
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Design Wall Monday

I decided to get a start on this month's 'Let Me See Your Jelly Roll' project.  I have had this Little Apples JR for some time and when I saw Flo's (Butterflyquilting) sweet quilt using the pattern by 3-Dudes found at the Missouri Star Quilt website , I knew I had to make this.

I have been disappointed with the last three Jelly Rolls.  A solid Bella was cut so off grain that it was unusable.  The 'Simple Marks' I used last month had several strips that had a flaw right thru the entire strip - luckily I didn't need them all.  Now this one - can you see it?  Three strips were so bad, I used strips from another line (leftovers).  This one was on the one end.

 And yes, it does show on the front, but I hope it can be disquised with quilting as I didnt' have anything else to use.  Now these three rolls were purchased different times and all different lines, but all Moda - at the price , I would hope for better quality.  Had this been yardage from my LQS - they would have given me extra material to make up for it - or trash it and make a new cut.  I love pre-cuts, especially JRs, but with prices climbing - I may have to rethink these purchases if they are packaging flawed materials. (yes, I have had charms and layer cakes flawed too)

** linking to PatchworkTimes **

I needed to restock 'Goldfish' for my grandsons - our favorite sharing snack when they visit.  I just thought these were the cutest things!!  Hey Shell - see these?  Bunny and carrot shaped cheese crackers and pretzel mix - LOVE IT!!  

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I've heard a number of folks complain about the usability of Jelly Rolls. I'm sorry you've had such a bad run. On the other hand, the Little Apples line is so cute! :)

  2. Cute snack! I have also had problems with quality control with Moda pre cuts. I actually decided I won't buy any more of them. Not worth the frustration (for me, LOL).

  3. I share your frustration with the pre cuts. I love the convenience in trying new lines ornsmall amounts, but it is really disappointing to order, and wait for overseas delivery, only to find a big flaw right through the middle! I think you've done the best of it for your 3Dudes though.

  4. gee thats not good Sharon,it will make me think twice now before buying them.xx

  5. I really like that JR quilt you are making. I had seen the video, and seeing your blocks makes me want to start one! I love the way you set your blocks so it almost looks like spools. Wonderful inspiration and another "must do " project!

  6. I had to make that quilt when I saw the video, so cute and easy, your's is going to be adorable. No more pre-cuts for me, I've found them to be undependable too and just too expensive.

  7. It is very frustrating to find a flaw when using fabric. I keep a lot of different dye pens handy and try to camouflage the mistake. But, really, one shouldn't have to take that step.

  8. I'll buy yardage with a flaw, since I can just buy extra and cut around the flaw, but, with precuts, I expect the whole thing to be flaw free, since you can't buy an extra piece or two to make up. Sorry.

  9. Love the quilt....aren't they fun and easy?
    And you know I had a problem with my jelly roll too! Two of the strips whew mis cut and tapered off by about half an inch! I had never seen that before, and am surprised to hear so many other people have had issues.

  10. Wow. Bummer about the fabric. I've found flaws in fabric before, and it's annoying to say the least.

  11. I have only bought one jelly roll and was really disappointed in the disparity of the width of the strips. Some were as much as 1/8" narrower than the 2-1/2" they were supposed to be. As a result I had to work much harder to make the pattern work - the whole idea of using the JR was to make it easier! My LQS has had to send back quite a few bolts lately too that have had some pretty serious flaws. As you say, at the price we pay they should have better quality control!

    And now after that rant, I do want to say that I absolutely love your block! How fun!!!

  12. Thank you for being honest and letting the public know about possible flaws. I have only purchased two jelly rolls so far and I haven't opened either one. You have made me want to rush home and check them! I think everyone should expect to receive a 100% usable product no matter how much we pay.

  13. I have had problems with fat quarters being cut much smaller than a fat quarter. I have also had problems with buying fabric online and having a yard be 35 inches. With the price of fabric, that doesn't make me very happy. I really appreciate the companies that give you an extra inch to insure that this doesn't happen.

    I can't see what you are talking about on your JR's so I hope it doesn't show when all quilted.

  14. How disappointing that the JR is not perfect , for the price you pay they should be, I have had one for a long time , perhaps I should get busy and use it ,I love your project .

  15. I really like the jelly roll pattern you are making. I love the snacks. Where did you find them?

  16. I haven't bought many precuts, but have been gifted with some. It's sad that something we expect to have good quality just doesn't measure up sometimes.
    Love the bunny snacks! I think I'll search for them and see if they are available nearby!

  17. That's going to be a cute quilt! I know what you mean precut problems. I've had some trouble with charm packs in the past, but no problems recently. I find flaws especially troubling in precuts, since there isn't much fabric in the first place. You usually need to use most of the precut in the project, making it difficult to avoid any flaws or to use pieces that are smaller than they should be.

  18. Have you notified Moda of these problems? I am not much of a JR person but this seems to be an ongoing problem that needs a solution.

  19. i really like's feel and look.. I haven't bought very many JRs but I am hoping that Moda will soon realize that continuing this trend can only hurt them..surely they have a quality control department that can oversee/catch any fabric with flaws..after all, the JRs have to come from some bigger piece earlier down the line....

  20. That is sad to hear about all the problems everyone has been having with precuts. The companies need to do something about that or they will be loosing a lot of business. I believe Hannaford carries that snack mix. When I end up coming your way, if you can't find it let me know and I can pick some up for you.
