Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
I'm working on a few of the Shoo Fly blocks as I come across bits while doing a clean out. The backgrounds are all scraps of Muslin coming out of my Kitty Bag. Gosh I'd like to empty that thing. I think after this project is finished, I just might dump what is left. Time for fresh!
I like to chain them like this. Attach one side (1.5" x 2.5") to the middle square (2.5") and then chain the triangles for the HST corners. I like to use a square (2" in this project) cut diagonal once - no drawn lines. Then I clip the center unit and add the other side. Leave all chained and pin the other two side units to the group. Then I can pull those and work when I want on them.
I'm doing a thorough clean out of these shelves and the rolling white drawer units. My local guild is having a 'Swap & Sell' meeting next month. I have that 2 year turn around rule and a lot of 'older than two years' stuff that has to go.
The guild is also collecting FQs for selling at our guild table at the Empire Quilt Fest Show in April. So I am going thru yardage - some to take to the meeting and some to cut down into FQs. I'll go thru all my FQ totes (those plastic shoe boxes) and pull old FQs as well.
I have plenty of NEW scraps and actual NEW fabric not touched yet. Even some kitted up projects on the ready. Lots to play with thru the winter. I even got a NEW roll of batting to finish up all those quilt tops (and I'm not counting those please).
I have something NEW planned for next year,
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Monday Making
I made this piece back in June and then forgot where I tucked it. Treasure found while searching for something else. You all know how that story goes, right? Time to get it quilted and bound.
And then I need to get this Amish wallhanging quilted up for a customer. Yeah, I like a challenge - see how I had to squeek the back and batting. On a home machine it's not a problem, just takes a little time to line these 'squeekers' up. But since this lady is almost as old as my Mom and would like to finish up her projects, I will not complain and be happy to help as I can.
Then I should have some time to play with some more Shoo Fly Shoo blocks. I have a pile of scraps that I've scooped up from here and there while cleaning. They will work nicely in this project.
If I could get my help to wake up and actually 'help', things might go faster. No - actually with them napping out of the way is more help. Moe likes the couch while Bellas hides up in the spare bedroom enjoying the extra plushy blanket just put on the foot of the bed.
Be sure to get some stitches in today,
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
While Mom was in the hospital, we did some clearing out and winterization. I had to pull some things out of the way to get windows and doors covered. One item was the tote of Christmas scraps. I don't particularly like to work with these, but something made me play.
Excuse the dark photos as I have to adjust to the darken rooms with all the covered natural light now. I had someone who decided to help with this project. He didn't mind me digging around him as I think it just 'feathered' his nest more.
This is what caught my eye. Some very vintage kitty panels that were 'gifted' somewhere along the way.
Do some of you have this stashed away in the back of the closet?
They are just too precious to stay hidden. My Christmas scraps have passed my normal 'use it up in two years' rule so I have to do some serious work on it.
Our next guild meeting is Indoor Garage Sale/Swap, so I will take this opportunity to go thru everything and do a clear out. Some of that Christmas fabric is definitely getting added to that cause.
Mom is home, so this project is put aside (for a little while). I had two small quilting commissions come in to they will get finished before the weekend. Then I tackle all those shelves and totes for the guild swap.
Thank You all for the well wishes - they were passed on.
Sewingly Yours,
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Time To Reflect
I will be taking a little break from the blog as I deal with my Mom's newest health scare. She took another very bad fall and we shall see what the outcome holds over the next few days. In God's Hands
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
During one of my travels, I was gifted this large bundle of scraps. Most of it looks to be large pieces so an easy process of getting these into the scrap management. Anything smaller than a FQ will get chopped down into the barrel system.
This is the last tub of scraps from Lesley's estate of fabrics. There are mostly small scraps, several zip bags of different size cut squares, and some small projects in progress. There were several step outs and pieces along with the instruction sheet that she must have used as a teaching class project. I've sorted it all and got the step outs in order; some small projects quilted and ready to bind. Maybe my guild would be interested in it as a Saturday class.
And at my last Hall of Fame meeting the lovely Pat (thank you sweetie) gave me this beautiful glass barrel stuffed with scraps. I spy some lovelies for the Shoo Fly Shoo BH blocks . I'm, also, starting some tiny log cabin blocks - food for the fill. (yes, that's one of the step out projects that barrel is sitting on)
I spent a couple of days fighting with Face Book when another guild member was notified that our guild banner was being 'sold' on one of those crap FB sites. DON'T open or buy from any of those 'fan' shopping sites - total scams. No worries - our banner resides in my house, but trying to get FB to take this site down - HA! Reports have been filed just so we hold no reliability. Geesh!!
