
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August Slumbers

After a busy weekend and the need to recoup - it was fun to start back into stitching with a quick and easy project.  The next Tetris Quilt Along block  with Melissa over at Happy Quilting.   There's still time to join in.

These string blocks are HUGE and part of the pattern tutorial by Katie of Swim Bike Quilt for the 100 Quilts for Kids campaign.  Since I have my Christmas Quilt done with the Quilt Along with Sue at QuiltTimes - I thought it would be fun to make the string quilt with all my strips of Holiday fabric.  I am sure there will be local needs come the Season.  Yes, the Festive Mystery Quilt Along is this Saturday with Cathi of Shaker Wood Quilts as our Hostess.  Gosh, I feel like such a name dropper in this paragraph!  But great company.

And I thank Sue for alerting us that her  give away winner has a special request.  Please go visit Thearica over at Pigtales and Quilts - she can best explain what her special gift requires for a Oklahoma Fire Victim. I know I have a box ready to mail out in the morning.

For those who have been having difficulties and frustration with the new Blogger word verification - here is the scoop for leaving comments.  YOU DO NOT have to type those numbers (or what ever they are).  Just do the letters and enter - your comment will go thru.  Try it!!  And spread the word, too.

A new button will go on the side bar - Beth over at Love Laugh Quilt has a tutorial and challenge to create a DUMP quilt. And she will have a link-up Sept 10-15. I plan on adding this to my charity quilt list and have a brand new bag of scraps 'gifted' from another quilter.

And I am being very honest here - hang head in shame - as things have gotten out of hand and having to pull and dump a lot of things so I could set up for the show - now things are a mess and sorely need straightening out.

The other side - where did the baby seat came from ?????? Seriously, I need a kick in the pants!  So the rest of the week will be at least an hour a day, sorting and cleaning this mess into a workable area.  Hold me to it !  Maybe there will be more than one dump quilt made.


"August creates as she slumbers, replete and satisfied."
- Joseph Wood Krutch

Sewingly Yours,


  1. You are one busy lady!!! Love all your blocks :)

  2. My room tends to take on that look when I am working in it too. Every once in awhile I need to really organize stuff.

    Your Christmas strings are going to be great. I do love string quilts.

    Looks like we are going to be doing a lot of the same QALs. I'm looking forward to the DUMP!

  3. Some great blocks, great links and great idea for me to join you and get those charity quilts made.

  4. Sharon I can never believe all that you accomplish! Wonderful blocks and thanks so much for the tip on the blogger verification, someone mentioned you had said this and it makes it so much easier now, THANK YOU!

  5. busy lady Sharon,love your work and your sewing space is tidier than mine.,lol.xx

  6. You are so busy. I have a question about the string blocks. Are they 12" or 20" blocks for the 100 quilts for kids challenge?

  7. Yeah, my work space gets crazy too. Once I week at least I have to stop and clean it up and reorganize.

    The Dump and Sew quilt sounds like it would be fun.

    Thearica has a good heart. I hope her friend gets lots of cool fabric!

  8. Your Tetris block is really pretty! And the string block so cute. Great idea to do these for the Quiltalong. Your work space is looks like it us a busy place, and that is all good! See you on Saturday!

  9. Like a previous poster stated: A messy space is a used space! Hope the cleanup goes smoothly.

  10. Thanks for the tip re the word verification! the numbers are often the worst bit!!

  11. Love your Tetris block, and the strings, too....I am waiting to see what a dump quilt will look like. Heehee!
    Sorry I have been AWOL....the show has sucked away all my bloggy time!

  12. Thanks for sharing the great info - that Dumpit quilt sounds like a great project!

  13. The tetris and the strings look like a lot of fun.

    Your messy sewing room just means your busy except the baby sit...LOL. Maybe you were sewing and babysitting at the same time. Good use of your time.

    I only clean and sew in 15 minute increments. Mick said I was only in there 5 minutes last night before I came running out...giggle.

  14. My room looks the same, it shows it's being use! I had to rearrange my fabrics because the dot fabric is taking over. In the process I found a few things I'll be giving away. I'll also be doing the Dump quilt with Beth.

  15. totally love seeing your sewing space! It is the sign of a busy quilter!

  16. Now this looks like a "real quilter's" sewing room. Not too where there is a lot of sewing going on, not arranged just for the camera.
