
Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Colors of May

Here our colors of Spring are just starting to appear. Tulips and daffodils, flowering quince, and the fruit trees are finally starting to allow their glorious, colorful petals to emerge. Of course the prolific dandelion is everywhere, but so too are all the luscious, velvety purple hues of the violet. And the fir trees are a fantastic rainbow of greens as new growth and new cones are emerging.

Of course I took notice of all this color because I have been dog sitting - lots of walkies. My SIL's brother took seriously ill and hospitalized. So I volunteered my dog duties. Sweet Sally is a rescue pet - Cairn Terrier - 13 yrs. old and always a city dog, but her terrier breed shows thru on our farm as she has to investigate every little nook and cranny. Thus very little sewing done. Of course the Queen is quiet miffed!

These are some of the blocks made from the panel that I cut all apart. I have all the other pieces,plans, and blocks ready to go, but they had to go into a lovely basket, waiting for their turn to play. Lots of bright, happy colors.

I hope everyone has at least spent a little ME time. I have seen pedicures, little get-aways, shopping trips, and ME projects thru the bloggy land. I am loving how this whole concept is sweeping thru the quilting community.

I did get to work on Tonya's new little stitchery. How sweet is she? I chose the fabric line 'Punctuation' for my blocks - such fun colors and prints. I just can't wait for the next step in this project. You can still join in the fun and she has a flicker group set up.

Some fun with a quick meal - individual pizzas.
Rhodes or any brand frozen bread roll dough
Thaw and let rise
On floured surface, shape into 6-8” round
Place on greased cookie sheet
Let kids top and decorate as desired
Bake 350 degrees for 10-15 mns

Options: try whole wheat dough, more vegies, tofu instead of cheese, sliced tomato instead of sauce, or make a calzone by filling just half - fold over dough and press edges with a fork to seal. Have some fun!


I loved Wilma's guest spot on Stash Manicure about designing a wallhanging describing herself. And Marcia's post on describing herself with color. I thought how fun to do a project combining the two ideas. So I found this color list and picked colors to match my initials - SLV - Splashed White, Lemon, Venetian Red. So for this week's give away entry, use the color list and pick your name colors and list them. Maybe it will inspire a ME project for you. Again, this is for my CURRENT followers, but I love to see new faces. AND because I enjoyed the double win the first week - there will be two names drawn on Sat. May 14th.

*** I will be a guest on Stash Manicure this Wednesday - May 11th ***

"You are as welcome as the flowers in May."
- Charles Macklin

Sewingly Yours,


  1. What a great color list. I wish I had found that when I was going to work on the challenge that Marcia worked on. Of course, I never got to the challenge like I never do even though I always say I am going to. (whew! that was confusing).

    I am so very Tomato, Mint, and Outrageous Orange I think.

    The pizza's look yummy. I was dreaming of pizza yesterday as I drove past pizza hut. mmmmm!

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog, I can't believe I haven't found yours before, I just lost myself for half an hour having a lovely visit!

    My colours would be banana yellow and harvard crimson!

    Looking forward to seeing you at SM, and hope SiL's brother gets better soon, but me thinks you are enjoying the canine company!

  3. For some reason I found myself drawn to Inchworm, and Lapis Lazuli. I like the colors, but I liked the names too, lol.

  4. I have chosen the colors of
    Rust, Earth Yellow and Wild Watermelon.
    What a combo, uh?

    And I do hope your family member is on the mend..

  5. My initials are CAM. I've chosen Crimson Glory, Asparagus and MSU Green. There are some wonderful names on the list.

  6. Hi Sharon, mine is Light Salmon, (because I like Salmon)Mint (because I like mint chocolate ice cream) Granny Smith Apple (because I like Granny Smith Apples!)not that I am always thinking about food you understand.

  7. Love the bright colors in the quilt, can't wait to see it together.

    Colors - SMD - Sunny Yellow, Mango, Delicious lime green.

    Hope you BIL has a quick recovery.

  8. It sounds as if your surroundings are finally bursting with spring color.
    Sweet Sally is adorable. How nice of you to doggie sit/walk/feed :)
    Love the blocks you have made from the panel and look forward to seeing the quilt that will be made from them.
    Your stitchery is wonderful and I really like Punctuation that you are using.
    My initials - LLG - LaSalle Green, Lapis lazuli, and Golden poppy!

  9. What fun - my colors for JKC are Jazzberry Jam, Kelly Green and Cornflower Blue - I am really liking this combo.

    That Sweet Sally must be my little Casey Gail's sister. We love Cairn Terriers here at our blog. Judy C

  10. My colors are:
    Peach Orange
    Raspberry Glace'
    Candy Apple Red

    Sounds like a good menu - Bon Appetit! LOL

  11. Sharon, had to stop by and tell you how pretty the blocks are that you gave to Linda. Great color choice. Those blocks POP!

  12. I love bright happy colors, too. I chose Sapphire, Amethyst, and Warm Black for my colors - think Amish quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. My colors are Lime (color wheel), Lemon, and Wild Strawberry

  14. I have been meaning to tell you... I love your blog with all the small sections of information... Easy to read!

    Of course my colors are Midnight Blue, Evening Blue and Wild Watermelon --- MEW. It was a fun project!

    I am going to make a pizza this week one night. My husband will love it - haven't made pizza in a long time! Maybe a calzone!

  15. I love the blocks you made from that panel! But then, I am so into bright colors right now!! Fun!
    My initials are JLB, so Jade, Lemongrass, and Brandeis Blue!
    Jacque in SC

  16. That dog is too cute!
    Here are my colors:
    This was fun, I really enjoyed looking at all the wonderful colors.

  17. "May for Me"...hmmmm...hard to do having a 13-yr-old with it being the last month of school...

    I saw that idea of doing a wall hanging that describes our personality...neat idea. First I have to figure out what color I am...I feel like I am blue, green and purple, but I will check out that site and see if they agree!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  18. my colours are: (DLD)

    Dodger blue
    Duke blue

    and I dont even watch sports!

    (I didnt want to use the qualifiers like "Dark" or "light")

  19. Much prettier than I had imagined. Will be interested to see how it turns out...
    Liked the colors your initials inspired :)
    I'll go with Scrappy pinks, Frosty purples, and Northern blues. I like yellows, greens and oranges, too.
    Good pizza idea!
    I'm looking forward to WEDNESDAY!

  20. Spring looks like it HAS sprung! Good for you!
    Your pics made me feel warm... we are just heading into our cold...errrr!

  21. lovely post Sharon and i hope your SIL's brother gets better soon.

  22. Love the peek at Spring and the pretty colors in those blocks. Great pizza idea...will give that a try with my grandsons!

  23. I love the fun! You are working with some great colors. :-)

  24. Thank you for the link to the color list. My last name and my middle name are the same initial so I used my maiden name for one of the letters. For KGO, I wound up with KU Crimson, Glaucous (blue), and Old Lace (white). There were only 4 choices for the letter K so I narrowed it down pretty quick.

  25. This was such fun! I never knew there were so many colours!
    I'd choose Gamboge,Raspberry and Wild blue yonder

  26. Magnolia
    Wild Watermelon

    The Magnolia's are blooming, my mother is making a Lemon pie and the wild Watermelon's are coming in (wish we had one to eat).
    Thanks for the fun!

  27. Sharon - Remind Queen that this too shall pass!!! :-)) Kris
