
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Design Wall Monday 2/4/13

When you wind 8 bobbins and use all of them, it is a wonderful weekend of sewing! After 'dumpster diving' in the scrap bin for purple fabrics for the Rainbow Challenge blocks ( and a few more pink ones got made as I found more pinks)- I set aside lite color bits to make corners for these little 16-patches.  Maybe next weekend I can start putting these all together into a quilt top.

Then I worked on Row Two of Temecula's little quilt.  5 pretty square in a square blocks - although I am thinking of replacing the striped corners on the one block.

I haven't laid all these blocks out before and I did so this weekend.  Grandmother's Choice Quilt Along with newest block made up  I have changed some of the blocks that I had trouble with the originals just not coming out to size or horribly wonky.  I just wanted to see and make sure I am getting a good balance of color.  I think we are half way into the blocks now. 

And February's NewFO project - my LQS - Quilt Bug's Super Bowl Mystery was a fun start, but then I had some interuptions so only got the center done.  Hopefully I can get the borders on today.  Kris will be leaving this up for free until Feb 16th and then it will be a paid pattern.  There were just 3 clues and a few people were real speed stitchers!  If you scroll all the way to the bottom of that page, you will see some of the finished flimsies.

** linking up with Patchwork Times **


Give thought to donating to Get Your Mrs. Claus On - when making your Rainbow Blocks or the next Project Quilting - do up a doll quilt that can be donated.

Hugs & Kisses Blog Hop starts Feb 11th - I can't wait to see what inspiration awaits.

New Button - 2013 Just Take 2 new quilt along - HOUSES.  I have a lot of blue fabrics that really need to be used so I am excited about this one.

It is the last week to add nominations for the Quilter Awards - thru the 9th!


"The twelve months...
Snowy, Flowy, Blowy,
Showery, Flowery, Bowery,
Hoppy, Croppy, Droppy,
Breeze, Sneezy, Freezy."
- George Ellis

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Wow, you did have a busy weekend! And it looks like a lot of it was spent playing with scraps - one of my favorite pastimes!!!

  2. Well, looks like there is no snowy, flowy blowy stuff under your feet!! Your Temecula quilt blocks look great and I would agree with your decision to change out the stripes - it just looks so differnet from the others!! Quilt along is darling - love the flag and house especially and I dropped over to Kris' blog to check out the mystery quilt!! Great design!!

  3. Wow! That is a great weekend! Good work!

  4. Oh my, what a time you had! You have some great projects here. Your stash must be huge! Love it all!

  5. Wow! That many bobbins? You never stop do you?!!

  6. What a satisfying weekend you had!

  7. Just gorgeous blocks and I love the little pieced ones. I have to say I don't think I have ever sewn that many bobbins on a weekend. I applaud you! PS your little poem at the end is really awesome and I love it.

  8. Sounds like you had a lot of fun Sharon! 8 bobbins used......great accomplishment!

  9. I'm glad you're doing the Temecula quilt -- it's so cute!! I got behind on the GC blocks when I went to Maryland and never got caught up. I think that's one of the things I'll take on retreat with me and get it all up-to-date ... you inspired me!! I'm heading over now to pick up the Mystery Quilt instructions ... can't wait to see how yours turns out!!! :)

  10. You had a very successful weekend , lots of great sewing !

  11. That's a lot of bobbins.
    Cute little 16 patch blocks and little squares in squares in squares.
    Wow. Grandmother's Choice Quilt Along is coming along nicely.
    Thank's for the Mrs Clause doll quilt reminder.

  12. You really have been sewing up a storm to use 8 bobbins. I love square in a square block. The postage stamp squares will make a great quilt.

  13. i can't agree with taking out the stripes - it adds a lot of movement. Lots of old quilts have blocks with stripes going in different directions. I vote for leaving them!

  14. What an awesome array of blocks, Sharon! Such fun to drop by and see what you are up to... (^_^)

  15. Great blocks. Wow, 8 bobbins. Glad you had sew much fun!
