
Sunday, January 15, 2012


January has been called the 'wolf month' - days of old when it got cold and heavy snows forced the wolf into villages looking for food. Yes, we have seen the wolf in our yard. Yes, we have seen snow - sparse. Yes, we are seeing cold. We were certainly spoiled with unseasonally mild weather right up until a few days ago - then BOOM - the winter wolf is here!


I don't DO cold/snow, so being house bound makes me busy inside. I grabbed my ME MINUTES by playing early in the morning with that bag of scraps a quilt guild member gave me. My afternoons were with my SIL working on her quilt. This birdhouse mini evolved - 6" x 15" and I am still looking for my lovely handpainted bird buttons to add. Maybe even a tassle on the end.

Next came this little house quilt - 8" x 9". I love putting these little scenes together - and being challenged with just 'what's on the table' is fun for me.

And a few note cards came about. Just some small paperpieced blocks, light fuse to card stock and a zig-zag edge. I have some 4" x4" envelopes from the office supply store that I can use, or I can save them to put in with one of my year's swaps with a little note for swapmate. I need to make more of these for sure.

There are more scraps to play with from that bag and a few minis are in progress to share later.

My evening time for me was to work up another cross stitch ornament.

And I made up enough houses for a few days - breathing room. I prefer to do a few at a time rather than one-a-day. Actually, I could spend a whole day playing with these, so I have to set the kitchen timer to remind myself - just a few Sharon!

And since my SIL was working on her binding, I thought it was time to put the binding on my 12 Days of Christmas quilt. Now to get the other one finished.


And I played a little with this month's Schnibble's pattern - Full House - and got parts of my houses done. I am using Moda's 'Coming Home' and probably will make a table runner with a single house mini.

It has been enjoyable to browse some of my blogging friends who are into the 'mini' zone right now too. Some wonderful doll quilts, mini quilts, mini hangers - try a little project. The quick finish is so refreshing as well as rewarding. Don't like to handle small pieces? Make a single favorite block and do it up as a mini.

Traveling Stash

Box #1 - Karen received her box Saturday and has comments open only until Monday (16th) night - so you better hurry over and get your comment in for this box.

Box #2 - Ali has yet to post stash movement - I had received word it would be last week so I don't know what's up with this box. I don't dare send another e-mail, but you guys can.

Box #3 - Miki has sent the box on to ME, so when it arrives I will be sure to take quick inventory, pick out my delights, already with replacements, and will be sure to let you all know when it's up for grabs.


This is my 200th post - gosh I got gabby! Since there are so many 'scrap' challenges right now, I thought I would offer up goodies from one of my pre-cut barrels again. This time it is 2.5" squares. AND, that is a plastic shoe box - I did not count how many are in there - and more may be added before this goes out. This is my year of 'small projects' so these are my postage stamp quilt supply and they need a home. You can comment on any of the post, but please be sure you let me know you want to be 'thrown into the hat' for the squares. I will draw the winner next Monday - 23rd - be sure I have a way of reaching you as I will make every effort to personally contacting the winner as well as posting it.


Wolf Song:
Speak to the moon, scream to the sky, sing your beautiful song.
Let the chorus ring as high as the bird flies.
Let the message echo clear, your freedom song.
You tell the world that you are yours alone.
- Zammy -

Sewingly Yours,

**Side Note** I have several blogs I follow that I cannot get into the last couple of days - I am not ignoring you, but get a 'white screen' when trying to get into your blog. I see some bloggers are having issues with comments again, too. I know blogger is dropping non-blogers from the 'follow' thing - I really don't understand it all - trying to get information that even I can understand to pass on to all of you correctly. I miss: Quilt Time, MamaSpark, One More Quilt, Quilt Monster in My Closet, Moose Stash Quilting, Love,Laugh,Quilt, and Jane's Fabric

I hope I don't lose more!!!


  1. I love all of the minis you've been working on. Thanks for the heads up on the Traveling Stash. I've been hoping to get lucky and have it visit my house.
    No need to put me in for the charm patch drawing. I'm putting together a charm giveaway of my own. They seem to multiply at my house.

