
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We are ready to head back into hibernation. Yes, the Northeast is still cold and with more snow predicted for the next couple of days - UGH - tired. Sorry the Queen doesn't sleep in the most lady like poses.


A shout out for:
Quilt Gallery - Fabric Basket Swap - see button - April 4th deadline for sign-up
Zip Bag Swap - Sandy @ Cookies&Cream Craft - see button - April 12th deadline for sign-up
Once Upon A Season Swap - Cheryl @ Gone Stitchin' - see button - April 15th deadline for sign-up
May For Me - Marcia @ Marcia's Crafty Sewing & Quilting with Tonya @ Hillbilly Handiwork have planned a special time for quilters on how to schedule and plan some ME time as well as May projects just for us. Quilter's seldom make for themselves - May is for you. If you would like to be a blogger who contributes - pick the button and sign up - we could all use some ME tips.

I was re-organizing, sorting piles and putting things away - didn't you see that Jelly Roll jump right into my hand? Yes, something new. Using a pattern from - boxed boxes with a jelly roll that uses the maximum of all those lovely strips. Will do blocks inbetween some hand work.

I decided to quilt up the 'Let's Play Marbles' and just have to finish the binding by hand. I think I am very tired of green.

I pulled a small UFO to handquilt - a peek at some whimsy. I need a little whimsy and some handquilting. Maybe some fun embellishing on this, too. And - it's not green.

I wanted to share a lovely card I received from Kennedy Krieger Institute in Maryland. Another blogger had made a request for quilts for kids for this Head Start Center. They give each child a quilt and new book to take home to help in the Literacy Project of reading at home. It's wonderful to know your quilts are not only being cuddled by a child, but warming a home. That little bag was from the Quilters Gallery Friendship Bag Swap - to keep all my cards, notes, and postcards.

'A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars' - anonymous

Sewingly Yours,


  1. The Queen looks totally contented - lol! The boxed boxes looks like fun and I have a jelly roll that could be used for that. The UFO looks so cute - love the piggy. Stay warm and hopefully this will be your last snow of the season.

  2. Hey don't laugh... my hubby sleeps like that! :(
    She looks contented!
    Love ya pig too! :)

  3. The boxed boxes look like a lot of fun, and possibility for some great color combinations...but no green, right?! Looking forward to seeing that one progress.
    Love the kitty...mine is stretched out beside my desk in a similar pose. Total relaxation!
    Jacque in SC

  4. Oh my, have you signed up for all those swaps? Certainly that will be a lot of fun but also a lot of work. Oh well, fun beats work every time. :) blessings, marlene

  5. I think it must be a cat thing. My mail cat sleeps that way. It looks very comfy. I went over and signed up for the Quilted Fabric Basket Swap. I am so excited.

  6. If only I slept as good as the Queen. :)
    Stay warm girlfriend. It's cold here in the South too. Dag!
    xx, shell

  7. I guess if she is a queen she can sleep however she wants!!

    You can't be tired of's SPRING!!!

  8. Oh what a cute contented kitty!
    I've been looking at Mary's boxed boxes pattern. Looks like fun!
    You are one busy lady :)
    Hope this will be the LAST snow of the season. Stay warm.

  9. Lots of things going on in your world. Love that little friendship basket. Found a cute pattern for similar one online that I want to make for granddaughters for Easter--hope I can leave my other quilting long enough to do that.

    Tired of green--anything in too much makes me weary--I'm sure tired of pastels right now!

    Love your blog!

  10. Poor little queen, obviously stressed to the max -- LOL! Love those quilts, you've been busy!

  11. Oh she looks so exhausted. Bet she has caught 100 mice in her dreams!

    I have never seen the Maryquilts site so thank you for pointing that out!! I can see today might be quite unproductive now! What a great many gorgeous designs. Will look forward to seeing the boxed quilt.

  12. love the pig, I collect them, where did you get the pattern? The royalty is just adorable!!

  13. You are one busy gal!! Whew! I got tired just reading all the things you're quilting! I'm impressed
    Gmama Jane
