
Friday, April 12, 2013

Caught Up??

Well, I hope I am caught up.  I changed the European Bird to a NorthAmerican bird found in our region - the Baltimore Oriole.  We get these in our Christmas Tree lot (with natural spring) - they like to be in high places with access to berries, insects and water - so this is a perfect habitat for them.  They will come down occassionally to the birdfeeders and even partake of the Hummingbird feeders.

And thanks to Sheila - it hit me that I hadn't worked on my 'green' blocks this week for the Rainbow QAL.  So I quickly pulled that box out and my scrap barrels of this size pre-cuts and did up my BIG star block.  I marked on my calendar for a week of starlet blocks and then a week of log cabins - so I don't forget again! ** linking up with SoScrappy -Rainbow QAL **

I had to break up all that block making with some play in scraps.  This box holds what is left of my Orphan block pieces from prior projects - I tend to make more than necessary for a good mix of color/pattern as well as sometimes I just can't count!  Using them up slowly - and sometimes adding to it.

They quickly work up into great mini/doll quilts.  The smaller ones need  to be finished up to  size for the 'Get Your Mrs. Claus On' program.  And then to be quilted/bound so I can send them on in the mail.  This is my weekend project - we will still be rained in!

And one of my early monthly projects that was in secret - this is the dollie and quilt I made for my swap partner.  We both agreed to skip the monthly theme of 'Birthday Celebration' (the groups 1st birthday) and go with something bright and fun.  This pattern is '9-Patch Magic' from Konda Luckau's book Simply Charming Minis.

I used Flirt charms - the brighter ones for the front and the lite charms were pieced for the back.  The binding is a Connecting Threads.  And the dollie gets dressed up with scraps from the whole thing.  And my signature label and tiny buttons.

Now to clean up and re-organize the 'room' so I am really sure I am caught up.  I do need to start thinking on my next set of blocks for my 'Country Charmer' stars and get at least one block done on the quilt kit project.  AND I have a quilt back from the longarmer that needs it's binding. Oh, yes, I am still working on the postage stamp, but now as a leader/ender to get the finished size for the quilt top.

And I did go pick up my Jeep - wanted to do that in case we can't get over the creek with all this rain.  Yes, that awful flood alert puts our valley into a panic.

Keep dry and safe,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. Such lovely blocks Sharon! You quilt circles around me, and its so fun to see all the beauty that you create.

    I am hoping the rain subsides very soon.

  2. So many goodies in this post, Sharon. Lovely paper pieced Baltimore Oriole looks very difficult!
    Love your green star. The week has flown. I played with green this morning.
    Thanks for the Orphan Box idea! I one one.
    Sweet doll and blanket : )
    Hope it stops raining there. Be safe, dear girl.

  3. Your Oriole is so beautiful! I love it!

  4. Sharon - Would you send some of your "getting things done early" fairy dust my way?? Your blocks are all darling and your doll quilt is so sweet and done VERY early!! My Doll Quilt Swap quilt is already in my head noodling around - does that count as early?? :-)) And your bird block is AMAZING!!

  5. You are always so busy Sharon... surely you need a vacation soon! Great job on getting "caught up"! :)

  6. Sharon, your bird block is just stunning! Hope a little sunshine comes your way. Can't wait to see what you do with all those orphan blocks. I'm tempted to making one (or five) large quilts with mine, but there will be no color scheme whatsoever. Have a great weekend. Hope you get a lot of sewing done.

  7. Love the changes to the FQAL bird block. I still need to start with tha, but haven't had the time yet LOL. Guess I have LOADS of catching up to do...

  8. Wow, wow, and more wows! This post is full of such wonderful things! Gorgeous bird block, and the green big star really has my interest...beautiful. Love the idea of an orphan block, and so wonderful that you can use them for other projects. Your doll quilt is especially beautiful!

  9. You are amazing! I love each photo and project you worked on this week! Especially love the doll quilt!

  10. Your orphan block box just make me smile, so many fun possibilities in there. Lovely green block. Thanks for joining in.

  11. Wow! on the Baltimore Oriole.

    And your doll quilt and dolly are so cute. I can't believe how many orphan blocks you have. Great way to use them in the doll quilts.

    And, you even managed a little green which brought me here.

  12. Your oriole block is beautiful, and I love that charming little dolly and her quilt! I remember well the upstate NY floods, having lived next to the Susquehanna River for a number of years. Good luck, and may the rain end soon.

  13. I just adore your little quilts from leftover blocks Sharon!!! Too darn cute :*) And as always, I'm jealous of your DQM partner - those little dolls simply make me smile every time :*) I have to get busy with my greens too - hopefully today. I'm leaving again for a week on Monday so I'll get really behind once again. *sigh*

  14. So many pretty quilts and blocks! LOVE the swap set... your partner is very lucky.

  15. Your entire post was a delight, so many wonderful projects. I especially love your idea of doll quilts from your orphan blocks, and I love the dollie and quilt that you made for your swap partner.

  16. WOW - you have been BUSY! That paper pieced bird is fantastic...and your orphan blocks are giving me heart palpitations!!! I'm getting that really prim country old quilt pull right now. Very opposite of the weather!!

  17. Lovely blocks, Sharon. So precise!! hugs Julierose

  18. Love your Baltimore Oriole, so much detail. Hope you are having a great weekend.

  19. I love your box of leftovers that you make into small quilts. They are stunning. Great green star block.

  20. your Baltimore Oriole pp block....along with your dollie, small quilt and ophan blocks....beautiful work...thanks for sharing, Sharon!!!! :)

  21. The Baltimore Oriole is stunning! Love the dollie and quilt, too....sure hope you see some sunshine soon!

  22. Love the idea of the orphan block box - need to copy that for sure. Great green star block.

  23. I forgot to mention the Oriole in my first comment - you did an awesome job with that bird!!! I was born in Baltimore, so I have a soft spot in my heart for the orioles :*)

  24. Your bird block is stunning and I love the doll quilt. I have also started making extra blocks on projects as it seems I either lose some or I just can't count! I am now sewing them up as prem baby quilts

  25. Sharon I love your Baltimore Oriole - we don't get those this far south. But the hummingbirds showed up this week. We didn't have the feeders out yet so they bumped the patio door until they got our attention! blessings, marlene

  26. I want to start the Forrest QAL. Love your Oriole = perfect!

  27. I love the Baltimore Oriole block. Over the years, we've only seen one at our house.
    Your scrap barrels always yield such wonderful surprises. The doll swap quilt is lovely.

  28. Love all your projects, especially the cute, blue stars and the bird.

  29. wow you have been busy! You have some pretty awesome work there!

  30. Oh Sharon! The bird is beautiful!!! The doll quilt and dolly are so sweet too.
