
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wicked Blog Hop - Day 3

Today is my day with the Wicked Blog Hop.  Let's start by thanking the 'Mad' Mdm Samm at Sew We Quilt for providing the Cauldron of Inspiration and the ''Wicked' Wendy of  Why Knot who gathered us in to add our 'ingredients' so she could give it all a stir; and if you should lose your way along the dark forest path, she can lead you to the master schedule.   I share my Wicked day with:
Vroomans Quilts (you are here)
Christa - That Other Blog

I knew exactly who I wanted to cast my spell of the day with.  Who doesn't love The Ghastlies!  A new line for 2012 (I was captured with last years yardage) just called to me as soon as it was released.  It sat and aged on that dark shelf for several months, ripening - ready for it's day of spell making.

 Here are all my ingredients to my block's recipe.  A 3.5" fussy cut center and two 3" squares each of three contrasting fabrics, cut once corner to corner.  A real simple recipe that can produce such wickedness. 
First stitch your corners to the fussy cut center (press out).  Second, stitch your 'tombstone' triangles together (I pressed open to eliminate bulk in the next step).  And yes, I sewed them different from the layout - remember to keep them the same layout for each block you make!  This is very important if you don't want to be turned into a bat!!  OR FROG!!!

Now we attach those 'tombstones' - on opposite sides, snip those dog ears, then the other two sides - you can see I lined up the seam of the triangles with the point of the fussy  when pinning (press out).  The cauldron is starting to simmer.

Time to trim that block.  I hope you can see how I lined up the 45 degree marks along the inside square and the quarter inch on the points.  Yes, a 6.5" block, but we need more if we want our recipe complete.  The dark, shadowy figures are calling for a completed brew!

Yes, three more blocks and we have those 'tombstones' making a secondary pattern.  Like swirling puffs of smoke, they become windmill blades, casting a spell amongst our cast of characters.  A 12.5" block great for a mini quilt or a pillow........... BUT...................
I went a few more blocks and a few more characters to make this doll quilt for my swap partner.  Of course I needed to add more of my favorite character in this line.................

Sebastian the cat!  Just love his crookedness, those eyes, that tail............  I had just enough from last year's line to make the back of my little quilt.  Yes, my signature for this swap - an embroidered label to match the quilt, tiny button, and a little doll dressed with scraps from the quilt itself.
I'm happy to say that little quilt and dolly are now residing in their new home.  Hope you have enjoyed my block and please be sure to visit today's list of blogs, Wendy, and M.Samm.
Now what witches with the mostess would we be without a true recipe in our cauldron:
Bubble, blubber, squirm and gloop,
Boiling broth of bat's tail soup.
Wobble, slobber, liquid goo,
Add the sole of one old shoe.
Spooky shadows dance around,
Of frogs and rats and snarling hounds.
Steam swirls rising to the roof,
Add one small ear and one old tooth.
Gnarly, scratchy, tickle and itch,
Stir round and round to make it rich.
Mushy, sticky, sizzle and stew,

They're making mischief just for you......

Now I gave my doll swap partner a choice of the Ghastlies or Tula Pink's new line.  Since she chose the Ghastlies, yes ---- that means I have the Tula Pink for a give away.

One yard each of 'Coven', 'Apothecary', and 'Storm Clouds'.  So if you would like to win three yards of wicked fun, leave me an ingredient you would add to our Witch's Stew.  I will ship international and comments will be open until 'All Hallow's Eve Night' - October31st (midnight EST).  Every effort will be made to contact the winner, so be sure you are not an anon......... 

Sewingly Yours,



  1. I believe eye of newt would be called for in your wicked stew!

  2. Being from the Pacific Northwest I think you need to add some slimy slugs. Love your doll blanket and I bet the lucky recipient does too!

  3. Just love the quilt you have done...thanks for sharing the tut..

  4. I believe frog breath would be fabulous to add to your Wicked Stew! The blocks you put together were Wickedly Wonderful. Thanks for the little tutorial!

  5. A sliver lizard to add to your brew! Love your tutorial and your blocks are so wicked. Thanks for sharing...Judith, Texas

  6. How about adding some Gila Monster spit to your Wicked Stew? Love the things you made with the Ghastlies. I'm addicted to that fabric line!

  7. Got to love the ghastlies. I already have some of the fabric, waaaay to little though. I love the quilt! You need to add just a pinch of cat saliva to the mix, it will make your stew!

  8. Being an English witch and used to stirring up toil and trouble, I would use a brew of tea to make the cauldron bubble!

    Love your blocks and tutorial - those ghastlies are fabulous arent they - I too have had some sitting in my stash for about a year but now they will be unveiled this time next week - whoo hoo.

