
Thursday, April 19, 2012


Do you whistle while you work - oh, remember that song from 'Snow White'? Do you hum, amp the tunes, or work in silence? I have seen bloggers into the "clearing, destashing, organizing, time line crunches" STRESS - that I can here the teeth gnashing. There are some unhappy and un-mojo'ed people out there right now. Time to slow down, time to re-cap, time to breath, time to whistle.

I can relate with you all as I have been re-organizing (that's not going too fast), having time crunches (well - I get things done way ahead thank heavens, but they all come at once!), and a little teeth gnashing. My first - yes first - stab at this month's Schnibble did not go well. Things did not come out to size and very wonky AND I can make geese. So breath and re-focus and lots of time. It was off to the dust bin. Yes, without thought, it was Good Bye!! I rarely do a thing like that, but rather than stress - I regrouped and started new, and actually the NEW is almost done.

This was a little bit of ME time fun and a bit of a breather from it all. This was the next little tutorial from Sew Lux to use some of those orphan charms. I had some 'Coming Home' charms left from an earlier Schnibble project. So fun to frame the roosters, sheep, and apples with the barn siding.

And this is the back - some of the flower print charms from that pack with the opposite framing. Although she gives a wonderful tutorial so you can bind with your backing , I chose to use a standard binding so I can use this reversed. **will link up with Sew Lux 'Stitch & Share'**


I have a lot of new followers - thank you - so you may not understand the May For Me. Last year Tonya, Marcia and I teamed up for a month of ME - learn to take time for yourself. Whether a special project, relaxation, a recipe you want to try, a trip - just something for you. We so neglect ourselves. Yes, the Bingo (one day left to link up)is a fun part of it, but we each (oh, my can't forget - Snoodles is with us this year)will be sharing with you to help you have some ME time. I already treated myself to a ME - I couldn't pass up the 40% off, so bought this new extra large cutting mat - as you can see, I really needed to treat myself as that magenta mat is non-usable and the blue is warped and has hot glue all over it! I think that is why those blasted geese came out wrong.

Another early ME time - my first class. Yes, attending a class on the Rapid Fire Hunter Star this Saturday. So excited and just 2 miles up the road, so easy travel. I probably will be singing at this one as some of our quilt guild ladies get into that 'show tune' mode that sometimes is a little hard to control.


Box 1 - 16 Muddy Feet comments open until May 5th

Box 2 - Richard Quilts comments open until April 22

Box 3 - moving to Cindy at Spin the Bobbin

Box 4 - moving to Lynn at K&S DesignGirls

Box 5 - moving to Angie at Sew Scrappy Quilts

Box 6 - Leap Year Box wont move until 29th

**Please note - this is the last Traveling Stash Update I will be doing. May will be busy for me and then into June - marks a year and half since the first box - time to breath, re-group, whistle, move on. I want to bring back my Squared Up segment. So if someone else would like to keep all those stash followers up to date, please feel free**


'If the pressure is getting to you, whistle. In a barely audible way. It's the best way I know of to let go of tension. Music gets your mind off the situation, and the act of whistling melts the tension out of your body.'
- Fuzzy Zoeller

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Good advice! I haven't started my schnibbles quilt yet, not sure it will get done but I'm not giving up.

  2. lovely happy post Sharon,enjoy your weekend.xx

  3. Good my, Sharon. I think you are past due for a nice new cutting mat. You deserve that big new one :D

  4. Love your mini quilt... especially the flowery fabric that you used for the back:)

  5. You're right. It's so easy sometimes to forget we do this quilting lark for fun!

  6. Thanks for sharing such positivity! It's always a great day for whistling... Any hints before I cut into my Schnibbles fabric?

  7. Whenever I get in my car, I find a fast beat feel good radio station, I crank it up loud, and sing loud with it. Always makes me feel good and lets the stress go out the window. As for when I am sewing, total silence, I concentrate better that way.

  8. I don't whistle but I do talk to myself (even answer sometimes)

  9. Had to laugh as I have always been a whistler. When I was still nursing, many older patients would say "whistling girls and crowing hens always come to some bad end." I think I ended up pretty good, lol.

  10. Oh, and I too had many many cutting mats layered on my tables, so I took the older ones and laid them on the floor for mats. Just couldn't think of anything else to do with them.

  11. I can't wait to see your Schnibbles! & thanks for your nice comment about my HST mini topper. Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. I can't whistle, but I do often sing when I sew. Probably because my daughters are close by watching Disney movies most of the time and after seeing them for the 400th time, I know every word to every song!

    Yay for you on the new mat. I broke down and bought a new ruler yesterday. The lines were worn off about 6" of my old one and I got tired of working with only 18" of the ruler.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Wonderful post, Sharon. Keeping up with all those Traveling Stashes was a lot of work. And now I'm off whistling to my sewing machine :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. My dad use to whistle, but I never could. Once in a while I even find myself following a complete stranger around a store because he is whistling. Oops, now everyone will think of me as the creepy whistler stalker, lol.

  15. (Whispering) But I can't whistle! Heehee! This is such a great post, Sharon, I love it. I think you are so right...we need to slow down sometimes and just enjoy the stitching. I gave myself a treat today (it's my bday) and spent a couple of hours sewing, instead of cleaning house all day. I had a ball! Love your orphan charms project so, so much! Really pretty!

  16. Sharon I would love to take over keeping the stash followers up to date. Has anyone else volunteered? Is there anything I need to do? Thanks! Have a Great Weekend! Cherise @ :)

  17. Thanks for keeping us up to date on the stash boxes.
    It's great that you got to take a class. Please gve us an update on how you liked it.
