Friday, August 30, 2019
Whooping Friday
The 'Garden' quilt is coming along nicely. All of Block A (66) and Block C (55) are done. I actually finished up all of Block D (55) after this photo.
Today I want to finish up Block B (66). I will work the color rows as strattas and sub-cut, but the center row I have most of them done as individual pieces that I used as leader/enders while working A,C,D.
I'd like all of these blocks done and picked up by the end of today as I have other committments over the weekend.
I was so pleased with myself what I worked thru not only two grocery bags of scraps, but three. Pieces for the "Garden" quilt and the next three projects with the rest put away or cut down into my barrels. THEN!!!! I got this box in. Slap my hands as I have enough in progress - BUT isn't this fun?
My Aunt also dropped off a lot of her quilty things as she is no longer able to sew. I am not touching that and have offered anyone coming for classes or visiting - grab a bag or box and take it with you. I'll worry about what is left after that gleaning.
My prayers are with all in the path of Dorian - stay safe.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
I am really drawn to this project. Scrappy goodness and I (lately) love working with white. I have gleened all the useable whites from my 'Kitty' bag, but most of the block components are done. So anything more will come from my shelf supply.
I didn't give credit to this pattern in the prior post and some asked for the source. This pattern - GARDEN PATHWAYS - was the feature quilt on the cover of "Quilt Sampler" Spring-Summer 2018 issue.
A lot of white used up! The boxed squares are all done (all 68 of them). And I am ready for some real color play.
Remember, I am trying to make this quilt from the most recent gifted bags of scraps. I have just these two bags left to process down into my scrap system. I have a lot of color strattas to make and then subcut into the next block units for this GARDEN quilt.
While playing with colorful strattas, I have two small pieces to finish bindings on. I will mix some handwork with some power machine stitching - a good day.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Monday Making
I finished Kevin's Simply Sensational Summer Scrap QAL piece over the weekend. Since I was using 1.5" squares, it will be a wallhanging. I'm not adding the other rounds and the ends (for the quilt size) - this is a good stopping spot for me.
Remember I used an even number for the center, thus I have 2-square ends on those corner triangle additions. That's fine with me. Today I want to get this sandwiched and quilted. Maybe even embellished and bound as well. This will finish at 30" square.
Sewingly Yours,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Whooping Friday
I managed to get two Tiny Tuesday blocks done and will wait for next weeks release to make the third and fourth block for the month.
The Chandelier Bead Blocks in the black background got finished and
so did the ones with the light backgrounds.
KEVIN'S Summer Scrappy QAL had it's finale reveal and final clue. I used 1.5" squares because I like tiny! I chose to make the center 12 squares instead of the 13 - just that odd quirk in me with the number. A start on the corners and I would like to get this one completed - or it might just sit. The rounds have that 'border' feel to me and I hate borders.
In an attempt to further tame - no use up - those scrap lights in the kitty food bag, I cut most of the pieces needed for this next project. I plan on pulling one of the newest gifted scrap bags and work thru those color bits. It's a little hard to get a shot of the quilt with the glossy page.
I'm really considering letting go of anything left in that kitty bag after these projects - yes, sometimes you just have to let it go.
Looks like it's going to be a very scrappy weekend.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
Today is catch up on a lot of small blocks. I'm behind on the Tiny Tuesday blocks and this month's RSC color light blue. These work up rather quickly (for me) which is good as we are having a very stormy day. Power out twice last night and already once this morning.
I can always cut and have blocks ready at the machine for some power sewing when the power is on. WIth next month's RSC color I should have enough blocks to start assembling both of these Chandelier Bead Blocks quilts.
Once the mess of scraps and mini blocks is cleared - the table is going to be used to get the 'President's' quilt sandwiched and ready for quilting.
Maybe by then my helper will be more alert. This cracked me up - what's bigger than a bread box? A huge Tuxedo Kitty and his Chewy Box.
