
Friday, November 2, 2012

Feline Friday

Well, inbetween sewing projects - laundry was done.  And each basket set in it's repective room to be put away.  LO - a new bed was laid out just for MOE - warm towels and linens make for a comfy nap.

Linking up with Sarah Did It


  1. That actually does look rather comfy ... Sawyer is up in my bed right now, taking his nap. I'm half tempted to join him!! :)

  2. Haha, he looks pretty happy there! Wonder if he'd make room for me? I could use a nap on some warm towels!

  3. It's the perfect time of year for a nap on some fresh-from-the-dryer laundry. Can't say that I blame him one bit :) Thanks for joining Feline Friday...

  4. Pets ALwaYs find the BEST spots! :)

  5. Too sweet. They do love those warm towels!

  6. so funny and cute.xx

  7. There's just something about warm laundry, fresh from the dryer. Moe is one smart feline!

  8. Ohhhh, can I snuggle? Nothing is like a basket of warm clothes straight from the dryer...

  9. Hahahaha - hey that's a lot like my house! More often than cats I find children in the baskets!!! LOL*

  10. my Dunkin does this. his sister, not so much. too too hard to resist nice warm bed! lol

  11. That is soooo cute!! The kitten I am fostering (which still needs a forever home) does the same thing when I wash up his towels and bedding. He is right at my feet when I pull it out of the dryer. lol He Loves it nice and warm.

  12. Oh to be a cat. That looks so warm and comfy, maybe we all just need bigger laundry baskets so we could join them.

  13. My cats stalk me when I do laundry. They are waiting for me to dump the clean clothes that have just come out of the dryer onto my bed where I sort them. As soon as the clothes are on the bed they are diving into the pile.

  14. Oh, yeah, the life of a beloved cat!! :-))

  15. Haha! Moe looks quite contented....our kiddos always wanted to climb into the pile of warm clothes. Moses the studio cat just wants to grab a washcloth or towel and roll around with it, and bunny kick it! :)