  2. Please, count me in, I am a fan of scrappy quilt & use often this precut size.
    Like you, I lost some of my blogs until I upgrade my navigator and all is now like before

  3. Sharon, I don't know where to start! I am so impressed by your projects. You are so creative with your fabrics and the mini-quilts are so sweet! I particularly love the notecard idea. I would love to try to make some, but I guess I would have to finish some little blocks first! I'll pass on your giveaway, but you have inspired me to get organized with my fabrics . There are so many quilts just waiting to be put together!. Have a great day!

  4. Happy 200th post! I do enjoy reading your blog.

    Your houses are great. Count me in. Precuts are so nice to have around.

  5. Wow! 200 posts! I really like the houses. I totally don't need another project, but you have me thinking! Please count me in your giveaway! New scraps would be so fun to play with!

  6. What a lot of projects you've gotten done in the last few days!! I really can't decide which I love best, lol!! ... I am impressed with that card idea though, using scraps to make up a front for a card - what a lovely way to send your regards/love/thoughts!!!
    Congratulations on your 200th post! You can count me in ... if postage is not too much - okay if it is as I would expect so, lol!! Wishing you an enjoyable crafty week!!!

  7. I love little quilts and yours are so sweet and have given me an idea! Throw my name in the hat for the squares - hanks!

  8. I enjoyed your commentary on the winter wolf! I didn't realize you'd gotten one of the traveling stash boxes -- CONGRATS!! Your mini's are darling, too -- and I had to laugh when you said you set your timer when you work on these! LOL!! :)

  9. Lovely house blocks! Maybe I should use my kitchen timer with my blog reading sessions! - good idea. I have been thinking that I would loe to a postage stamp quilt as a leader/ender project, once I get some squares cut. Really, time to organize the scraps and work on projects is hard to find, isn't it?

  10. Congrats on your 200th post! I like your minis and your houses, they look so fuss-free and that's what I need right now. Also, I'm a fan of houses and stars anyway. Please count me in on the squares, I'd love to have em!

    Your wolf at the top reminds me of one of my favorite books - The Call of the Wild - that I read a long time ago. I remember sympathizing with Buck, he really had it rough ... I think it's time to re-read the book :o)

  11. The Blog Monster has been blocking several sites that I dearly LUV too. It seems that I can view it...sometimes, but, can't leave a comment. I'm not sure why =(

    I missed your last post for some reason....Maxine is HILL-air-ious! I LUV her!

    The picture of the wolf is soo pretty. It makes me wish I could kneel down and pet it. =)

    Thanks for always listing the traveling stash...I keep following and hoping. =)

    setting a timer...I need to start doing this with things! I tend to get on a track and not want to get off...with lots of things.


  12. Congratulations on your 200 posts - I'm so glad I found your blog- as ever your energy and productivity inspire me - I love the houses - I can't seem to keep up with mine! Please include me in the draw -- they would make lovely hexis!

  13. Congrats on 200 posts! I love all the work you have been doing it is all so lovely! I would love to be entered into the giveaway I just came up with an idea that I would need 2.5inch squares for!

  14. Congrats on 200 posts! Love all your little projects, the houses are so cute and your paper piecing is beautiful! Throw me into the hat for the little squares!

  15. I have not had any problems at all. I wonder why some always do and some dont. It's so frustrating!

    I've seen lots of mini's around too and I've been wanting to make mini's for over a year now. I am finding more and more time as my little guy gets older. More and more things that I can learn and do.

    Love wolfs. Although I've never lived near them as a threat.

    No need include me. I give my scraps away...although I see some little novelty ones that will be handy to someone soon. *wink*

  16. Boy I have been having trouble getting to blogs myself. I was thinking it was my computer. For me it seems to by the Typepad blogs. Your "Me" time has been very productive!

  17. Congratulations on 200 posts!! I love your houses. I am going to have to make some this year.

    I would love to be included in your drawing.


  18. Congratulations on your 200th post. I'd love a chance to win your scrappy blocks.

  19. Congratulations! I love your 12 Days of Christmas quilt. Please enter me in the giveaway for the squares. Thanks!

  20. Congratulations on your 200th post! I'm glad that you are "gabby" because it is always a treat to stop by and see what you've been up to! I was interested to see that you are doing some cross stitch might want to drop by the Lilypad on Thursday. :)

  21. Congratulations on your 200th post. Please throw my name in the hat for the squares. I love to make scrappy quilts.

  22. toss me into the hat too :)

    thanks for the giveaway

  23. You are always so busy. Love your little houses!

  24. I love the winter months, so much sewing to be done! And you have been one busy little sewer!! Love the houses, just way too cute. Congrats on 200 posts!!

