Tuesday, August 28, 2018
The kit project has taken longer than anticipated, but I really don't want to pack it up and then forget about it. So plodding along!
There are a lot of sub-units to make and then add to each round. I am following the cutting charts and directions, but as I work I have the big head thuds - I know how to make things with quick methods to have sped this whole thing up!
Down to the last top/bottom pieces to add to each color way block. These are made with 5 different sub-units. So yes, it takes time to do each section up before adding to the block.
In trying not to get to bored by all the 'grey', I am making a few of the last section and adding to a block as a time. Maybe with some gratification of seeing a completed block, I might be encouraged to keep that plodding going.
BUT - I do need a break from all that grey!
Look - color! Oh, my, it has been a very long time since I worked on this. There are just a few rows to assemble and then add to a partial flimsy there. Maybe in keeping to my 'focus', I can get this one put together today and that box can get thrown out.
It's to be another hot, humid day with chances of severe thunderstorms in the mix. A good day to be inside sewing. A hand project is on the ready should we lose power.
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, August 24, 2018
Whoop, Whoop Friday
I am just loving these 30's spools! A few made and a lot of pieces cut and layered on a few flannel boards. They are sitting next to the machine to use as a leader/ender project for a while.
I took the time to catch up on the Temecula Quilt Co. Summer Sampler blocks. I like to wait for a few to come out and then pull those scraps rather than work one block a week. There is quite a pile of 4.5" blocks sitting there and I am getting anxious to put this one all together.
Although I've played with a lot 'squirrels' here and there, I have tried to stick to my word "FOCUS". Several flimsies have been put together and in my quest to keep to my mantra of keep things only two years. Yup, it needs to be used up or passed on within that two years - I am not a keeper. However, I discovered two quilt kits I bought probably back in 2015 - maybe 2016? They are both Connecting Threads kits originally from 2014 and I picked up on a clearance sale just for the amount of fabric. I decided this one I will actually do the quilt as packaged. A nice mosaic tile block done in two color ways - an old line called 'Neutral Love - ll'. This will clear almost 10 yards of fabric off the shelf - YEAH!!

Monday August 20
Tuesday August 21
Wednesday August 22
Thursday August 23
Friday August 24
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
I've pulled out the Debbi Mumm Anniversary Sampler that needed the bottom row attached, then added the black stop border. I've decided not to add the patchwork blocks in the outer border as I felt it would take away from the pretty center. Instead I am going with just a plain outer border. I have to let this sit to decide on the green homespun or the maroon print. I'm leaning toward the homespun.
Here's all the patchwork blocks for that outer border - see, too busy. I can reset these into it's own little wallhanging - if I can get Moe off of them.
I have loved watching SALLY work on her little spools and inspired to start another squirrel project. I picked up this box of 30's scraps at our quilt guild swap night and have a lot of w/w's (fat quarter size) that need using up. This should make a sweet quilt.
A reminder that voting has begun for the Pets on Quilts Show entries. You can vote HERE on this Lily Pad Quilting post and you can find all the entries on THIS POST. Please take the time to visit each and leave a comment. When voting, it would be nice to pick one Dog, one Cat and one Quilt Theme entry - everyone took time to set up a post and enter, so take time to vote in all catagories.
It's to be another rainy day - let's sew!
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, August 20, 2018
Fabulous Freebies

