about the storms - I hope they're gone now and you're feeling back to normal! I love those little blue star blocks...

  11. Lots of pretties in this week's post! Sorry about the storms - I hope they're gone now and you're feeling back to normal! I love those little blue star blocks...

  12. I'd drool too! Especially for the cookie ice cream cups!

  13. Love all your sewing...
    I feel so sorry for all those in the affected areas of the US and for those like you in the not so but still frightening storms. Please stay safe! :)

  14. I am referring your blog post to my children for my GC sake..those ice cream cups are so cute!

  15. I love the feel of all the soft light prints you were able to use with the blues. We all seem to have some log cabins being made this month.

  16. I can only imagine how those storms effect the metal in your body. Hopefully those storm fronts move out soon!
    I drool over my Keepsake and Connecting Threads catalogs, too. But wanting to use my scraps and stash at this time. Make room for new fabric later.
    Love your small blue log cabin and star blocks : )
    I keep forgetting those helpful salvage color dots.
    Awesome cookie ice cream cup idea!

  17. I love those little starlet blocks and that log cabin is very pretty, HAVE been busy this week. I hope you have a wonderful Mem. Day weekend...julierose

  18. Beautiful log cabins blocks. Yummy recipe too!

  19. I hope those storms have moved on. Love your sweet log cabin and stars...and those yummy cookie cups look amazing.

  20. Yes the recent storms have been very rough. I"m sorry that they hurt you so much. Hopefully we are on our way to much sunnier days. I have those catalogs too and it is hard to resist.

  21. Hopefully by now the storms have moved on. The ice cream treats sound like a delicious distraction. Lovely blue blocks too. Hope you use up enough old fabric to make room for some new.

  22. This is a wonderful post today, though I'm so sorry about your storms and your pain. I love your blue blocks, both patterns are lovely! And I love your ice cream bowl idea. It's now on the menu for my little boys' half-birthday party in June!

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. I hope your weather is improving Sharon? Have the storms been warm tropical ones, or just plain, cold thunderstorms? I hope you get some nice, fine summer weather soon. I love your blues. The log cabins look great.

  25. My goodness, a lot of great ideas here, I really like your blue log cabins.
