
Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend Conquered

I really think we are not going to have Spring in these parts.  Grey, cold, rain, snow, wind..........  But it makes for great sewing time - I don't go out in that stuff unless absolutely necessary!  I finished up the 'Get Your Mrs Clause On' doll quilts.  The hourglass one I thought was too 'dark' for a child's dolly quilt, so that got put aside - maybe for the shop and a grown up doll quilt.

And I got the binding on that quilt back from the long armer.  This was a 16-patch QAL last year???  Someone remind me and I will update the info as I like to give credit where due.  This is Petite Odile with Kona Cream.  I totally forgot about this quilt until I pulled the border fabric (for another quilt) and then it hit me!!  It is backed with a Timeless Treasure x-wide Fleur cream texture and using Arnold's Attic (barn red) for the binding.  I will leave this laid out on the side table so I can throw some stitches in the binding inbetween other things. 

How exciting - a box.  I am participating in a 'colour' swap.  I had to fight off two furries for the box, for the wrapping paper, for the ribbon.............. I had to hold up the flap as this is a secret swap and I don't want to give away anything - especially the color.  This is now taped up, labeled, and ready to go out in the morning mail - along with the doll quilts.

You know I am honest about my mess - no fancy studio for me.  But this really has to be conquered this week before I do anything more.  My SIL will be coming down this week to sew, and I like to give her all the room (machines and cutting table in another room) and no interuptions - so a good time to work in this mess.  Plus, it may just be re-located and I want it easier to move.

Remember the Mug Rug Blog Hop is running thru to the 18th,
Enjoy your week

Sewingly Yours,



  1. hmm i wonder what colour is hiding behind that box Sharon,lol.xx

  2. You have some great projects here! Love the lilttle doll quilts, and a beautiful job by the longarmer. The place that you sew is sure full of fabric and inspiration...I think I spy the Country Charmer blocks!

  3. I'm surprised you won the battle with the two furries :*) Your little doll quilts are absolutely adorable!!!

  4. Love you doll rugs, so cute! Yes spring is on the way really! We just temps in the 60 yesterday here in the midwest, so it's on it's way to you. Have fun with the studio, I love spending time organizing, and then getting it all unorganized again. Like a wonderful game that never stops :)

  5. Great finishes Sharon. I loved the red fabric from Arnold's Attic that you used for your binding. The colors in the 16 patch look great together. I like to organize my sewing room before I start a new project. Now, do I do it? That's the question! --Lynn

  6. Oh Sharon, your "honest" picture makes me smile -- and lets me know I'm not alone!! Make a game of it and pretend you're on a treasure hunt!

    I hope spring makes its arrival for you, soon. We've *finally* seen it. We're witnessing that bright blast of new-leaf-green in all the trees. :)

  7. Looks like a good weekend to me! Like you, I'm just going to keep sewing until I see green out of my window and at least being productive makes me happy.

  8. Sewing progress is definitely an advantage of the cold weather. It's tough to share sewing time with garden time.

    My sewing area looks a lot like yours does. Every once in awhile it all has to be tamed so I know what I have there. LOL

  9. Love the doll quilts and the quilt you just got back is beautiful , sounds like a successful weekend .

  10. Love everything. I spent yesterday afternoon re-organizing and moving all my stuff around in my sewing room. It's working so much better for me. :)
    Here's wishing you warmth and sunshine!!

  11. Oh I'm strategic about my sewing room mess! I generally angle for a area when photographing!

  12. My sewing room is scheduled for a makeover as soon as my hubby makes some cabinets for my new IKEA drawer units - so it will get mucked out then. But it looks worse than yours right now! I'm so going to love getting some better organization in there....

  13. Ahh yes,but it's organised mess. I bet you know just where to find things? My space is the same. To the non understanding it looks like mess, to me everything has a place! I really like the 16patch quilt. I don't know if we're going to have an autumn in this part of Australia! We've had an extended summer and now it's as cold and wet as winter.