  9. whats a wicked stew without a pinch of dried snake,lol.
    Sharon i am so impressed with your quilt you are amazing its freaking awesome my friend,and love the extras you made for the swap,well done.xx

  10. I love your Ghastlie quilt Sharon!
    I think you need to add some slimy slugs to your stew! we certainly have plenty here in the UK this year!
    Thank you for sharing!

  11. Wafting strands of spiders web
    All stirred in will turn you red.

  12. Great project. Thank you for sharing with us today.Being from central florida you have got to add some love bugs.

  13. Love your Ghastlie quilt. They are just the best inspiration for this season. For the stew, some octopus tendrils might be a good addition.

  14. That is one wicked block. Love the fabric choices and the final effect is just wow. The doll is a great ending for the project. Me, I'd add a spider or three to the mix.

  15. Loke your blocks.Your stew seems to need a fist full of Daddy long legged spiders.

  16. I love the quilt that you have made and the doll is awesome. Being from Sweden I think I will add some viper venom from the only Swedish snake with poison.
    Thanks for a great give away and sharing your projects
    Hugs from Sweden

  17. That is a very interesting material. I love your quilt. It turned out very nice. Thanks for having a give away.

  18. I love the way your quilt turned out, unusual and beautiful! I believe I'd add one hair from a unicorn's tail to your potion.

  19. I thnk you need beetle antennae in your stew! Thanks for sharing your projecta dn for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway!

  20. Very wicked indeed! I knew you were brewing up something special and this block/quilt is very wicked. Add a pinch of sulphur with toadstools gathered in dark of night to your pot.

  21. NOW you my dear are a perfect fussy cutter...this is an amazing showing of "that" family lol ohhh heavens you always bring something more spookacular to the table...

  22. Fabulous as always. Every post and all of your work is always so inspiring to me. Thank you so much. I think a dash of spider legs would be a nice touch to your stew.

  23. Dribble in dragon dander,
    Midnight hour we take flight.

  24. add a little hair with some flair

    great work!!

  25. loved your mini quilt and the poem to go with it. You are one creative person..

    I would add a stinkbug or two..

    Thanks for a chance at your drawing.

  26. Sharon I love the way this quilt turned out - framing the pictures that way was just perfect. As for your brew you forgot to add the spider webs! :) blessings, marlene

  27. I love those Ghastlies and your block is perfectly wicked! A tail of a rat (cut in small pieces of course) would certainly make your brew quite tasty.

  28. OMG ... I have seen this fabric on several blogs now and I realy love it !! You made a beautiful quilt with it... it is so Wicked !!

    Thanks also for the wonderful recipe, my cauldron is brewing already :-)

    Thanks for a change in the give away and that overseas people can join in the fun because such beautiful fabric is so hard to find overhere. So fingers crossed XXX

  29. Hahaaaa!! Love this! And here's what I'd add, right after the sole of one old shoe . . .
    And to make sure the torture's slow,
    Add the nail off a dead man's toe.

    Mmmwaaaahahaaha!!! (Or should that have been a *cackle*?!) :)

  30. Love that you used Sebastian to back your quilt, he's definitely my fave! Would love a chance at the Tula fabric, I have seen it on the internet but not in ingredient for stew? how about spider toes to add spice to the brew?

  31. Oh, how delightful! I absolutely love this fabric from Alexander Henry, I indeed love your blocks, you certainly made someone a very happy person with your gifts. I think we need to add some "livers" to the cauldron to give everyone some "shivers".

  32. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I love the Ghastlies I have 1 yard of it and now because of you and your Wicked self I can cut into it. I'll be doing this today! It's been on my cutting table for a week, I wasn't sure how to make the most of their Ghastlieness. Really great idea, thanks again. ;-> Toni Anne

  33. "and then to please the mean old wizard
    we'll throw in one small piece of lizard gizzard"
    Love your quilt and the doll! So cute!

  34. I love the fabric and what you have done with it. Thanks for adding the tut. I think you should include beak or claw of a crow to your brew!

  35. Oh, boiling up some witches stew is pretty spooky! Love your quilt and tutorial. Absolutely love that Storm Clouds fabric and what a wicked Halloween quilt it could make!

  36. What a lovely job you did with your Ghastlies doll quilt Sharon! I know it will be enjoyed for many years :*) That little doll looks very happy with it, I must say!

    I already have some of the Tula Pink fabrics, so don't put my name in the giveaway. I just couldn't resist letting you know how much I love your little quilt :*)

  37. I really love what you've done with your Ghastlies! You've give me a great idea on what to (finally) do with mine!!!!

  38. I would need to add some frog eyes to my stew pot ;-) Wonderful wicked quilt and the doll is adorable.

  39. I LOVE your Quilt. And for the brew, I think a hairball is needed(our cat Onyx can donate, he is good at that!).Thank you for the giveaway.