I hope you are enjoying the Hop. I am gathering some new resources myself - they are joining my other 'squirrels'. It's always good to have a list of 'to-do' as well as a list of 'I just want'. Thank you Joan for envisioning this fun Hop.
I thought I would share one of my own tutorials with you. I enjoyed several years of participating in a Doll Quilt Swap group. My signature was to add a little doll to go with each quilt - dressed in scraps left over from the mini quilt.
I made a lot of little dolls! You can find her tutorial HERE and I hope you make your own little quilt/doll set for someone special - or yourself.
Please be sure to visit the other hosts today:
Sewingly Yours,
Monday Making
The yellow quilt was put into flimsy stage over the weekend. I had made the blocks during the RSC18 month of 'yellow' and rediscovered them in my attempt to find something else. I had a lot of low volumn yellows that just didn't fit into anything over so long, now they are all playing together in this pretty quilt. The sashing is a repro 30's print that had been on the shelf for over a year - it got to set off these blocks making for a nice framing.
The Bonnie Hunter Mystery components went into a star block that was framed with some left over Kona White. It got the same sashing finish as the yellow quilt. The aqua art deco print was cut-offs from a backing - just enough for the sashing with a few pieces added to my barrel system.
There were a few geese components left, so I made a mini to use them up. Used up the last of that Kona scrap and pulled a left over binding piece from the binding drawer. The binding needs stitching down, but close to a finish.
The rest of the mystery components - I could have saved them for another play day, but I tossed all of it. When something doesn't inspire and you just are tired of it all, it is OK to either pass it on or get rid of it.
Today I want to finsh up the center panel of the Temecula Quilt Co
'Summer Scraps' quilt. The dark lozenges need one more flip corner and then paired with a lite lozenge. As you can see, I don't have too many more to finish up and then I can arrange the color pairs when I am happy and get those into rows - then rows together. That shouldn't take too long as long as a fat cat doesn't decide to nap here. Then I want to start on the next sections - Broken Dishes.

Today is the first day of the Fabulous Freebies Hop hosted by Joan @ Moose Stash Quilting. Bloggers sharing their favorite free tutorial - either on of their own or one from another resource. List of Blogs:
Monday August 20
Tuesday August 21
Wednesday August 22
Thursday August 23
Friday August 24
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
I finished up the flimsy of the R/W/B scrappy donation. This will be sent on to someone for probably a need to add another border or two to up size for QOV.
Today I want to do something with this tote full of 'stuff'. It held parts made and in progress pieces for Bonnie Hunter's last mystery which was interrupted with many squirrels. And I started stuffing other things into it. Now it is time to do something with all of these little jewels.
If it ever stops raining, I hope to get some outside photos of our apples, flowers, and the mini garden mixed in the flower bed (which has taken over). Wish we could share all our East Coast rains with our West Coast friends.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, August 13, 2018
Monday Making
From my Scrappy Wednesday bit of work, I managed 20 churn dash blocks in the R/W/B gifted scraps. I pulled some yardage from the shelf - also gifted somewhere along the way - to start making strip sets for the sashing setting.
Then the snoopervisor took over! I am working on rows before and after the one he is napping on. Hey, the show must go on.

