
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Crafter's Campfire Reminder

This Saturday, July 21st, is the big campfire day.  I know so many of you (and me) are in drought areas - so I am planning an indoor campfire day.  I will have the linky up at 10 pm Friday night (EST USA) and keep it open until 12 pm Saturday night - this should give everyone world wide to be able to join in.  Since Tonya has to be away - the link will be open on my blog only - but she has a scheduled post for you all.

Remember - those that link up with a post for the Campfire (yes I will be blog hopping to check) are in the draw for this cute Berenstain 'Bear Country' layer cake.  PLEASE - remember to link back to the main post on Saturday so everyone can enjoy those listed.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Glad that you are putting your linky up early. I want to post mine and Stephens before I have to leave Saturday morning.

  2. I won't be able to be there, but I will try and pop in to see what's going on.

  3. I know you will all have a wonderful day! We will be away, but I will be there in spirit! Have some marshmallows for me!

  4. I'm so excited!! I've got the perfect quilting craft to share!! :)

  5. So fun! I'm working on my post right now!

  6. Hope your campfire day goes great for you all! I'm sitting in front of mine keeping warm! :)