  25. My goodness you have been busy! So many projects completed already. I would love to be entered in your giveaway for the 2.5" squares.
    I read that if those that have white screens come up would change their comments to a pop-up screen (like yours) it would solve the problem. I know I suggested it to one blogger and it did work when she made the change.

  26. Yaaaay! Happy 200th! You da Man...uh WoMAN!

  27. Throw me into the hat. Congrats on your 200th.

  28. Happy 200th!! Great projects! count me in for the giveaway. I dream of making a postage stamp quilt and your giveaway may be the inspiration I need! Thanks for the chance.

  29. Congratulations n your 200th post - what an accomplishment! I would so love to win the postage stamp scraps - I am collecting from all sources for a major project! Thanks for the chance to win some more!!

  30. Happy Post-a-versary! Please Throw my name in the Hat for this giveaway!!

  31. Congratulations!!please continue being 'gabby'!
    I've so enjoyed seeing all your lovely houses!

  32. Please count me in on the giveaway! I love scrappy quilts and these would be nice to add to my postage stamp quilt project. Thank you!

  33. Congratulations! 200 posts! You Go Girl! Your recipes, tutorials, helpful tips, pictures, interesting trivia, poems, and all those quilts you have made for little children and for flood victims in your community. Your generosity is inspiring. I have enjoyed following your blog.
    I love scrappy quilts and 2 1/2" squares. Please count me in your giveaway.

  34. Congratulations on your 200 posts! Please enter me on the scrappy squares drawing! TQ.

  35. Wow! You are a VERY productive quilter!! Congratulations on your 200th post. I'd love to be entered for your box of squares!!

  36. Thanks for the traveling stash updates and pictures of the Full House blocks. I love the fabric choices- the lines make me think of clapboard siding. Enter me into the hat, I'd love some squares to play with!

  37. Just came across your blog ... liking it alot! Just added you to my reader. Can't believe I missed 200 posts :/

    p.s. please throw me into the hat for the squares ... I am wanting to make a colorwash quilt ...

  38. Congratulations! And thanks for the giveaway! I love 2-1/2 inch squares and hope to make a scrappy postage stamp quilt one day. These would help a lot! :0)

  39. I love all those little quilts! I am afraid to try to create on my own so am still reading blogs. I would love to win your little squares. I would use them for a kids quilt to give away. Thank you for the chance to win.

  40. What s good idea to have a year of small quilts! However I'm not doing that....I'm having a year of scrappy quilts. And I would love to win your blocks.

  41. Congratulations. Seeing what you do certainly gives me some ideas. Please put my name in the hat.

  42. Seeing all your creative fun makes me want to wander into my sewing room and sew! We are in a deep freeze a day there a day; such fluctuations I think I'm coming down with something...
    Anyhoo, I'd love a go at the squares. I want to organize my scraps and make a triple irish chain...these would be perfect to get that going! Thanks.
    freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

  43. I have been working on a box of 2.5 inch squares and these would add to my collection nicely. Thank you

  44. Hello~
    My...what fun!!
    You can moist definitly put my name in!!

  45. I love working on minis. You get to play with a favorite fabric or a new design without a big time commitment.

    Please toss my name in the hat for the squares. Thanks!

  46. To the hat we go!

    When my winter wolf comes round, I just want to sleep. I should be there right now, but I had to come and see.

  47. Please count me in. Although January is not a wolf month for me - it is so hot here at the moment that no wolf would live here. We are not dropping below 30C (85F) this week. Good swimming weather!

  48. The leader of my QOV group just put out a challenge to make blocks using 2.5" squares. She wants to alternate them with snowball squares to make QOV quilts. If i win, guess what I'll be making lots of ; ) Thanks for the chance.

  49. Congratulations! Please include me in your giveaway. I wrote a comment Friday that didn't post.
    Re: the problems you mention with comments and viewing posts - I am having the same ones and they began several weeks ago. Don't have a blog of my own though. Thought it was just me and would have to take my PC in for repair. Separate blogger post a comment pages seem to function better than those at the bottom of a post.
