
Thursday, November 29, 2012

November NewFO

Thankfully I had done a lot of my monthly projects early in the month - the unexpected health scare of my Mom has put a 'slow-down to hold' on my sewing for the later part of the month and probably for the next few month.

Things that have been shown on previous posts:
FMQ Challenge, 12" Mini Club , X-mas QAL (table toppers, candle mats, gift bags), Doll Quilt Swap, Santa Sack swap - finale,  and Blocks for Sandy.

I needed to get the blocks off the floor so I can clean and prepare for seasonal decorating.  This will be my November entry into the Let Me See Your Jelly Roll with Megan.  I have one JR left for December, but not sure I will get to it.

 This was the November Color Challenge Palette with link-up to Patchwork Times.

I had this Ricky Tim's Convergence piece as a flimsie for several months - so used my minimal sewing time to geometric quilt with red, dark green, and  yellow threads - and finish off with a dark green binding.  I call it 'Broken Muse'.

And I have always enjoyed Beth's annual 'Neighborhood' block quilt project.  You send one house block for the lotto and one (or more) for a charity quilt that Beth will do up for donation.  This is one of the house blocks I sent earlier this month.

This is the piece that I sent earlier this month to my Once Upon A Season Swap partner Pauline - she was the one who sent me those lovely daisy strips I used in a floral mini.  I got a chance to repay her with her own flower mini .  This is just 12", just so you can tell how tiny those flowers are - I had to sew those little buttons in the flower centers with a beading needle, but I love them.(borrowed photo from Pauline as I forgot to photo this one before mailing)

And I have been having such fun with Konda's Mini Quilt Along.  I did change the pattern from tiny pieced centers to tiny yo-yo's - yeah, I hate yo-yo's, but I do make them and I like the look in this piece.  And pearlized beads added to their centers.

Thank you Barbara for organizing and hosting the NewFO project and I will be linking up.  Please hop over and check out other's new monthly starts/finishes.


One kind word can warm three winter months.
- Chinese Proverb

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I'm sorry to hear your mother is not doing well. Love your house block that is going to Beth.
    I want to memorize this Chinese Proverb. Oh my. The world would be a much nicer place if we all lived by that closing thought.

  2. Hope your mom is doing better. You have certainly been busy this month!!

  3. lovely bolcks Sharon and love your 12" mini.xx

  4. These are great projects! I especially love what you did with the color challenge.

  5. Your Ricky Tims convergence quilt is cute, I started one a couple years ago but I abandoned it because I didn't like the colors. Love your house block! I'm a sucker for houses and stars.

  6. Sorry about your mom. We've been dealing with moving my mother-in-law into assisted living and going through papers and throwing and giving things away. It's safer having her where she is, but it's now been easy--just easier on our minds about her not falling when the snow comes. I think we beat that, thankfully. Now to shred a lot of old documents with her name on them!

  7. I LOVE those little flowers. All your projects are wonderful. Hope all is well with your Mom.

  8. I'm still not sewing myself. I spent most of yesterday cleaning and moving things around in my sewing room. I still have 3 bags of stuff to go through, but I can walk in there now....grin. Best thoughts for you and your Mom.

    Love all your projects.

  9. Whoop whoop, Sharon! They're all beautiful, but I especially love your house block!! You have mad piecing skills, girl!!

  10. Sorry about your Mom , hope things improve . Your work is lovely, sweet little mini for Pauline and I love the other flower mini as well ,the house block is adorable , I sent off one too .

  11. Lots done despite your mother's health. Hope she keeps improving, and, you get a chance to take it easy, and not stress too much.

  12. I love the tiny flowers! So sweet. I hope your mother is doing better. Don't forget to take care of you, too. :)

  13. Good call on the yo-yos and I love the pearl centers too!

  14. Sharon, I do love that little flower quilt....just so sweet :)

  15. LOL! You hate yo-yo's...but atleast they made for a great center on those flowers! :)
