
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Quilt Festivals & Shows - AND Let's Help

It's voting time over at the Blogger's Quilt Festival - voting form will be up thru Nov 4th.  Wow, there were a lot of entrants - awesome entrants!  My Baby Quilt #292 amd Scrap Quilt # 217 - but please, no pressure - just go and browse and take the time to vote for your favorites in each of several catagories. **edited** Go here - - use the form to make your nominations, be sure you enter all your choices before you hit submit as you can only vote once per IP address.
And the lovely Michele over at Quilting-Tutorials has taken over the annual blogger's Christmas Quilt Show formerly hosted by SewCalGal.  The linky will be open November 23rd - 30th.  Go visit Michele and grab her button to help promote this year's show.
Erin (aka - Vesuviusmama) is collecting dissappearing 4-patch blocks to make quilts for the 'Sandy' victims.  Please visit Vesuviusmama where she has a wonderful tutorial for the block/size and to contact her.  These are very quick and easy blocks - and you don't have to square-up.  Grab some FQ's or break into that stash and help out.  This is definitely my SIL and my sewing for this afternoon!   **and if you are in her area, you could volunteer some time to help her put these together and/or quilt them**
When I saw a photo on-line of the double rainbow over the devastation in NYC, I thought of this poem:

"I saw the lovely arch
Of rainbow span the sky,
The gold sun burning
As the rain swept by."

- Elizabeth Coatsworth, November

Sewingly Yours,



  1. just voted for you Sharon i voted on the baby quilt and it wouldnt let me vote on your other,you must only get 1 vote,good luck my friend.xx

  2. So glad to see a post from you, my friend....good to hear that you are safe. Our thoughts and prayers are with all who were devastated by the storm.

  3. Thanks for your news about the blocks for Sandy. I visited the blog and will make a few tomorrow. Good luck in the Festival...I'm heading over there now!,
