
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother May I

My son used this phrase the other day "Mother May I" and instantly we both remembered playing this game when they were all kids - especially at Birthday Parties. You ask 'mother' if you may (ex.) take 3 giant steps forwards and she can say 'yes, you may' or say 'no, you may not' or change it to 'no, but you may take 3 baby steps'. I always ended with 'NO, but you may all have a piece of birthday cake'

Aren't these the coolest pinwheels? I love them. They are part of Tonya's May for Me quilt along project. I had all the pieces laid out today and this is going to be so pretty when done. I think it is going to make a great gift for a friend of mine.

I joined the Australian 6 1/2" block swap and I got my first blocks in the mail today. From Susan (Australia) and they are the Calico Spool block from Quilters Cache - a wonderful site full of patterns. The top blocks are from Sue and I decided to make two myself - the bottom blocks. By receiving two and making two each month, I should have a lovely set of blocks for a sweet quilt.

A sneak peak at my next project for the Moda Monthy Challenge - home decor. I'm using Arnold's Attic and muslin - will hand quilt for a lovely vintage piece. I have it ready for the hand quilting, just trying to decide on what I will do??


Time for a little blogger fun:

Blogger Quilt Festival May 12-20
International Quilt Market May 13-19
I'll be following with pamkittymorning
sewmamasew give away day May 23

Turkey Sliders
20 ounce lean ground turkey
2 tablespoon Parmesan cheese grated
Minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
Salt/pepper to taste
16 dinner or slider rolls
Combine ground turkey, cheese and all seasonings. Mix together well.
Shape turkey into 16 small patties.
Place patties on a greased baking sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 8 - 10 minutes or until cooked through. Be careful not to cook too long or they will become dried out.

Serve with side platter of topping choices - slice cheese, bacon, tomato, onion, olives or pickles, ketsup, mustard, or mayo.
Chips and a cold drink and dine on the patio

I would like to take the opportunity to personally Thank You all for leaving a comment on my quest post on Stash Manicure. Also, the lovely comments on the Color Me posting here - I enjoyed matching all your colors with you. You make me strong as a blogger and a quilter and I enjoy sharing the journey with you. Some are stressing over not meeting May for Me goals - they shouldn't be goals but tips, ideas, shared moments and maybe they will fit in somewhere in due time.

Mother May I

"Mother May I" a childhood game,But mother may I remain the same?
"Mother May I" come to you?Trust your heart or be torn in two.
"Mother May I" take your hand?Hold it strong like a rubber band.
"Mother May I" hold you close?Cheek to cheek and nose to nose.
"Mother May I" a childhood game,But mother may YOU remain the same?

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Loving the pinwheels and the spool blocks-i am getting inspired... many thanks.

  2. I loved to play Mother May I. Too fun remembering this. :)
    Love the pinwheel's and the spools too!
    Have a great day girlfriend!
    xx, shell

  3. Oh your pinwheels are adorable! Mine are not finished yet but I am going to work on them today. The spools are cool too.

  4. I love reading your blog, Sharon - you never know what you'll find! Mother May I - I haven't played that in years, but remember spending hours doing it summers at my grandmother's house!!

  5. The pinwheels are so bright and cheery!
    Your little blocks from Susan are precious and I love the fabric you used in the ones you made.
    I look forward to seeing what your Moda project will be. And your hand quilting it too!
    Thanks for the fun memory of Mother May I. I haven't thought about that game in years!!

  6. I hope your friend will love the quilt. Your pinwheels are so fun!! Loved your post over at the Stash.

    Mother may I...we played that alot in grade school!!

  7. Sharon, those pinwheel blocks are gorgeous! Lots of wonderful color. I like the spool blocks too, I've never made a spool block. Guess I'll add it to my list.

  8. Love your pinwheel blocks - you are getting a lot done. Judy C sends her best to you.

  9. I really like how those spool blocks look. I think that will be a nice piece when it's done. Yay! Turkey Sliders! Yum...I think I had better go and have a late lunch! LOL
    I love visiting your blog!
    Jacque in SC

  10. Girl, you are so busy you make my head spin :)
    Never played "Mother May I". Sounds like a game we played and called "Simon Says".
    Sweet little pinwheels for a so sweet quilt. Moda project coming along nicely!
    Thoughtful, touching "Mother May I" poem.

  11. I love your projects and thanks so much for the recipe!

  12. Well, since my earlier comment has disappeared, I'll leave another one! Whoop whoop for all you got accomplished this week - beautiful blocks, especially the pin wheels!!

  13. Sharon, congratulations on all you got done, and thanks for the slider recipe!

    I bought a slider grill last year and haven't even used it yet, shame on me. I'll definitely have to try this one, it looks carb-friendly.


  14. I love the pinwheel blocks. Thanks for sharing the poem. My baby is graduating from college in 2 weeks and it is making me very nostalgic.

  15. Love the pinwheels. I made a bow-tie quilt for my inlaws years ago. I was a new sewer/quilter, and it was a learning curve to get it done.
