
Monday, January 16, 2012

Scrappy Quilt Challenge

I participated in Marcia's Scrappy Quilt Challenge using her Denim Block Pattern Tutorial. You still have time to make a small item to enter (she's drawing for a free quilting of your piece) as she is leaving the link up from Jan 17 - 23. Bits and pieces of progress were in some of my past posts, but here it is fully mapped out in it's growth.

First one of my many stash storage items was selected. Well, I don't stress over that one when I'm 'scrappin' - just pulled a drawer - and I'll see what treasures will grab my attention.

Here was my selection to start with. I found a few pieces of an old (2005) Alexander Henry fabric - little garden fairies. They would be my focal and base to play off of. And there were just enough to get some odd size fussy cuts of the various fairies and birds.

My first strip, some left over Moda of Fig Tree - glad to use that Jelly Roll Strip up.

I somehow lost the photo of the second strip, so this shows both the second and third strip added. The second strip was using some more left over Jelly Roll strips - Arboretum I believe. And the third strip was left ever scraps of green from prior projects.

The fourth strip was various burgandies to bring out some of the 'blush' that was in the fairies fabric and to add a little zing to it.

I then laid out those 'base' blocks and started to fill with bits more of Moda - Strawberry Field, some daisy print in pink/burgandy, and bits of the base blocks' fabrics. Once happy, they were added to my blocks.

This looks similar to the last photo, but shows all rows/columns sewn together - it really needs something to hold it all together, so back to the pile to look for a final border.

I had just enough of the lighter green which is the same as the darker used on the block fillers. I had to piece a few bits to get it all to work. I think there was an 1" x 2.5" piece left - phew!!!!! But that got a happy dance, as now that scrap is out of that drawer with so many and now a quilt. It measures 35" square and will make a nice table cloth for my small kitchen table come spring.

I hope I have inspired you to try even a small project - a pot holder, table topper - it can be done in an afternoon! And please visit Marcia and see some of the participants thru the week as they link up.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I really like your use of colours... especially the scrap challenge quilts... :)

  2. Very pretty, Sharon! You have a real way with scraps!!

  3. Somehow I missed the denim block tutorial. I like the idea of building blocks with varying sizes of center focal fabric. Love your fairy table topper. Close call with the green border :D

  4. Sharon I like your challenge piece. I remember reading Marcia's post a couple months ago and thinking I wanted to do the denim blocks, but then I forgot all about it! Thanks for posting the link. Although my plate is about to run over right now, I want to run upstairs, grab one of my stash bins, pull 4-5 fabrics and have at it!

    If you don't hear from me for a few days, you'll know I'm buried in my stash!

  5. Wow, Sharon - You are really usng up your scraps, aren't you!! Bet it feels really good!! And the quilt top is darling - great tablecloth!! Hope you are staying warm!! Kris

  6. Love this -- especially with these fun, happy colors! :)

  7. Love it! You really make me smile! You are a Scrap Queen! That is fantastic!
    Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up! Good luck in the Giveaway!
    You inspire all of us!

  8. This turned out great. I really like how all the colors work together.

  9. You are a great dance teacher! Why? well, cause you make them-thar scraps dance together beautifully!

    I really like Marcia's pattern... I'm itching to try it. I can see the main fabric...even...with a bit of machine embroidery. =)


  10. i found my reading list today, so here i am! love the fairy fabric lots. good luck!!

  11. It looks great! I love how you're so confident in your color choices! I hemmed and hawed over mine something awful. LoL

  12. Nice, nice. I am always jealous with how much fun you get to have each day.

  13. I love your result. Scraps still make the best quilts!

  14. I really like your colors Sharon! I couldn't believe how much fun it was to make Marcia's quilt!

  15. What a great quilt Sharon, love the colors!

  16. I love the way you documented the whole process. As usual, your color sense is great. I really like the way this turned out. You have retained your crown as "Queen of Scraps."

  17. It's a great little quilt and I love the colors!
