
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Off the Wall/On the Wall


I have no design wall - so things get pinned to the mantel, pinned to the wall, pinned to the louver doors, almost any where. It was so time to get those last few steps into a finish so I could clear the walls - so I could put something new up!


Little houses of a different nature - with other bits - were pinned all over - time to pull it all together.

This is my interpretation of 'Full House' Schnibbles for January. I've done enough wallhangings already, so decided to put it into a table runner. I must say, I like this fabric line for building houses - Moda's 'Coming Home' just worked well with this. And by using from a Jelly Roll, I have lots of strips left to play with something new.

I can't show all of this piece because it is for a swap and it will identify who it is for - it's a secret. This is for the Initial Heart Swap and I finally got inspired how to finish this off when I stumbled on that lovely aqua/heart fabric in one of my FQ tubs.

And in putting away some cross stitch magazines, these two fell out - not finished. So two more ornaments done for gift giving.

For the Oh Weigh Me program - Annie asked us to work 'one step' and then share it. Living alone, my most single problem is scheduled meals that I sit to a table to enjoy. So I used the little projects shared on Sew Scrap Along to make a Court House Step block placemat and scrap patch mug rug. Yes - junk food print fabrics - what better! The other side is a pretty Penn. Dutch flower print, so I can reverse them for another look. I'm hoping these will aid me in keeping my one step by having a pleasant place to dine. I will also link this up with Minutes for Me with Marcia.


Now I can put something new up. This is the project 'Bust Yo Scraps'. Cute pattern, but I am doing it up in 1.5" squares for the setting triangles and geese. I still have that in various stages as I assemble the parts as my leader/enders. Some are in a barrel, tupper ware, table, by the sewing machine, and on the ironing board. I think I need a day I just 'get it done'! I will be linking this project up with Judy - Patchwork Times.

And this mess represents how I work and play up a design - my February mini for my Ackfeld table hanger. Still in the rough stages, but for sure will be pinned around the walls until complete.


As promised - this is my SIL's first quilt - finished! Yes, parts of that was pinned on a wall or two at times. I did the straight line quilting and the hand sewing down of the binding - this is her baby! For her new Great Niece due on Valentines Day.

I did a test flower set (another fabric and color) to see if they were proper size - luckily the first ones hit the mark and I'll use them on some other project. I love her choice of the black/white dot with the flowers - it pops the quilt.

And I made her label it - made up some samples, gave her my pen-tex fabric pencils with some instructions, and let her play. Once she had the technique and the label chosen - done and set into the corner to catch in the binding.

And being the scrap quilter - couldn't let those extra pieces sit. So she made a matching pillow. Now she has a lovely shower gift - and yes, we are already talking next project!


No extra pictures (batteries about to go - last ones) we went thru the draw and photo'ed with the box ready to ship. KoCan Quilt is the winner of the box of 2.5" squares. I will be sending her a personal e-mail, also. Thank you for playing along - there will be another give away with Valentines Day.


I've been too serious lately, and I am more of a jokester person, so...

Q: What did one wall say to the other wall?
A: I'll meet you at the corner.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Amazing. I can't thank you enough Sharon. You hosted a great giveaway and I feel so blessed to have won.

  2. Congratulations KoCan Quilt!!

    Sharon I love your little houses. They are so cute!

    Your SIL's quilt turned out great and it's a finish.........???What is a finish?????.....oh yeah, it's something I never do.

    Cute joke!

  3. So many finishes!

    #1 curtain - "What's new?"

    #2 curtain - "Nuttin', just hanging around.....

  4. well done Sharon you have acheived a lot,love that sneaky heart peek,lucky swap partner.xx

  5. I love your houses, they do look just right in those fabrics.

    Your SIL's quilt looks brilliant. Are you sure it's her first quilt?

    As for the joke, "groan" is all I am going to say!

  6. Wow - you've accomplished a lot this week! I love the aqua hearts fabric - gotta find some for my stash!!! And your cross-stitched ornaments are so adorable.

