
Friday, January 20, 2012

Traveling Stash is Ready

Well after moving that poor box - it sort of dissintergrated - so I went thru things - a lot of fruits and vegie fabrics, especially fall/pumpkins.

Some odd bits, strips and parts from panels

Various florals from FQ size to yard cuts.

A few pieces of juvinile/baby panels, FQ size and cheater cloth.

Some patriotic fabric (about a yrd. of broad cloth) and pieces from a panel - not sure what fabric content it is, but not 100% cotton.

And way too many books and patterns - it's called traveling stash, not empty your library! This is why the one box had to be split, too much of this instead of fabric.

Some templates and notions.


The extreemly heavy, large, thick "Think Pink" book just to make room in the box, but I know someone who makes quilts for donation/raffle for the Susan Komen 'For A Cure' and she will put this to good use. The Mini Charmer bag pattern and little stitcher by Bareroots. The Patriotic pieces my Mom will use and removes the non-cotton from the box. All the small pieces and scraps - they will work for me in my tinies - not really useable for anything else. And all the apple prints from the fruit/vegie pile. The baggie of Sip of Summer Charms from CT. And the thread.


2 FQs of little heart prints for Valentines, and 2 FQs of spring daisies - spring is around the corner.

A Canston Village little yellow rose print on grey and yellow pin dot - 1 yrd each. (or more)

1 yrd. of 'Make Live' by Sweetwater for Moda.

A strip from a panel - 3 antique cars - great size for pillows. The black is a map of our county - if you can find Schoharie, I'll wave.

This cute owl panel from Timeles Treasure - I love bird fabric, but not seeing me using this.

This lovely panel of 'Coming Home' by Deb Strain for Moda - I had two of these????

I thought the juvenile pile needed adding to, so about 1/4 to 1/2 yrd of some cats, dogs, and paws.

And since I took all the Metler thread - replacing with various color Aurifil and a basic set of Essentials from CT.


*** this is the origin of the box ***

I see this box does not have the rule and guide line sheet that was with the original box, also a log sheet that everyone was to fill in with blogger info that the box passed on to. So I will be making one of those up.

1. You must be an active blogger.
2. When you receive the box, post a blog spot on it's contents, what you took and what you are putting in - in a timely manner.
3. Replace per deim - if you took 4 yrds of fabric, replace it with 4 yrds. of fabric - quilt quality fabric. AND this is a traveling stash - don't empty your library! (lets get some of these books and patterns cleared - if you take one - replace it with a FQ or two)

****AUGG - I forgot - I will post the winner on Jan 26th (Thursday)

Due to postage and customs - can only mail in the United States.

No jumping thru hoops, just leave a comment and good luck,

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I've been hoping to be picked for one of these fun boxes, and I see a few items that I would love to keep too! I'll keep my fingers crossed that this is the one!


  2. Looks like so much fun stuff and I especially like the Aurifil Thread!! It would be great to have one of these boxes find their way to my home!! Kris

  3. I like the owl and the coming home panels you added :)

  4. Sharon it looks like lots of fun for everyone.xx

  5. some very nice additions!

    thanks for keeping it in good shape :)

  6. OK, I have a blog, and am becoming more active, but I am pretty sure I don't qualify as an "active" blooger, so I will completely understand if I don't qualify for this. I have seen these floating around now and loved seeing how it works. I would LOVE to receive this box and then (following the rules) move it along. I have to say it looks like fun :-) Thanks for the opportunity!!

  7. This is my first time entering a giveaway or the traveling stash. Hope I'm lucky!

  8. You seem to have done a wonderful job of tidying up the travelling box for the next recipient. Goodonya! :) Thanks Aussie for well done!

  9. what fun !!!! I'd love to have it visit me!!!!

  10. Who wouldn't love to have a box of wonderful quilty surprises show up on their doorstep? I'm in!!!

  11. That's a good looking box of stash!! I'd love to see it here in Nashville, and promise to send it on promptly, loaded up with lots of new goodies!!

  12. Traveling stash sound like fun and you have real good things in there.

  13. This sounds really fun! I have a bunch of stuff I could put in there!

  14. sounds like fun! I love books, so if I win, I hope to take some of them!

  15. I've been trying to hard to get my hands on one of these boxes, so here I am tossing my proverbial hat into the ring again! You put in some lovely things ... and I happen to have a copy of the pink book and love thumbing through it! :)

  16. Ok this whole traveling stash thing is just a bit too intriguing for me to pass on any longer. I hope the box can make a stop in the Chicagoland area sometime!

  17. I love your additions Sharon. Maybe I'll get lucky this time.

  18. Ive been wanting to do one of these boxes. Looks fun to see other fabrics!

  19. I've followed the traveling stash and would love to have it!!

  20. I'd love to have the box visit my house.

  21. Looks like a fun box! It's strange that there are those odd little bits and pieces in there but glad to see you could find a use for them.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. this is such a fun thing to do....its kinda like the traveling jeans eh? love love love the coming home panel :) i might have to google that!
    are you melting over there in Quilt Lane?
