
Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Goose is Getting Fat

The first artificial Christmas trees were developed in Germany in the nineteenth century, when deforestation was a problem. They were tabletop trees, made from goose feathers that were dyed green. The feathers were wound onto small sticks that were then inserted into a larger stick which functioned like a tree trunk. These trees appeared in the U.S. in 1913, when they were offered through the Sears-Roebuck catalog. These little trees are highly valued by antiques collectors today.

The Addis Brush Company developed an artificial tree in the 1930s, using the same machinery used to produce toilet brushes. These trees had branches made from twisted wires with needles of pig bristles dyed green. These small branches were twisted together to make larger branches, which were inserted into a center pole. The branches were color-coded for easy assembly.



I was vending at a show the weekend of linking up with our finishes with the Christmas Quilt Along, so posting now. I found Sue's quilt along in June (started in Feb.) and quickly caught up with the Star quilt being offered. The once a month (second Saturday)project is very doable and I met some lovely new bloggers. Even got one of Sue's first book out (signed, yeah) 'Pick Four'.

From June to July I worked on the blocks and in August I finished into a flimsy (quilt top). I want this done by my longarmer who won't be available until January, so this is for next Christmas. All fabric was from my stash - even my backing is a piece I had.

During this time I, also, worked on this stitchery. It is actually finished with more detail and fabric framed - but moved on to it's new home as a gift and I didn't take a photo of the finished piece.

And for those who have followed me for some time, know that I did a lot of charity quilts in Sept and Oct. Our community - our valley - was devastated by 'Irene'. I assisted with our LQS to establish 'Quilts for Flood Victims' and so many of you sent on quilts as part of '100 Quilts For Kids'. I volunteered as a 'finisher' and enjoyed quilting off so many beautiful quilt tops donated. Over 200 quilts were personally delivered to those in need, especially to the children.

In October I also worked on the blocks for 'Gift Boxes' and now have this flimsy waiting on being longarmed. Although I am taking the Free Motion Quilting Challenge next year - maybe this quilt can be one of my projects? I do FMQ on small quilts - large ones are a physical challenge, but would love to master one.

And November was a lot of small projects. Getting gifts ready for the Senior Home, Community events, and personal gifts. I also spent the month cleaning and organizing.

I have already planned to participate again next year and the monthly schedule of hosts is prepared (I have July), so you know you are all going to hear about it here!


That Holiday Spirit starts today (see button)
Sew We Quilt - month of small projects (see button)
Quilt Gallery Blog Hop (see button)
Sew MaMa Sew here Blog Hop


Box #1 - GrowingStitches comments open until Dec 13th

Box #2 - On it's way to Ali at Asquared

Box #3 - On it's way to Linda at StrayStitches


Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat
Please put a penny in the old man's hat
If you haven't got a penny, a ha'penny will do
If you haven't got a ha'penny, then God bless you!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love the pictures of all your projects! I didn't know that about artificial Christmas trees, very interesting!


  2. Sharon, thanks for all you do. I've always loved that Christmas gift box quilt; it's on my to-do list for next year!

  3. Now I know why the early artificial trees really did look like scrub brushes! LOL Love seeing all of your projects....are those tea wallets there? May I snag the picture for a follow up for my tutorial? I'd love to include it on my tutorial and review page, so other colors and combinations can be seen for inspiration!

  4. I love the gift boxes quilt top! What a great design!

  5. You are just full of neat Love your work!

  6. Sharon, what a wonderful parade of finishes! Loved your little cat project, too! And your closing thought was one of my favorite Christmas choruses to sing as a child! :)

  7. Love the package quilt and next year's Christmas quilt, too. 200 quilts! Comfort for so many. That is wonderful.

  8. I am joining in next year. Sitting aside a specific day won't happen but I will set aside at least an hour on that night. One late night every once in a while to do something for me will be great! You are so inspiring with your finishes. It would be something to FMQ that gift quilt yourself!

  9. My hubby's first barbershop chorus used to sing that song. I love it.
