
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Christmas Quilt Along

Today is the day! The first Christmas Quilt Along and our hostess for today is Hazel at Haxel's Quilts and she has a linky set up for you to share your progress for the day. I hope you join in - I will be updating thru-out the day on this one post and linking up myself.

This is my sorry tote of Christmas fabrics - not many, but enough to go for the scrappy setting and I will put the pot of coffee on and start cutting. I think I have a panel somewheres that could be pulled out for some extra play.

Even if you are not up to the mystery quilt, it's a good day to start on a Christmas project. So come play with us today, and link up over at Hazel's,


My fabrics are all cut - scrappy dark greens, red for medium, gold for light and Kona Snow for background. Will pack them in the Christmas tote with the extra fabrics (for incase) and it well be ready to come out and play next month. Now off to find that panel!


Well, I didn't find the panel yet, but did come across this box - so I will see what I was attempting, or just go with something else with it. Looks like some fun.


As I started sorting this box of partially made HSTs and some of the 'scenes' fussy cut - I remembered and had a bit of a cry! I had started this as a gift for my Dad - sadly he passed away, so I put the project away, tucked into a back corner. He loved to make replica Amish furniture, supported my Mom's love of quilting, made many little quilting tools, quilt racks, quilt hangers, etc... I will finish this project up and give it to my youngest son who was very close to his grandpa and has a lot of his characteristics.


Well, I got 9 of the 12 star blocks done, had a nap with the fur babies and the party is over. I have a baby quilt to finish the last row of hand quilting and then the binding, so thank you Hazel for starting us all off right. Until next quilt, along.......

Sewingly Yours,


  1. You've got some interesting looking fabrics in that box, Sharon - looking forward to seeing your choices!

  2. I wish I were at home - this would be so fun! But I don't have any Christmas stuff with me. I'm going to work on a baby quilt today instead, and really I need to get it finished. :) blessings, marlene

  3. Aren't you smart for getting started so early on the Christmas Quiltalong! Will be joining you soon...ready to go look at my fabrics! Cheers!

  4. What gorgeous fabrics. This is going to look wonderful, and so Christmassy.

  5. You are way ahead of me. I like the scrappy idea and the fabrics you are going with. I might just follow suit.

  6. Sharon, what fun!! And finding that box with the all the fabric was like...well...Christmas in February! LOL!! Have a good time playing! :)

  7. You are off to a great start Sharon!

  8. Oh, LOVE the fabric choices!! Just picked mine but am already rethinking them! lol

  9. Those blocks are beautiful but I can see what you had to set the project aside for a while. I'm sure that your youngest will treasure it.

  10. I might have to check out this Christmas Quilt Along...Could be a real time saver in November (OK, the first two weeks of December, LOL) Ya know someone is going to ask, so let it be me...I LOVE that fabric with the "scenes" on it, um, can I have details, pretty, pretty please?

  11. I'm sure your son will really love the quilt, with the meaning behind it.

  12. You are way ahead of me!! Your blocks are looking so pretty!!

  13. That's a lovely reason to finish that quilt. It looks very nice already.

  14. Sharon, I'm back from errands and reading your updates. What a special quilt that you will be making. I think it's wonderful when you know the story behind a quilt. And a little cry never just helps! Thanks for sharing your story and your blocks.

  15. I think I shall have to join in the next one of your fabrics. I need to replenish my Christmas stash so I can make some early gifts!

  16. OMGosh. I thought Christmas was over and now you are telling me it's just beginning..........arrrgghhh!

    Grinning. Can't wait to see what you make.

  17. Oh, made me tear up!!! What a wonderful project to work on. It will be sooooo cherished!

  18. Great fabrics, congrats on getting everything cut and making so much progress today.

  19. What a beautiful idea Sharon. I'm sure your son will treasure the "Grandpa" quilt. :)

  20. You had a VERy productive day...and a fur-baby nap to-boot!

    You have some great memories of your dad...I remember when you did a post about all the fun things that he made =)


  21. Oh Sharon the story with your dad's quilt pulled a few heart strings and i am sure your son will treasure it,its looking fantastic.xx

  22. I think I just have to say "ditto" to what Denise said!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I am a big fan of covered bridges. I see you have a fabric with a bridge centered in one of your star blocks. Nice.

  25. Thank you for joining in the Christmas QAL this month, Sharon - it's been fun hasn't it?

    Your star block are lovely - I love the fussy cut centres and I'm looking forward to seeing more of this as you put it together.

    See you next month over at Joanna's!