SO - I work when I can on what I can with who I can,
(we are on tornado watch as well)
Stay Safe
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, August 19, 2019
Monday Making
I haven't done a lot of stitching as my Mom took another nasty fall and my time is taken up with her care. I did manage to get some b/w 4-patches done that will be a top and bottom border to the lovely 'Presidents' kitty blocks quilt. This will make it a 50" x 60" size - good for a couch throw. There is an extra block for a pillow. If any late comers come, I will make a wallhanging for a nice set.
We have had a lot of severe thunder/lightening storms, so I have been powering down all unnecessary electroncs - computer included. So I have not had time to visit blogs or answer e-mails. And the last time I powered down and then back up - something messed with settings that I am slowly working out.
We are expecting more stormy weather the next few days - so I am just powered down, not lost.
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday

This is the most delightful quilt store in Windham , NY - The Patchwork Co.
Run by the sweetest Mom & Pop and now joined by their daughter. Emily and I were lucky to stop in between the two quilt shows and there wasn't any crowd - when we were leaving, yes!
I picked up this cute panel (I need another panel like a hole in the head). 'Catnip' by Jenelle Penner for Windham Fabrics.
And if you are a cat person, you totally get this one.
At the Windham Quilt Show I pick this lovely piece up off the guild remnant table. It was marked as 4 yrds, but I think there is closer to six. I made the 'apple' scrap quilt last fall and I think this will be a great backing for it. Design by Joan Kessler for Concord Fabrics. I know some of the apple store scraps I used were also her design - nice marriage.
And I found this two yrd. piece of Laurel Burch "Christmas Cats". I'm not fond of seasonal fabrics, but I love LB's kitties.
Are you starting to sense a theme going on here. These blocks were made by my guild members - blocks for the out-going President to make a 'President Quilt'. One of the light background blocks is under the machine to get a blanket top stitch - the maker might not have had this capability on their machine. So today I will square all of these up and assemble the flimsy. I think it needs a stop border and then wide border to bring it up to size.
I'd like to have this one completed for show & Tell at our next meeting when we return from Summer Break. I'm the next term sitting President and I told them they didn't need to make another set of blocks - huge sigh of relief!
Sewingly Yours,
Quilt Show Two
The second quilt show on Saturday was hosted by the Patchworkers of Windham, NY at the local school. The drive from the first show to the second show was about 20 minutes. It was a lovely, cooler day and we enjoyed the scenery and wonderful old homes along the way. We did stop at the Patchwork Co Quilt Shop along the way, but will share that later.
This is the full quilt with those beautiful fussy cut EPP stars. Very striking with the setting on point.
The two blocks made for a very stunning secondary pattern. I liked that the guild had finished this quilt for one of their members who had a stroke about the same time my Mom did. Although Jean is still in re-hab, they wanted one of her quilts in the show.
The only blue/white quilt in the show - and I loved it. Same block but in reverse color setting makes for another stunner.
A beautiful red-work of vintage baskets . She said it took her eight years to make all the blocks and another two years with the quilting.
This was my favorite basket and a close up of the quilting. This was my vote for viewers choice award. She persisted in completing those blocks and you could see her quilting skills grow to the point at the end of learning ruler work to quilt this herself at the end.
For you lovers of the Lucy Boston block. I love the look of these, but I don't want to make one.
And another Lucy Boston done in modern fabrics. They had a special display on the stage of members' quilts what had won awards at the Vermont show this spring.
There were several log cabin quilts, but I loved the scrappiness of this one with the double 9-patches and backgrounds.
This show was a little larger than the other - both small quilds. There was a nice diplay of miniatures, but by the time I got to that section there was guite the crowd and photos weren't possible. They had a few local artisan vendors and guild boutique' as well.
I will share the quilt shop and purchases tomorrow (blogger is being boggery).
