
Monday, November 26, 2012


I haven't had too many things ready for Design Wall Monday - but I remembered I had started this month Jelly Roll quilt long ago.  So I dug around to find those and got them laid out on the livingroom floor.  I will let my SIL rotate them around until happy (you can see the ones that I had to swap out strips because this JR had so many flaws).  I would have liked another row, but not enough strips to use.  So I think two borders will bring it up to size.
** linking up with Patchwork Times **

And I totally kept the blinders on for Black Friday, small business weekend, and Cyber-Monday!!  I really DO NOT need fabric.    But I did get out this afternoon (while Mom had visitors) with my SIL to do a little local shop browsing and shopping.  We've had a little bit of snow each day since Thanksgiving - and the towns are decorating - so it was a lovely outing in the spirit of the season.

And I had to locate this month's FMQ Challenge that I did way in the beginning of the month.  Sarah Vedeler was our November FMQ expert and the challenge was spirals in various sizes and directions.  I'm a little 'organic' with these, but love the look and I have a project in 'that chair' that I find some large spirals will work perfectly for it.  I have enjoyed these monthly challenges and I think for December I am going back to the *bonus* challenges and do them up on a sampler.

** linking up with Sew Cal Gal **

Don't forget the Christmas Quilt Show is still open to link-ups - I know you all have projects to share - I have been seeing a whole lot of them all year!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love the little apples quilt!

    Your swirls look pretty darn good to me:)

  2. I confess I placed an order at Amazon today but not because it was cyber Monday - just because there were some things in my cart and I just got around to ordering them. :) blessings, marlene

  3. I love the Little Apples Quilt. :D

  4. I love your FMQ spirals!! Do you do them on a table machine or a machine on a frame?? I am just starting and I am still doing the "meandering" thing!! Need to move forward!!! :-)

  5. your blocks look wonderful Sharon and you are doing so well with your FMQ.xx

  6. You did a great job of "patching" the blocks due to others error! Super effort with FMQ too! :)

  7. Your jelly roll quilt is still so wonderful...even with your little fixes it is adorable! And I thought I was the only one who lasted throughout all the fabntastic sales without buying a thing! But boy, were the sales tempting! Maybe next year I will need some fabric!

  8. I love love your spirals! I was able to resist the cyber monday sales, I'm doing pretty good on my self-imposed fabric diet. I keep saying I'm going to do the FMQ thing but I have to get started at some point...

  9. I love your jelly roll quilt. Is it a pattern in a book?? I did go to my LQS on Saturday. There was nobody in the shop. Very sad :-(

  10. I like the strip pieced project. Fun to play with the blocks!

  11. I love this Jelly Roll strip piece -- it's so fun to play with! You are so much braver than I am with the FMQ!! :)

  12. Ah! Working with jelly rolls - Bah Humbug!!!! But yours sure do come together to make a cute quilt :*) I did a little shopping - not much, but some deals were too good to pass up! And I love your "organic" swirls :*D

  13. Sharon, I love your Jelly Roll quilt! What pattern did you use?

  14. I noticed there aren't as many this year entering the Christmas Quilt Show. Glad to see the ones who did. It's almost time to VOTE!

  15. Hey your blocks and fmq is really nice!!

  16. Like and like. Glad you got out of the house for a little break.

  17. LOVE what you did with the jelly roll! I had a bum JR about 6 months ago...what's up with that!?! I too stayed away from Black Friday...why would anyone want to shop with that many crazy people? I did slip away from my visiting in-laws to my favorite bead and quilt shop and quilt shop for Small Business Saturday...just had to do my fiscal bit...

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  18. The jelly roll quilt is beautiful!
    Your FMQ is also wonderful!

  19. Totally fun jelly roll quilt. Shopping...I love it...just need money. ;)
