
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Coping During Irene

I found lots of hand work to do while watching flood waters and no power. Had to keep my mind and hands busy. The buttons and final embellishments were put on Raggedy & Friends.

This stitchery came to heart at the time. My stitches aren't perfect as it was done at night by candlelight.

Clover & Violet's block # 5 got finished.

Clover & Violet's block # 6 got finished.

Paula's block # 5 got done.

Paula's block # 6 got done.

And Paula's block # 7 got done. All caught up.

And I finished up Shell's Heart BOM block # 8.

I pulled out my triangle barrel. Some of these are already sewn, so seperated those.

And when I missed my machine, I hand cranked a little sewing on the HSTs. Now with power, I am slowly pressing and squaring up.

"There are moments when you have to just walk away and cry.”
- Lou Angeli

Sewingly Yours,


  1. You did find alot to all of it but that header of yours is just the cats meow!!

  2. Awesome quilt. I'm glad God took care of you and your family threw Irene. You know quilting is the best thing to express your self and what you feel.

  3. Sharon - Your Raggedy quilt is more than darling!! You did such a nice job!! And I see you were quite busy during the storm - how fun, hand-stitching by candlelight!! I'll have to try that someday!! :-)) Kris

  4. So glad you kept busy. Know it must of been hard to concentrate but you did and accomplished a lot. Kudos Sharon.

  5. Glad you have power now! Amazing work done by candlelight :-)

  6. I can't imagine watching the flood waters come closer and closer to my home. I was concerned when you didn't post for awhile.
    Touching closing thought quote. Clearly describes many situations, unfortunately.

  7. there are not too many things one can do without power. glad you had your stitching to keep you occupied. :)

  8. the quilt looks amazing as always Sharon!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and the members of your community. I can't even imagine what it would be like.

  9. Sharon your quilt is beautiful love the colours and i cant believe how mant blocks you got done,hope things are back to normal soon

  10. Now I know, there has to be some pioneer blood in your viens! Not a minute, nor a scrap wasted! Glad you managed to get caught up, but I am so sorry for the reason. you had sew much "time" on your hands.

  11. What a lot of lovely work you have finished. So glad your house wasn't flooded.

  12. What a lot you got done. So at least something good came out of your enforced time away from the machine.

  13. You certainly accomplished a lot during your retreat from normalcy. Beautiful work and you'll remember what you were doing and which quilts you were working on. I still remember the hand quilting I was doing during 9/11.

  14. It is amazing how much you can get done with no power. Your blocks are wonderful. I love the touches on your Raggedy Ann and Andy quilt! So cute. I hope your valley will dry up soon. How long are they thinking it will take for your valley to be back to "normal"?

  15. You certainly accomplished alot without power. I imagine that you must have felt like one of the pioneer ladies working by candlelight.

  16. It must have been an experience working without power. It really probably makes one appreciate all the clothing,and quilts and such made before we had today's blessings!

  17. You got lots done. I have a kerosine lamp, in case I ever need it. I also have battery powered book lights for my treadles and hand crank. I found a great gadget at a thrift store that I use to press small seams with. I think it is supposed to be for smoothing the tape on wall boards. I'd still rather have the power on.

  18. Naughty, naughty was Irene! So glad she is gone. So very glad you are ok. :)
    xx, shell