We are in a weather 'bomb' for a couple of days - hope we don't float away again. I plan to play with scraps right thru the weekend.
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Monday Making
I won't actually get to stitch a thing on Monday as I am traveling for the last Hall of Fame meeting of the year. A two hour drive, but I plan on taking in some leaf peeping by taking one route down and another back while traveling thru the Catskill Mountains.
The aqua blocks got finished and I have been adding sashing and cornerstones on one machine.
I managed to get the two halves of this monster together with the 'help' of this monster on the other machine. I am stay stitching around the outside to hold all those patchwork edges. I have to 'shuffle' a cat to keep working around. This will have to wait it's turn for quilting as I have some commission work that comes first.
AND I need to pull the winner of the Witchy Stitchy Blog Hop give away.
DanetteOctober 9, 2019 at 7:53 AM
Love the scrappy bats! Will be nice to have in your house this time of year.
Danette was a no-reply, but very nicely put her contact in her response. I'll e-mail her and get the storage pincushion with bobbin donut and box of pins right out to her. Thank you to all who left such lovely responses.
Sewingly Yours,
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Last Day of BOO!!
I hope you have been enjoying the Witchy Stitchy Blog Hop. Remember to visit todays participants.
October 11
My black cat prefers cuddling in comfort with teddy bear blankies instead of flying on brooms.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Witchy Stitchy Blog Hop

I would like to take the time to thank CAROL for being the host of this BOOtacular hop. I am not a Halloween person and this made for a challenge. I had some help from a guild member (HI, Emily) who is a Chiroptologist - a person who studies bats. She makes wonderful quilts with either bat print fabric or bats pieced. One of her pieces led me to an 'aha' moment.
All year I have been playing with block 'units' that are quick to make and can be flipped around to create designs by themselves. This 'wing' unit can be found in many large quilt blocks - like the Swoon and Carpenter's Wheel. I just thought it looked like an easy Bat.
Background: one 2.5" x 4.5" rectangle and four 2.5" squares
'bat': two 2.5" x 4.5" rectangles and one 2.5" square
Sew one background and one 'bat' 2.5" square together - press to dark. Using the corner flip method, attach a 2.5" background to each of the 'bat' rectangles - press to dark. Make sure your 'flips' are the opposite. Save your cut offs for tiny HSTs or toss. SURPRISE - I tossed them.
Sew the twosie to the background rectangle - press to rectangle. Stitch the 'lefty' bat rectangle to the left side - press toward the twosie unit. Add the 2.5" sq. background to the 'right' bat rectangle (press to background) and attach to the bottom - press toward the twosie unit.
Being a scrap quilter, my bats are scrappy from grey to various blacks. Set 8 x 8 blocks (6" finished blocks) for a 48" center. I added two borders -yes, two (I hate borders). The first is a dark green vine print, cornerstones are a black with green vine print, and outer border of the background. Binding is the dark green vine. 56" square finish.
Emily is making one in another setting and when she has a flimsy, I will share.
I wanted the quilting to represent the Sonic Echo System that bats use for navigation. A different 'wave' radiating out from each corner with overlapping.
It took a bit of time to quilt, but it added to the character of the quilt. My challenge was met. There can be such fun and delight when working outside your comfort box.
AND I scoured high and low thru my fabrics for a backing with nothing that suited this quilt. Then I did some laundy - not that it helps to think better. BUT, I had this green plaid sheet! So it became the back of the batty quilt.
Did I mention a give away? I have another Storage Station for one lucky person. I love how the bobbin donut can be used with the magnetic pinkeep or removed. There is a hidden pull drawer in the pinkeep. I love to use the fine glass head pins, so a package of those. Just be sure I can contact you - winner pulled on the 10th.
Be sure to visit all of today's participants:
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Monday Making
The purple quilt has been finished and I managed to get a photo between rainy days.
A Jelly Roll collection from Connecting Threads and who would have thought that that yardage from my Aunt would have worked so well with it. A wide border, back, and binding and I still have about a 1.5 yards left. Maybe some pillow cases?
I need to catch up on September's RSC19 purple blocks for Tiny Tuesday as the first Brown for October is out. My browns are rather BLAH, so I may have to dig into other colors for the Chandelier Bead Blocks. I don't need too many more for either the white or black setting. I need to take a count and get them done.
Don't forget that today is the first day of the Witchy Stitchy Hop:
October 7
Sewingly YOurs,
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Boil & Toil
Some severe weather has had our power down and then I put it into 'boil & toil' mode to catch up some projects. Throw in some travel time and meetings into that cauldron. But I want to remind you that we have a very Witchy Stitchy Hop coming up that you don't want to miss.
October 10
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