  7. You've managed a lot of finishes to go with your new starts Sharon - I'm still working on finishes. :) Your sister-in-law did a wonderful job and I especially love the flowers. blessings,marlene

  8. wow, you have been busy. The houses are just super cute. You have one lucky swap partner to get that gorgeous heart you stitched. Your SIL quilt is adorable!!!

  9. I LOVE Jeri's quilt. I love the colors, the simple style, the dash of applique AND the matching pillow. Too sweet!

  10. Love all your quilting shares today! You sure do alot of quilted projects! You are amazing! Cute joke!
    Thanks for sharing at Minutes for Me!
    Have a wonderful day!

  11. Haha! You've got fun things all over the place, don't you? I am captivated by your photo of the brick wall ... how fun! I hope your week is filled with good things! :)

  12. You are funny Sharon. Lots of great stuff here. That first pic of the brick is really amazing.

  13. Your SIL quilt turn out beautful for her first quilt. Your swapp partner will be delighted. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful projects. happy quilting jinnie

  14. Me thinks you have been holding out on us - that was a lot of things you did this week. Love them all. Judy C

  15. lots of lovely work you got done, Your SIL quilt is very cute too!!

  16. Beautiful projects. I love your full house tablerunner...what a great, creative idea!

  17. Great projects! I love your interpretation of the full house quilt. Great fabrics too!

  18. Congratulations KOcan Quilt! Love your little houses Sharon and runners are always nice to have. Your placemat and mug rug are cute!

  19. So many good things going on in your off the wall/on the wall world! Your own personal placemat to make you eat is a good thing. Often when it's just Stephen and I, I only snack too. I keep celery on hand to help with the crunchy snack temptations!

    Love your SIL's quilt. And pillow! Wow, what a good job she did for her first quilt. But then, she has a good teacher :)

  20. Congratulations to the winner!
    I have to ask...where is that amazing sculpture? In your town? I have been trying to figure out how it's made...LOL
    Love your houses; they turned into a lovely runner!

  21. sorry, I'm lagging behind.

    I just think its sooo cool the way you can set goals...and have a project meet several of them! It's really spinning the "cogwheels"!

    I LUV the boys/brickwall! This kind of art is sooo fun to look at!

    Flower and polkadots...I agree...the combination is really cheerie...and great label!

    I'm excited about your "step" for this week - for "OMW"!


  22. Now that I have moved into the basement I try to keep all my project bits down there and I finally have a design wall. Just a Fons and Porter one that I got from JoAnns with a coupon! It is the best thing since sliced bread! But you way works too! hehe
    Love your SIL's quilt. Far better than my first!

  23. Thanks for the share of your SIL! Great finish and the pillow too!

    The houses in the Moda fabric (one of my favs too) make a lovely table runner.

    The placemat and mug rug are adorable--I think all of us struggle with a more relaxed view of the meal thing than when the kids were home--or is it just everyone nowadays! All your finished and workings make me dizzy! Great job!

  24. Your little houses are so cute.

  25. So many pretty things here! I really like that little houses table runner. Great job, SIL, on the quilt. It looks terrific, and cute idea for the pillow to match.

  26. Love all your pretties, especially the little houses. I am crazy about houses right now.

  27. Wow, Sharon! What a productive week! What great projects. I love your houses best! so folky!

  28. I always enjoy coming over here and looking at all your projects! I love the purples in the baby quilt. The flowers are so sweet and perfect. What a nice gift the matching pillow will make!

  29. Whoop whoop! What to comment on first? Love the houses table runner, Jeri's quilt is amazing, your cross-stitch is so cute you make me want to start doing it again, and I love that picture of the wall at the beginning of the post!! Great week!!

  30. Ditto to what everybody else has said ~ I love it all! Including ~ and maybe even especially ~ the joke at the end. :)

    I love the Full House table runner, that's a super-creative variation. And it's super-pretty too.

    Almost as pretty as that cross-stitch heart. Someone is going to be very, very happy receiving that. :)

  31. Your Full House version is really great :-) I love that you changed it up and made a runner with it! Great colors for this pattern! Congrats on 200 posts :-)
