
Sunday, June 19, 2011


The simple white orchid - meaning - charmed or charming and as a single flower in a corsage means 'Simply Charming'. This particular cultivated orchid is so named and a favorite for June weddings.


On the wall - a simple table topper from left over HST's combined with simple white squares. I am in the progress of handquilting - keeping it simple. This is my June UFO for Judy's list and I should have it completed in the next day or two.

Just some simple play in my scraps. The barrel of scrap triangles is REALLY stuffed! Easy 1" x2" geese x 8" paper pieced strips that will get used in a quilt some where down the line.

I leasurely played with another set of 'Stars' for the Christmas quilt-a-long. Again just using my scrap holiday fabrics. Will be my nearly red/white quilt.

And I am playing with this little 'charmer' of simple loves of the stitcher. Floss, needles, bobbins, motifs, little snip scissors - just simple stitching charm.


All about May For Me and it was a blast, but until I wrote it all down, I really accomplished a lot - May For Me quilt, two Hands2Help quilts, color quilt, Flirting with Flowers wallhanging (UFO challenge), Daisy Do wallhanging (UFO challenge), Moda Bake Shop May contest, Once Upon A Season swap, Zip Bag swap, and Australian 6.5" block swap.

June: Still have 2 weeks to play, but - Rainbow Geese (UFO challenge), three Cross Stitch - Sampler - lighthouse - thistles, Bread Basket swap, Santa Sack swap, Modern Quilt Challenge, table topper (UFO challenge), 6.5" block swap, PIF's done, and on-going new fun with Christmas quilt-a-long and Simple Things quilt-a-long.


This is the 98th post, so with the next holiday soon upon us, I am posting for the 100th post give away.

For my faithful followers (to date) I offer this give away - your choice of a double pack of charms:
A Simpler Time, Lily & Will II, Prayer Flag, Chrysalis, or Le petit Poulet

So leave me a 'charming' comment to be entered and on my 100th post (June 27th) I will draw a winner who can select their choice of charms.


Remember the single white orchid, keep you life simple and it will be charming.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. “A charming woman… doesn’t follow the crowd. She is herself.”

    You tread your own ground so I think this quote by Loretta Young suits you.

  2. Congrats on your 100th post Sharon,well done ,love my visits always lovely reading,and thankyou for a chance in your giveaway,lovely prizes.

  3. Congratulations on nearly 100 posts! I love your cross stitching. It's sew pretty. You've certainly been a very busy bee!

  4. Loretta Young also said "A charming woman is a busy woman" and you sure are Sharon!!!

  5. I always learn something reading your blog. You do a good job. Going on vacation next Monday until the middle of July, so when you draw my name for the winner, you will have to hold it til I get back, lol. I need to get some crossstitch to do on the trip, will take up less room then some quilting. Hand quilting keeps it simple? When I hand quilt, I become so anal, I have to quilt around each piece. I'm doing the Tiptoe thru the tulips now, and it's taking me forever.

  6. Congrats on almost 100 posts. How very charming of you to offer such a charming prize during the charming month of June.

  7. You quilting shows your "charming" personality. Congrats on your 100th post. You are an inspiration to me. I would love a "charming" pack.

  8. Sharon I so enjoy reading your blog. You are so inspiring!!

    Will read each new post when blogger lets it show up.

    Thanks!! And I am entered in the drawing.

  9. “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” Marcel Proust

    Your blog makes me happy!!!!

  10. Simply charming, my dear!!! June is definitely for simple pleasures and I will be working on a few. Thanks for the pause.... Judy C

  11. Congrats on your almost 100th post! You are busy as usual, I see. I really like the stitchery you are working on. Your May was very productive - but then every month for you is always full :)

  12. 100th post is always worth a celebration..congrats...but no need to add me in the lot...
    just wanted to convey your sampler...I really like...

  13. Congrats on your 100 post! Charm packages are like little packs of love to play with!!

  14. O boy! A giveaway!
    Love the flying geese you've started. I really like the look of "scrappy" quilts.

  15. Love the cross stitch Sharon, it almost makes me want to finish one of the 3 big ones I have started.

    Congrats on 100!

  16. I REALLY like your stitchery! Is the pattern still available?

    Charming comment? Well, yepsiree, I have no other thought except...DEAR Sharon...YOU are the "charming" one! anyone that you would call friend...would be a lucky person, indeed!


  17. I'm babbling with your cross stitch, it's soooo lovely!!!!, congrats in your almost 100 posts!!!!, please keep them going!!!

  18. So many people commented on my post about 'ideas' that your idea jar is a perfect idea! (that's a lot of ideas in one place).

    So I think by next month I will have me an idea jar in place. I will of course blog about it.

    Thanks for being so helpful again!

  19. Congratulations on your 100th post, what a milestone. I like the reminder of enjoying the simplier things. I opened the patio door and listened to the rain fall and it was perfect. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  20. I am always charmed by your posts , so much eye candy it is simply charming !

  21. Congrats on the 100th post. What a wonderful, charming giveaway. I love reading your posts.

  22. Congrats on your 100th post! It is simply wonderful! I love your sharing posts! I am glad I found you! And what a wonderful giveaway!

  23. I still have a charming story I keep in my bible about an orchid. They are so pretty. Congrats on your 100th post. Thanks for the giveaway.

  24. Congrats on 100 posts...almost. I love stopping by your blog so keep it up : )

  25. I love seeing the wonderful creations that you make. As everyone says, You are a 'simply charming' person. Congratulations on your almost 100th post, can't wait to see what the next 100 brings.

  26. Congratulations on your upcoming blog post 100.
    Your posts are full of projects, recipes, poems, quotes, and helpful hints. I have learned so much. So many interesting things going on at your house and your needle work is awesome. Please ... blog on.

  27. It would be hard to choose but I do love Lily and Will....and charming, hmmmm. I've not yelled at even one person today - does that count? :) blessings, marlene

  28. I am charmed by your blog! Congratulations on your 100th post. I've started a quilt for my daughter with the Lilly and Will charm pack, and would love to have more of it to add. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  29. wow, has it been 100 posts already??? I love reading your blog. Yours is one I read every post. There is always something so dear and charming each and every time. I do love the cross stitch that you are working on. I can't wait to see where the geese end up.

  30. Girlfriend, you are simply charming! Congratulations on 100!
    xx, shell

  31. I'm new here, but so far, it seems like a charming place. Congrats on your 100th!

  32. Congratulations on your 100th post! I enjoy your blog and love your creativity so I do stop by and visit often.

  33. Ooppps, I forgot to add that I wanted to thank you for hosting such a charming giveaway. 8)

  34. Gotta love those charm packs. I really like seeing all the fabrics in a line so I can pick my favorites. Thanks for the chance to win and Congrats on your 100th post!!!

  35. Congrats on the 100th post that is special in itself just like you!!!!!!!!!!

  36. 100 posts! Wow what a charming achievemnet. I wish I had the nerve to even start a blog.

  37. Congratulations on 100 post. how exciting for you!! Thank you for the give away. Something brain is not working, LOL! I love your cross stitch!

  38. Congratulations on your 100th post! I'm married to my Prince Charming! Thanks for the giveaway!

  39. "Charm is the ability to make someone think that both of you are quite wonderful."
    ~Unknown Source on charming someone.

  40. congratulations on your 100th (upcoming) post!

    you have a charming blog and I like reading it!

    thanks for the giveaways.
