
Monday, August 6, 2012

A Summer Rain

It we had a break from the heat with a bit of summer rain.  And after 3 days away, I had to do a bit of catching up.  Actually my newest postage stamp quilt has come in bits of sprinkles, heavy downpours, and gentle drops.  This is just one of three sections - too big to put all the rows in one area.  But the rows are now ready to be sewn together.  And it may take a few more rainy days to finish as I think I will add a border and then more rows of those bitty squares - yes, a big quilt, I do make them once in a while.  *will link up with Patchwork Times*

Some Thank You's are in order - Chris of SewLux sent me the Salt Air charm pack and Birds & Berries pattern for the Scrap Attack prize.  My SIL fell in love with this and just bought a circle cutter that will help.  The Harvest Home pattern came from Kris at  Lavender Quilts for her 400th post give away.  I have to behave and get at least two/three quilts FMQ first before I play with this.  The pretty Victorian greenery Mug Mat and Pincushion are from  Debbie of Stitch' Therapy for quessing what pattern she was working on and the source.  And the little bag of candies came with my new triple section wire table topper frame that I ordered from Shell of Raspberry Rabbits during her topper sale - can't show that as something is on it I can't show off yet.  She always wraps her things so sweetly and adds those little tid-bits of goodies along.  And a few 'just because' items have come my way - thank you ladies, you know who you are.


"Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you."
- Langston Hughes

Sewingly Yours,


  1. congrats Sharon on your lovely prize and boy it would take ages cutting out those little squares.xx

  2. Good for you Sharon!!!

    We got a really nice rain yesterday too and it kept the day much cooler than the 3 digit temps we've been experiencing. What a blessing!!

  3. Your quilt will be amazing , just love all that scrappy goodness !

  4. Love your postage stamp quilt! I've always thought about making one, but have never got organized to start. Also love your quote for today!

  5. I'm lovin' that postage stamp quilt so far! Great job. Congrats on all the goodies.

  6. Your postage stamp quilt is lovely!!!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  7. Congratulations on all of your great wins and gifts. Your postage stamp quilt is going to be absolutely amazing. Sure wish we would have a summer rain here.

  8. That's a lot of itty bitty squares! Congrats on all your loot.

  9. Some really great wins Sharon! Congratulations!

  10. Lovely goodies. I love the PSQ quilt. I still collecting charms to start this project.

  11. I am amazed by the patience it must take to sew all these bitty squares together. It is quite wonderful so far.

  12. So many lovelies! Lucky you :D
    Loving the postage stamp quilt! My box of squares for a future quilt is growing.

  13. Wish it would rain here! Instead we're getting smokey air from fires. It's been a long, dry hot summer!

    Love your postage stamp quilt. I have a small one at the quilter's now. Kudos to you for making yours a big one!

  14. Fun little bundles of bloggy love! Can't wait to see what you play with first!

  15. Love the postage stamp quilt :-) We certainly know about summer rains here.