To be a rainy, stormy day so I might be powering down. I have a binding to finish up, so hand work will fit the bill.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, August 12, 2019
Monday Making - Quilt Show One
Since I am working on a project that can't be shown until next month, it is a good time to share one of the quilt shows that I went to on Saturday. Fellow guild member, Emily, went with me and we hit the Cairo Piecemakers, Cairo, NY first. A pleasantly much cooler day, but as we drove into the Catskill Mountains we were greeted by a huge formation of Canadian Geese. Come on - it's early August!
I just adored this little free form wool piece that was set into an old license plate frame. Of course I got the scoop on how this was made and fastened - just love!!
This was the mother ship of creation. I would have bought this - if for sale. Free form piecing and hand quilted with a large stitch. The light brown was actually a much darker, warmer color - cameras and indoor lighting. I wish I could have shown the back (I knew it was two sided) - log cabins, rails, stars, mock ladders, random blocks - oh my! All wool, but I could see using my plaids and homespuns.
Heres another small piece using this method. Wouldn't this be a fun new technique' for a guild class? You can tell I was really drawn to this.
This was all chenille, satins, and velors - also, two sided. Can you say HEAVY! A 'please do not touch' sign was right next to it, but oh so hard to resist running a hand over all this rich tecture.
I loved this modern piece - the gray was more of a dark slate (again indoor lights). The member took a class at Amelia's Garden Shop. They were the speakers/trunk show at our Hall of Fame Picnic.
Emily liked this one. Fun little frogs and love the extra touch of the large applique' in the corner.
This was another new technique's this guild learned - mosaic collage fuseable piecing an object. This one is actually a kit (we discovered that when we went to the fabric shop up the road).
But there were a lot of small pieces done that members had taken a picture or silhouette as their quide to collage. They are having another class later this month and I got invited.
This was a small show of about 14 large quilts and a number of small items scattered about. Its's an annual show so it showcases the new work and technique's that the members accomplish for the year. They had a raffle quilt, raffle baskets, and guild boutique. I hit up the raffles, but refrained from the boutique.
I'll share the second show tomorrow - and things I bought.
Now I need to go quilt,
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, August 9, 2019
Whooping Friday
I wasn't able to attend our local Guild's class on One-Block Wonders back in May, but I had the book and the fabrics . Sometimes after playing in so many scraps, you have to play with new. It was time to tackle this.
These are my fabrics - 'Cascade Meadow' by Connecting Threads with a pile of cuttings. I asked a guild member who had attended the class to come teach me. Yes I could have just watched U-Tubes or found tutorials on-line, but I wanted to use a better resource. Thank You Emily for helping out and getting me on to a good start with this project.
Here are some of the blocks so far - you only make them in 'halves' to aid in the arranging/design and the final stitching process.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
Because I finished up my plaid projects, I think today will be a good day to play in this newly gifted tote of fabric. I have several new totes and bags that I picked up last week and yet to look thru. This one intriqued me because I spotted MARCUS! Judy Rothermel and Howard Marcus - favs. Some Shelborn Museum collection pieces. Debbie Beaves and Jinny Beyer for RJR fabrics. Oh I'm giddy!
I see some Sawtooth Stars and once worked down into smaller pieces, some floating stars.
I forgot to show some pictures from the Button Boats class I taught.
The Cairo Piecemakers guild have a lovely room to use at their local library in Cairo, NY.
I loved Deb's little lamp. There is very little machine stitching to these cute boats.
Because the Bosal product now comes with two-sided fuseable, you can elliminate two steps (and products needed) in this project, making them much easier and faster to make.
You only need two 10" squares of coordinating fabrics - a scrap project. You could easily make these in 15 minutes, but we spent a little over an hour. You can only work as fast as the slowest person in the class. We also had a couple of machine problems to resolve along the way (see the machine manual out). And some discussion time was spent over the pressing station as a number of the ladies had never used a fuseable product before.
Some completed the entire project and others decided to do the end finishes at home after we discussed several options for that step. A nice little project with a super sweet quild. I enjoyed the evening very much - and I got gifted a bag of scraps by one lovely participant.
Sewingly Yours,
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