
Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Finish, A Flimsy, and Fun

I am happy to say I completely finished the Happy Quilting quilt along piece. Just simple straight line quilting. The sashing is actually a creamy, yellow with tiny yellow flowers on a thin green vine. I think this one is going in the X-mas box. The side of the workshop was gracious to hold my quilt while I photo'ed, but wow - it was like 10 degrees and windchill ? My hands froze and then the camera seized - only one picture, but luckily it was this one.


All those pretty disappearing 4-patch blocks done and layed out. I worked a few blocks inbetween the quilting of the green quilt - suddenly they were done.

All sewn into rows, then together, and a really good pressing. Just to show that this was pressed with seams open - I found the moda pressed flatter this way as well as helped eliminate the bulk in those tiny spaces.

This is the 'Girlie, Girl' line and just so cute. I used the yellow daisy layer cakes in this pack for the border. I think a soft yellow flannel for the back and a pink with white dot binding will make a nice finish. This was fun to work on and went so fast. This D4P block is something I will definitely be using again.


I pulled out those strip blocks and my reds again and I decided some play time was deserved. 20 more blocks done so now I have a pile of 60. I like to work 10 at a time and then pin them together. These are 6.5" unfinished blocks and not sure yet just how many I need as I'm not sure what size quilt I will make. But there is still lots of red, so I will keep on.

I ,also, sent out charity blocks, charity quilts, relief quilts and I feel good about that. Remembering all those in need with this anonymous quote:
'Those who sleep under a quilt, sleep under a blanket of love.'

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Oh...Sharon...I really luv the "finish"... and the red "fun" stuff... hope we get to see where the fun "finishes up"...

  2. The "Girly Girl" quilt looks fabulous. It's amazing that such a basic block can be made to look so complicated.
    Your green "Happy Quilter" quilt turned out great. I cut some Basic Grey Blush fat quarters to use for it. Hopefully, I can start this week.

  3. What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Sharon, you got an amazing amount done in such a short time... now that's what I call time management! I really love the green quilt, the way you have it displayed against your workshop makes a nicely framed picture.

    If you promise not to tell anyone, I'd heard of the disappearing 9-patch, but not the D4P (I must have been under a rock!). That pattern is definitely going on my to-make list. I'm trying to cut down on buying fabric, so I won't buy any layer cakes... I need to make my own from stash.


  5. You were quite productive! I love those days, lol.

  6. I love both of your finishes! The design on the top one is awesome and I am loving the fun spring colors in the D4P.

  7. Your Happy Quilting QAL piece is beautiful. I love the greens you used. The D4P is an adorable quilt. Some little girl will be very lucky to receive it.

  8. I love those quilts! Very inspiring.

    Found you through my Sis's blog (Tonya- hillbilly handiworks). :)

  9. Sharon, I love both of the quilts you posted today. Great work.

  10. Oh my goodness, you have been busy! I love how your Happy Quilter quilt turned out - really like the greens in the blocks. And the Girlie quilt is so sweet; those D4P blocks are great!
    How are you making your red blocks...are you using a paper foundation or muslin, maybe? That is going to look so great when it's done! I did Bonnie Hunter's basket weave string quilt and enjoyed using old phone book pages! LOL Gonna throw it away, anyway!
    Jacque in SC

  11. Your quilts turned out beautifully! I love them! The straight line quilting was perfect.
    The quote at the end of your blog entry is so true.

  12. I love the way your quiltalong turned out Sharon but I'm sorry it's so doggone cold there! And I particularly love red so I'll be looking forward to seeing those put together. blessings, marlene

  13. Sharon,

    Another wonderful job! You are so productive.

    Great day to you.


  14. Oh two fabulous finishes...such pretty colours in the D4P and I definitely want to do the Happy Quilting one. So many different colour combos in the flickr the cool calming greens of yours. Will look forward to seeing what becomes of the red strips.

  15. Wow, Sharon, I just how your quilt just stands at attention...mine don't do that at They are lovely by the way..I love your bright colors you have been using...sign of spring for sure...ahhhh to complete sew many sew are a marvel.!

  16. Love the line name, GIRLIE fun and so appropro for my blog giveaway. Thank you for playing with me today!!! Em at

  17. Your quilt looks great. Love all the green. Those red blocks will be cool. I love my tan ones.

  18. Sharon, your quilts are BEAUTIFUL! I love the way the green quilt with the cream sashing turned out. And your D4P is pleasing to look at. I'm going to have to try that one. I can't believe you're still having cold weather - we've got the A/C on down here. Yikes!

  19. Love love the disappearing 9 patch.

  20. Love your green. Thanks for sharing it this St. Patrick's Day! --much warmer than the day you took the pic!
