
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Celebration of Love & Life

I deeply appreciate this Labor Day Weekend. Our town along with many others have been so bless with those giving up vacations, time from families and backyard picnics to help in the recovery from Irene. So many from across New York State, the Reserve, and many other States for En-Con to help in regaining power in some of the worst conditions. And the outpour of funds donated as well as many essential supplies, food and clothing. I personally express a huge THANK YOU!


I am super excited that one of my Wantobe's won this sewing machine over at Stash Manicure. Congratulations Christel! I am dancing and screaming along side you.

And I receive this wonderful kit of Aurifil threads. Yes, MSamm is kidding me about the amount of thread - I am a thread demon!! This will be new thread for me, so will have to do a little review.


A while back I showed playing in my 2" square barrel to make 9-patch blocks. It was a good day to start creating with them. Mirror blocks of light and dark settings with 'boxed' 9's.

I have gotten this far today. Two more rows of the light/dark 9's and then a row of the boxed 9's. Also, setting the corners with the boxed 9's. I just love how this is turning out.


1OO Quilts for Kids - see button on side - I will be delivering some to my LQS Tuesday - there will be a need in our community.

The Hands2Help quilts are headed to Romania


My poor Bella has been residing on top of the refrigerator thru this whole ordeal - I guess this is her 'flight of fright' - the highest place. If I let her out, she climbs high in the trees. I rather have her on the fridge.


Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.

~Douglas Pagels, 'These Are the Gifts I'd Like to Give to You'

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Poor Bella so frightened,and congrats to Christel what a great prize to win

  2. Congratulations to you and Christel. How exciting for Christel to win a new machine.

  3. How exciting for one of your Wantobe's to win a new sewing machine. Congrats to you as well. I know a couple of weeks ago one of my people won, and that was exciting too.

  4. I just love how your squared up quilt is coming along -so pretty! Congrats to both of you on the win - very exciting! And hopefully Bella will start feeling back to normal very soon....

  5. Sharon!!! We WON!! OMG I am SEW SEW thrilled! Congrats to you as well, I know this will keep you stitching for quite a while! I am so happy! Thank you for being my sponsor. I feel like I won the lottery! I hope life is returning to normal for you, and coping with Irenes devestation is easing up for you and family and friends God Bless,xoxo Christel

  6. Ya for your Wantobe! Please do a review of that thread. I have seen so much about it. It will be interesting to see what you think.

    Your squared up is turning out really neat.

    Poor kitty, hopefully she will join you back on your pile of WIP's again soon.

  7. It is hard to have such a bad thing happen to a community but neat to see everyone pull together. Your poor kitty. She looks so scared. I agree it is better to have her inside where you can see her. Hang in there!

  8. Congrats to you and your wannabe! The threads are so much fun! :)

  9. Congrats to you and Christel on your wins at Stash. Poor Bella. She is safe at least.
    Love the 9 patch.

  10. Glad you are safe now Sharon.
    Life has a way of getting are attention..

    Congrats to you and your Wannabe winner.. Looks like a nice machine for her. And you will LOVE the thread.. I have used this since they started distribution here in the states.

    Bella is above all the rest..!!

    Take care and your 64 patch is great as well..

  11. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your quilt!! Can't wait to see it finished. Maybe a nice cozy quilt will entice the royalty come down off the frig. One of our cats loves the top of the basement frig, go figure!

    Congrats on the thread win!

    I hope things are drying out up there by you.

  12. Just popped over to "personally" congratulate you on your win at SM. Love the colours in your quilts and I feel sorry for Bella hiding on the frig. My cat climbs on top of the linen closet and goes to sleep when she wants to 'get away from it all'.
    Sounds like your community's recovery from Irene is progressing well.

  13. Congratulations, Sharon! Nice threads :)
    Squared up 2" blocks play is looking good!
    Poor little Bella.

  14. Sweet Bella...would love to cuddle her and make her happier! Just love your squared up quiltie -- it looks great! Congratulations on your win..I'm still hoping one of my wantobes will strike it rich! LOL

  15. Sharon - I too love your squared up quilt!! And I love Aurifil thread!! And it lasts forever because it is so fine!! Hope you like it as much as me!! Poor Bella - all these storms have got to be so hard on our furry loved ones!! Hang in there, Bella!! Kris

  16. Woo hoo! Congratulations to you and your wantobe! That's fantastic!

    Sending snuggly hugs and happy wishes to sweet little Bella.
    xx, shell

  17. bella, poor dear, love the 9 patch blocks
