
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lighting the Tree

By the 1870's, Glass ornaments were being imported into Britain from Lauscha, in Thuringia. It became a status symbol to have glass ornaments on the tree, the more one had, the better ones status! Still many home-made things were seen. They were imported into America around 1880, where they were sold through stores such as FW Woolworth. They were quickly followed by American patents for electric lights (1882), and metal hooks for safer hanging of decorations onto the trees (1892)



I enjoyed taking part in Barbara's 'occupy' project. It really helped in getting those final projects done and concentrate on sticking to it. Did you OCCUPY your room?

Dec 3rd I quilted very lightly this photo memory quilt made by my daughter for her MIL. And, did some serious house cleaning.

Dec 4th I did a lot of organization of patterns and books that had piled and collected. Dec 5th I finished my Clover & Violet tote along with some blocks in other quilt alongs and some eye glass cases.

Dec 6th I worked on some odd blocks I had found during that cleaning and reorganizing. These will be donated.

Dec 7th I set my mind to finishing my Stitch Along Christmas banner and hung it on my mantel. A few other stitchery pieces were worked on that day.

Dec 8th I made some pillow cases for my Quilt Guild - they will be collected at our next meeting and donated to local Christmas Needs Charity Fund. On the 9th and 10th I was a local vendor at one of our commnity for the 'shop local' campaign. This will be linked up with CatPatches.

I missed out on Sue's Christmas Quilt Along wrap up link because I was vending , but will post about this tomorrow and information on next year's schedule for those interested in joining in.


May the days until Christmas be full of sweet pleasure,
And your holidays create joyful memories to treasure.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. whow Sharon you sure have been busy.

  2. It looks like you had a really productive few days occupying your sewing room.

  3. I need to borrow your production "bug"! You really get lots done!

  4. You've finished so many lovely things! Pretty stitchery banner!

  5. Wow! You accomplished a lot. :) I just love your Christmas banner

  6. Wow - you have gotten a lot done! I'm impressed!

  7. Sharon - As always, you get more done then any 3 people I know!!! Your daughter's quilt turned out fabulously!! And your Christmas banner is darling!! Kris

  8. Great work! I'm so glad you joined us!

  9. Wow! You accomplished quite a bit of sewing, quilting, and organizing! I am glad she organized it as I got alot done too! Enjoy your day!

  10. Whew, Sharon -- you certainly did more than occupy your sewing room -- you really got busy! What fun finishes you've shared!! :)

  11. This was a fun idea...I did get to occupy a bit more than usual, so I'm happy! Love your banner on the mantel - it turned out so cute!

  12. Sharon, I love the quilt your daughter made and those blocks will make a great quilt. Can't wait to see this one finished.

  13. You've accomplished a lot during this week. Great job and wonderful work.

  14. My goodness but you did a lot of sewing! Congratulations!

  15. Whoo hoo, what a great week you had too. Love all your projects. You got your Christmas banner done. When I was cleaning the other day I found a wool kit for a Christmas banner, that I had forgot I bought. Guess it won't happen for this year! Yours is fabulous!

  16. I love your stitcheries! Something I hope to have time for someday!

  17. O love the letter blocks! Very nicely done! Did you enjoy the challenge, I found it just so fun to have a motivator. keep up the good work!

  18. I love the photo memory quilt and the letter blocks. Great job!

  19. Wow! Busy week. Here I was bragging about spending one day quilting... Thanks for the inspiration.

  20. Hello Sharon,

    Lots of beautiful sewing kept you occuppied.
    Happy days.