  40. Love that quilt!! How about some Kooky Spooky Coffin syrup and marinated mummy spleen!!

  41. Gorgeous ghastly quilt! Love your fabric choices for the setting blocks, the pinwheels are perfect, and the ghastly pictures with the fussy cutting are superb! You did an awesome job! And your little doll is so cool! Yay provided the hop with yet another ghastly adventure in quilting!

  42. A bit of skeleton sweat would mke that brew a bit sweeter. Oh, and definitely throw in a jar of red pepper to add a wicked kick!

  43. Twisty, twirly, knotty dread
    Throw in that old spool of thread!

    (Pick me! Pick me!)
    You are so clever!!!!

  44. Great big gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts!!!

    MMMMMM, sounds good, eh?

    Thanks for your post and for the giveaway!

  45. Yay, you used Ghastlies! Thanks so much for showing those. Witch's about the eye of a newt?


  46. OMG Sharon.....luv the quilt, sEw perfectly fussy cut and framed...luv those Ghastlies!! Don't forget the musty leaves from the bare trees...rake in a few spiders and slimy the Witch's Stew a distinguishing nasty taste. Have a wonderfully wicked Wednesday!

  47. Wicked quilt! The ghastlies fabric is so fun. I would add a frog's leg to the stew. :)

  48. Love your ghastlie quilt. I was looking forward to seeing more of them this year. I would add some rotten witchs' teeth to your stew.

  49. ohhhh a sprinkle of fairy dust ...yep forgot that...and I have some ...yes I do..

  50. Darling (and wicked) blocks you made. Now I wish I would have got some of that ghastiles fabric as I am seeing it everywhere. But maybe I will be lucky and win the fabric you are offering in your giveaway, which is also great.
    As for what I would put in the stew? How about a gila monster?

  51. I've got lots of cat hair! Maybe we could add that.
    Sharon I love what you did with the blocks. You've given me lots of ideas of what to do with mine. Thanks again!

  52. Oh Sharon, I love your quilt. Thanks for reminding me how cute a Square in a Square can be!

  53. Cute blocks, I like the coordinating fabric works really well. I think you have to add some spider eyes to your stew. Thanks. Vivian

  54. How about adding some crows feet? Oh so yummy.

    I would be thrilled to win you fantastic prize. I love your quilt so much that is exactly what I would make. Thanks.

  55. I am gasping at the Ghastlies. Love them so very much. Thanks for the give away and I hope a WICKED spell is cast over me to WIN! Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures

  56. What a sweet (whoops, I mean SPOOKY) little quilt. Love it!

  57. Love the blocks. the ghastlies are great. I would add spider webs and bat tails to the 'stew". Thanks for the opportunity on a great draw.

  58. No stew is complete without some "dragon fire" for that special kick! Gotta have some spice to get these old bones dancing!

  59. Toad lips for sure. Very hard to find they are.

  60. Wonderful block and doll blanket. You brewed up quite a concoction in your cauldron. I would add..."One dead fly wrapped in spider web"

  61. Oh boy! Your post is ghastly in the best possible way! The doll quilt & the dolly are too cute. I love that the blocks make pinwheels, and the little buttons you added make a special touch!

  62. Wicked blocks! Thank you for sharing.

  63. The portraits in you mini quilt are devilishly devine. Thanks for sharing.

  64. I loved the "album" quilt - it reminds of my family. :) Have a Happy Halloween.

    Miss sue

  65. Rosemary B here:
    I love your block, and the finished project AND the adorable doll! Really really cute and wonderful :-)

    I would add to your stew the most important ingredient: the curly whisker of the cornish rex kitty!
    Orange cornish rex kitties sometimes pop out a big curly black one! It looks funny with all the white ones.

    Thank you for sharing your creativity!!

  66. What an adorable doll quilt and sweet little dolly!!

    For your stew....while all the witches sleep and dream, slip in a shot of Bailey's Irish Cream..

    Thanks for sharing and for the sweet giveaway!

  67. Your quilt is so cute! Love how your doll came out. Adding to the stew brew, need some eyeballs! I have seen some popping up the last few days of the hop. thank you for the great giveaway.
    jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  68. Sharon, your Ghastlies are awesome!!! Now I wish I had some more of that fabric. I would of course add pumpkin to our stew.

  69. What a cute, cute quilt. Gurgle, Gurgle, twist and shout, I would add one pig's snout!!

  70. Your little quilt is cute, scary but cute! LOL! I love that you have made a little doll to match.

  71. Those wicked Ghastlies, you framed them well! Thanks for sharing.

  72. Of course every wicked stew must have a scale from a red dragon! Love your little quilt and doll!

  73. Love all your wicked fussy cut blocks,just beautiful.Thanks for sharing!!

  74. The mole I'm told
    Is a sight to behold,
    When it is added to stew
    It is just right for you.
    But remember this..
    Make sure you use a mole
    From the tip of a witch's nose.

    Love how you have framed the Ghlastlies.. SO wicked!

