
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Christmas Quilt Along

I'm a little late to the party today, but I am joining Sue of QuiltTimes for the November Quilt Along.  Although my quilt is already finished I am going to use the time for some small gift making.

I have a lot of scraps, so I am going to play in them to make a variety of small candlemats, table toppers, and if time - a little bag I saw on the web.

**I will be updating on this one post thru the day**


Well, finished this little one up - a tad bit of quilting with metallic thread and dotty binding.

And for some really quick ones - use the disappearing 4-patch that we used for Erin's blocks.  Using two FQs - I cut a set of 7" (finished 12.5") and a set of 8.5" (finished 15.5").  Simple straight line quilting with my walking foot and used up some left over bindings - easy peasy!

Oh, wish I could remember who's blog I saw this on to give credit and a big thank you to.  Cutie Bag is a free pattern you can find here at I Heart Linen.  I have fabrics and supplies pulled and hope to get two bags done for my grandsons.


These bags work up so quick!  I used the iron bat (optional), but if I make more I think I will use a medium weight iron on interfacing.  I also changed from the casing for a feed-thru tie to adding a shoe lace folded in half - stitched into seam.  Then can just ge pulled around and tied - they are learning to tie shoe laces so this is a good thing. (and I had an extra pair in the 'junk drawer').  They look my guys!!

I am wrapping up today with cleaning up the mess.  Thank you Sue for a fun day of sewing.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. What cute fabrics, Sharon - love those geese - but shouldn't it be SIX geese a-layin', if I remember the song rightly...?

  2. Sound like you have a fun day planned. Enjoy.

  3. I'll look forward to seeing what you get made today.

  4. Pretty little topper. I'll check back to see what you sew up today :)

  5. very cute. Always love to see what you are creating

  6. One of the reasons I love patchwork is that I get to see all of the different fabric pieces. Those candle mats will be very cute.

  7. Oooh! Those are fun little pieces -- I love the little Christmas goose!! What happy recipients you will have! Have a fun, sewing-filled day! :)

  8. Your fabrics are so sweet! Bet you're having fun with all those Christmas prints!

  9. What a productive day you're having.

  10. Such a cute finish! I love the Christmasy fabrics....

  11. Oh my! You have been busy! What cute projects... I really, really love those Cutie Pie bags! I'm off now to find the pattern... :*D Have a great weekend!

  12. You had a very productive day , lots of lovely Christmas sewing , I love those little bags , must check that out for my granddaughters.

  13. I'm back to have a peek at what you've done today! You were a busy quiltalonger! Love the idea of the disappearing 9-patches as little quilts...great use of fun fabrics! And those little bags are adorable! Well done!


    Love your work.. and I should be so productive. I did find the link for the bag. It is above..
    Thanks for sharing ..

  15. The bags are so cute, I love the little faces on them.

  16. It all looks great. I'm sure those bags will be well loved.

  17. everything looks great. sounds like you had a very successful day.

  18. Such cute mugrugs or toppers - love those. The bags are adorable, thanks for the link to the pattern!

  19. You certainly had a productive day! So many cute and beautiful items were created.
