
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bird House Block Tutorial

Again, I had a lot of requests during the Celebrate Red, White and Blue Blog Hop for this block, BUT it was our lovely Hostess Jane who's request touched me to present this tutorial.

I am offering a basic pattern that I alter a lot for different looks - almost like the children's 'flip' books where you can change out sections to make the picture look different. Page one is the bird house and page two has options for a house on a pole or to hang from a tree.

**if you are new to paper piecing - there are a lot of tutorials on the web - this is just a tutorial in reference to using the pattern**  I work like this when I paper piece - and it gets worse!  I use scraps, chunks, strips, and bits when paper piecing.  I think it takes me ten times longer to select fabrics than it takes me to make the block.

This is a couple of ways you can change the pattern.  For new paper piecers - let the fabric do the work for you and eliminate all those parts and just do solid pieces.  Even change that roof section to one strip rather than the two.  Or if a little confident - add those little brace bars for added elements.  The hole can be an applique circle or a button. 

Yes, I am giving you permission to change this pattern!  I use color pencils to change lines  - in my 'note book' of flip parts I keep a couple of copies of each section; a test page with notes all over it and a printable copy for use.  This just shows how you can change the bottom section for a different look - again, let the fabric do the work for you if a beginner.

This was the little house I sent for a swap.  Using the same pattern, extend your top to a point and the bottom can be shortened and layout of pieces can be changed.  Use that color pencil - never use crayons - if you iron those you get a mess!!  And you see the leaves.  I offered a very basic two-leaf section - NOTE the pattern will have to be cut on the RED line because it has to be made in two sections **be sure to add seam allowance fabric on that cut line - write a note on the pattern piece if you have to**  As far as the dimensional leaves - there are tutorials, I just fuse two differnt fabrics, draw a leaf with pen, and stitch just inside that line with a small straight stitch, then cut out on the pen line - hand sew some veins or use some color sharpies.  Attach with a stitch or two and a button. 

I hope you enjoy using the pattern, feel free to alter any way, I'm free to answer questions, most importantly - have fun with it! 

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Good morning, Sharon! Thank you for the tutorial...your instructions are great. Love the way just a few little line changes can create a new version. I know what you mean about all the totes for one little project...I am a firm believer that the smaller the project, the larger the mess!

  2. What a cute little bird house. Thank you for sharing it with us!!

  3. An adorable birdhouse, Sharon. and you are gifted with embellishment talents.

  4. Thank you again for another good tutorial. You do come up with the nicest blocks.

  5. What a cute little bird house!! I shy away from paper piecing, but I must try this one. Thank you for the tutorial, Sharon.

  6. Thanks for the tutorial and pattern.I love paperpiecing patterns.

  7. thankyou Sharon for sharing.xx

  8. Thanks for the pattern. It really is cute.

  9. Thanks for sharing your tutorial sweet of you!

  10. What a logical approach to altering a paper piece patten. Love it. Thanks a bunch.

  11. Oh Sharon!! Thank you so much. I know that took a lot of work but the tutorial is great and I am going to make a bird house!!

  12. This is wonderful, Sharon. Thank you so much!

  13. Thanks so much for the tutorial Sharon. I made a bird house quilt years ago and have since given it away. Maybe it's time for a new one.

  14. Ohh Sharon.. thanks for sharing this one..I just love it sew much..and yours are just perfect for all the tweets that will fly in...

  15. Sharon, I love the birdhouses, but the reason I'm leaving you a note is because I want you to know that the fruits of your labor are on my blog. I am really pleased with how it turned out. It has to do with the Eagle. THANK YOU SO MUCH

  16. Thanks for the tutorial. I'm not a confident paper piecer, but I like the bird houses so much, I really want to try them.

  17. I love this Birdhouse block tutorial! How fun! :-) I will be making one for my mom - she loves her birds!

  18. Thanks for sharing on Podunk Pickins. I've been collecting birdhouse patterns for years. This will be a nice addition to my collection.

  19. Love the 3-D embellishments you added to your swap mini! The first one on the stand is just calling out for a little bird pincushion to be put in front of it to decorate a quilt space.

  20. Very cute. This is a great tutorial!