  75. Ah the ghastlie family! Love the blocks showcasing the ghastlie characters.
    Add some spider legs to the witches brew! Thanks!

  76. a finger found on the ground
    makes good eating all around

  77. HI!!! Wicked blocks!!! Love them all!!! Thanks for the tute!!! I have two for the pot of stew...a bumble bee stinger and the legs of two!!! Thanks for all the fun!!!

  78. How about centipedes... those are really creepy and they scare me!! Thanks for sharing in the blog hop - love your quilt... it is wicked!

  79. wow that is stunning. Your work is always so darn creative!

  80. I love the setting you used with these blocks. Hmmm. What ingredient? I'd have to say Black Widow Spiders.

  81. One blind eye to darken the sky,
    Its weeping for reaping the tears of a fly...
    TIA! barbie in NC

  82. OH the give away is amazing! I LOVE this fabric - but could't get my hands on any in time for Halloween!

    I would be adding MY googye ickie spare eye ... (I'm sure if I asked nice enough someone could find it for me!)

  83. I would be adding frog eyes. What a fun place to visit. Thanks for being part of the hop.

  84. Just love your fussy Halloween quilt! I would add some the witches brew! Thanks!

  85. I'd add a fuzzy caterpiller and a bit of chocolate. Great block! Thanks for the tutorial and for participating in the Wicked hop!

  86. To compliment your witches stew I would add some creepy crawly earwigs! awolk at rogers dot com

  87. I think I would add a few little toes to the brew. Thanks for the great giveaway and for sharing your Ghastlies project.

  88. Bat's eyes. Perfect addition to the cauldron.

  89. Toe of skeleton. The best stocks are made from bones!

  90. Eye of newt and one quilt tute
    mix them up until they're cute.
    Then slice and dice with your rotary cutter
    But please don't make me stop and shutter
    One more stop on this blog hop
    Until you think you're going to drop!

  91. I would add to the stew, 3 eyes of newt and 2 rotten fruit! Hehe!
    Thanks for the chance, I love Tula's Nightshade.

  92. Your doll quilt is just perfect with a matching dolly to complete it! I would add some vampire blood to the stew. Thanks for a chance to win some Tula fabric!

  93. I love the quilt you made with the Ghastlies, it's totally wicked and so is the little doll. As my children are dressing up at school today as Zombies then adding arm of a Zombie to the stew sounds like a good idea to me!

  94. a cup of wiggly worms just like noodles to add to the brew.
    thanks for sharing


  95. The quilt is just plain ADORABLE!! I liked the touch of the poem too. Thank you for sharing all. You wrote a great tutorial

  96. One pint of Absint will absolutely make the brew perfect :)
    Nice quilt. Never seen the Ghastlies before, but they are really funny!
    Gun, Sweden

  97. ...wing of bat, fuzz from a spider's legs and 3 whiskers of the cat!!
    Mwahahahaaaaaa ;O)
    Thank you for the chance

  98. Your quilt is simply wicked. Just love that Ghastlie fabric.

  99. That is one sharp looking little doll quilt! Love the fussy cut parts of it. I would add a tubfull of lard to your brew. Thanks for sharing.

  100. I love your quilt! Great job!!!
    Greetings from Germany

  101. You have created a scarey block, very creative.

  102. Add some dried lizard guts and stir the brew
    Oh Yes, this will make it a wickedly tasty good stew

  103. Very cute Ghastlies!!!!!

    I would have to add slices of fingernails to that stew.

  104. Love! What a fun project and I love how it turned out. You could really do this with any time of printed fabric, so thanks for the tute! I think you need some frog legs in there. I knew some people actually eat them (yuck) but they seem crazy enough for something like this.

  105. I love your quilt and the doll is so cute. I would love to win the fabrics. My ingredient is 'one cat hair'. A meal isn't a meal without a cat hair :D

  106. I love your quilt! I wasn't sure about buying the ghastlies in green, but after seeing yours,,I'll know better next year! Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win that Tula Pink!

  107. I love your little quilt!! It's wickedly gorgeous!! I would add some mouse droppings too.

  108. Some type of blood needs to be added. Frog blood maybe. Ewww right? :)

  109. What? No eye of newt? You've got to have eye of newt!

  110. Wickedly wonderful, Sharon! The quilt is beautiful and love the matching doll.

    A pinch of dragonsbane is your missing ingredient. ;o)

  111. Great block and wonderful quilt! Love the colors in these fabrics.

  112. I believe you are missing dragons toenails and ground unicorn horn. Although both must be collected at midnight on October 31st so you might have to wait until next year to create the perfect witches brew.
    Love what you have done with the Ghastlie fabric - how did you make the doll?

  113. What a Ghastlie cute quilt. Love the little dolly, too!

  114. Happy Halloween! Spooky block :)
    Well, maybe some spider :)