And don't forget to get those loveable characters in your quilty world. Remember, entries in catagories:
Cat on Quilt
Dog on Quilt
Other pet on Quilt
Pet themed Quilt
There is still time to link up over at Lily Pad Quilting.
My two have gone on strike this year, hence the Pet themed Quilt had to make a solo appearance.
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, August 10, 2018
Pets on Quilts Show
This is a quilt made on commission by a mother for her daughter and SIL who have raised a number of German Shepards. She wanted it to be a memory quilt of those pups sent to new homes and older dogs that had passed on. She brought me a number of photos which we sorted for those that would best work on printing fabric.
I showed her some on-line samples to expain to a non-quiter what blocks and construction I was talking about. With the use of EQ, she chose a log cabin setting as they own a beautiful log cabin home deep in the woods - of which mom brought pictures of. Using that photo, we pulled scrappy greens and light browns. She loved having a part in this planning process.
I chose a 'polaroid' block setting to frame the printed 'photos', the paw print block is their logo, and a block that is the label which the mother made up. I printed an instruction sheet on how to write in the 'polaroid' white strips and then set the ink, supplied a special pen, care instructions. This way the daughter could write in the names of the dog(s) in each photo - a way she could participate in the construction of this quilt.
I received a lovely Thank You note from the Mom and beautiful letter from the daughter/SIL. It was a pleasure to work on such a different memory quilt with this family.
*Entry in the Pet Theme Quilt Catagory*
link up with Lily Pad Quilting
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
Well, I'm suppose to be adding borders to some quilts. I hate borders. So I dumped a new box of scraps on the table instead. Bella took up napping rights in this new nest.
Moe on the other hand preferred the box. Ah, my 'Moe in the Box' - just love it. They want to remind you that the Pets on Quilts Show is starting on the 10th, so get those cameras snapping.
There are a lot of blues in this pile with some w/w that I can get a few of these Churn Dashes made. It will be a good start to a Wounded Warriors quilt come the December winter games in Windham. The smaller bits will go into some tiny 9-patches that will be used in something else.
We had a sudden storm with wild winds and heavy rains yesterday - my poor vegies got clobbered and I hope I can set them straight. More rain today and tomorrow which means we will be on flood alert again. I will keep my nervous furkids comforted and sew the days away.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, August 6, 2018
Monday Making
I worked all weekend swinging this gal around on a quilt. This is my Aunt's "last" quilt and I wanted it to be ready once the family is all settled with travel, vacations, etc ....
Such a simple pattern, but so attractive. I'm not a purple person, but this is so pleasing in the lilac tones. The border fabric is also the backing and binding. I think she found this on Missiouri Star Quilt Co if you are asking.
The UFO 'trip' is finally a flimsy and if I can find a backing - it goes under the needle for quilting.
The red boxed squares had the rows already to attach into a quilt top. I think thes needs a stop border and then a scrappy border to bring it up to a larger size. I do have something in the tub for a back which is a plus.
My Mom brought over two table runners for me to finish off. They are 18" wide and 56" long. I'm tempted to shorten them up as I feel they are too long. Also, being older fabrics I am having a hard time finding something that works in color/print for the backing and binding. I may have to go with a muslin back and search more for bindings.
My day is cut out for me. It is to be very hot and humid so a day indoors with the AC works for me.
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, August 3, 2018
Feline Friday
I have just three rows to add to the 'Trip' quilt, but someone has fallen in love with this one. It's a dreary, rainy day - so good napping weather. Eventually he will move and I can get this finished, but I want him to enjoy his nap.

Moe, also, wants to remind you that the wonderful 'Pets on Quilts Show' is opening link ups on August 10th. Both Moe and Bella have had a chance to be Kind and Queen for a year. If you are new to this venue, please visit Lily Pad. Catagories of Dog on Quilt, Cat on Quilt, Other pet on Quilt, Animal themed Quilt, and lots of other ways to win prizes.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
There was a good start on the 'Summer Scraps' project yesterday. All 40 light lozenges were finished and the 40 dark lozenges just need their last flip corner. Then they get a good pressing (I finger press all this small stuff) and I can get the center section of that quilt together. But I need to move on to something else as this got a little tedious.
In my on-going effort to clear out sitting projects and empty some totes, this was found. This Trip Around the World variation has sat for too long. Just eight more rows to finish it off. I had stacked and clipped those rows, but didn't number them. It shouldn't be hard to figure those out and I hope to get the rows sewn up this morning. I have a noon trip and when I come back home I can get this into a flimsy.
Like so many, I can't believe we are in August! BUT - I am so happy to see July gone as you can see. There were a lot of 'side' items taken care of during July that were not on the calendar. August will be a home time with a lot of computer work, phone calls to make, and letters scheduling for business/meetings/show for the Quilters Hall of Fame. I will have more time to clear more projects and empty totes.
Bella will be glad I will be home more. She is such a creature of habit and gets very grumpy when things are not her normal routine - like Mom home at her side all the time.
Moe, will be happy I am home more now, too. He will sit at the end of the sidewalk or lay in the drive where I park my car waiting for me to return. His favorite thing to do - lay in an open tote or box of fabric scraps for some supervising.
Sewingly YOurs,
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