
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

'New' News

The 2012 ChrIstmas QuIlt Along wIll be startIng thIs Saturday - Feb. 11 and wIll be held each month on the 2nd Saturday of that month. Sue at QuIlt Times Is over-see'er, but thIs year Is a lIttle dIfferent as each month wIll be hosted by a dIfferent blogger:

February: Hazel at Hazel's Quilts
March: Joanna at Needle, Thread, Happiness
April: Lesley at The Cuddle Quilter
May: Lynn at Sew'n Wild Oaks
June: Paulette at Sweet P Quilting & Creations
July: Sharon at Vroomans Quilts
August: Cathi at Shakerwood Quilts
September: Maureen at A Quilt Complex
October: Elizabeth at Sand and Sunshine
November: Janet at Caribou Crossing Chronicles
December: Sue at Quilt Times

A Mystery QuIlt Is being offered and I belIeve some of the Gals are goIng to have some other offerIngs as well. Hope to see you Saturday.

Clover & VIolet will hostIng another QuIlt and StItch along project startIng February 22. New button on the sIde wIll take you to the sIte.


Seems all the boxes are travelIng to new homes:

Box 1 Is headed to Darlene at Quilting NaNa

Box 2 Is headed to Toni at HoosierToni

Box 3 Is headed to My Sister Made Me Do It

And I hope you are not too dog tIred by the end of February - It's Leap Year! And somethIng excIting Is comIng!

SewIngly Yours,


  1. lol,i am in suspence,you teaser.,lol.xx

  2. If not for the "world" time issue.. I'd join into Sue's quilt-along again. Hope you enjoy it and especially July when you are host! :)

  3. Great post today! Love all the information and especially nice to see the promotion of the Christmas Quiltalong. It's going to be a lot of fun for everyone! Thanks for sharing all the news!

  4. The Christmas sew along sounds great. I will try to participate.

  5. I've never done the Christmas quilt along but it looks like fun. Thanks for sharing - your new name should be "Sharing Sharon"!

  6. Chritmas Quilt Along,yippee.Last year I enjoy it though my top is unfinished.
    I hope be there.

  7. Again, another great, informative post from you! And that stash...that ever elusive traveling stash ... !! Have a great day!! :)

  8. What a great idea. I wish I could participate. I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing.

    Leap Year? Really? Wow. Ok, we are waiting on pins and needles to find out your "something exciting"....

  9. I don't think I can tackle another quilt along. But these are tempting. I look forward to watching you and the others put together some lovely quilts this year.

  10. Hi, I'm Terri, and I'm new here. Is there anyway to get in on the traveling stash? I've heard about it before, but I can't remember where.

  11. It's going to be easy for me to get in the Christmas mood for the QAL tomorrow, Sharon - we've woken up to a dusting of snow here this morning!

    Look forward to seeing you in the morning!
