
Saturday, April 21, 2012


Today (Sunday, April 22) is the last day to link up - by 10pm. Even if you only have your flimsie done - link it with your list. It doesn't have to be a perfect mini quilt - get those squares sewn together, photo, make a word list and link it up. Once the list is closed, there will be no exceptions. Link-up can be found here

Today (Sunday, April 22) is the last day of the Colonial Needle Blog Hop. Visit Lily Pad Quilting here for the list and dates - be sure to comment on each blog for some exciting give aways.

The Table Topper Blog Hop continues on Monday thru to Wednesday. You can find the schedule at Sew I Quilt here. Some amazing mini quilts have already been displayed - I can't wait to see what is to come. You will enjoy.


  1. wow lots of stuff happening Sharon.xx

  2. I'd love to put the May for me button on my blog but can't figure out how to get the HTML code. Can you help? Thanks, Kathy

  3. Thanks for the shout out - hope you are having a day full of sewing and fun!
