Sunday, April 29, 2018
Monday Making
Well, I survived the weekend EQF show! We even traveled home both nights in snow storms - yes, still snowing here in NY. I was surprised by some wins at the show. The little Temecula Quilt Co miniature took first place.
I didn't get to take a lot of photos as very busy either in our guild booth or helping in areas of the show, but that was a good thing as my camera and I take some horrible pictures.
Example - horrible photo. Very surprised with this one which not only place in it's catagory but received...
the Judge's Choice Award. That's back-to-back shows winning this award. Pressure!! This pattern is one I tested for Bea Lee and it is available on her web site.
The show had two traveling exhibits - Hoffman Challenge and the Susan B Anthony 2020 challenge which facinated me. This might interest some of you as individuals or even your guild to participate in. Please check out their web site HERE.'
Of course I bought fabric - there were lots of vendors! I fell in love with this panel - The Hatters Tea Party!
The Gold and Pink Grunge are to play with the Hatter panel and the homespun is going into another project.
These I bought off a guild's booth table. The brown is a 6 yrd piece of vintage and I will use for a backing on my Burgoyn Surrounded. The blue with tiny apples (more apples) is another vintage and 3 yrds! These were only $1 yrd each - who could pass that up? The only piece of cheddar I found in the entire show, too. A FQ from another guild's sale table - 50 cents.
I have to unpack the car today. Somewhere there is a bag filled with FQs that another guild booth was lowering thruout the day just to empty the table. I was breaking down our booth and asked them to throw the left overs in a bag and I would take them all - they gave them to me for a $1 for the bag. I don't know how many are in there or what there even is, but they will definitely get used.
I have my pieces for some of the little border blocks for the Debbie Mumm Sampler by my machine, so maybe I will get a few of those made while I sort out things from the show. And more snow is predicted for today!
Spring? Where are you?
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, April 27, 2018
Whoop, Whoop Friday
I am loving how this Debbie Mumm Anniversary Sampler is coming together. I wanted to get the center finished - missing two filler blocks for that last row. BUT, I have to make several of that type of block as some go into the one border so it will have to wait.
I wanted this to be at that point because it had to all be picked up as I will be away for a couple of days.
Our local quilt guild is one of the six regional guild's that put this show on. I will be manning our guild' booth as well as taking some time to work in areas of the show. If I had a hand-crank machine it would go with me, but I'm taking my hexie diamonds to work on.
So, I need to check things off the list as I pack them and get the car loaded today - I have to leave early in the morning.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
I think Spring has finally arrived here in the Nor'East. We've moved from dusty blues, a bit of aqua, and then into the greens.
36 - 36 - 34 - 46 - 52 - 58 - 63
Let's hope it is here to stay; although I remember a year we had snow on Mother's Day.
I'll admit that I have been rather slow to work on the 4th hexie diamond. I want to finish this one up today and then kit up at least two more to take with me while I man the guild's booth at this weekend's quilt show. I'm hoping I can find some more cheddars while at the show - there's to be lots of venders and I know a few who carry a lot of CW prints.
All of the Sawtooth Stars are done for the Debbie Mumm Sampler. I could make a whole quilt with these cute small blocks. Maybe the next baggy of scraps I pull?
The next grouping of the Sampler's blocks are the trees and kitties. Today I will work the trees and then start to put together as much of some of the rows/sections together as I can. I'm excited to get this one done. I have another show in the fall, so maybe that will be incentive.
It is raining cats and dogs today, the furkids have settled on the couch for a nap, music softly playing in the background - time to sew.
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Monday Making

I'll be joining BETH today with some play with NEW fabric. As a scrap quilter it is exciting to open up, pet, and smell new fabric. It's a whole nother world!
I bought this wonderful bundle of fat 1/8ths at our quilt guild meeting . I was late getting to the guest presenter's sale table, that I was afraid this lovely would be gone. The white is a 20 yard piece I've had on the shelf and slowly working thru. It actually has a white 'burst' circle thru it which doesn't show up in the photo - just a bit of fun.
Don't you just LOVE this selvedge? Yup, some Cotton & Steel is getting freshly cut - my first time playing with this fabric line.

I've been waiting on some time to play with this . With my quilt commission work done and being mailed out today, I have a few days before I get busy with the big quilt show on the weekend. Button is on the side bar if you want to take a peek at this.
These are 10" finished blocks - HUGE for me. I should be able to catch up over the next few days as these are rather quick blocks to work up.
We were in the 50's yesterday and should be around those temps for the next few days. YEAH! Maybe I can get the furkids out for a walk this afternoon. We all need to shed some of that winter 'fluff'.
Sewingly Yours,
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Feline Friday
I got all of my entries for the upcoming quilt show done, labeled, numbered, and bagged for pick up. So I dumped some scraps to play with more of the Debbie Mumm Sampler blocks. BUT, my helper decided this was a good spot to take some personal time.
So I moved to the corner to do some sorting and cutting. That bag of scraps is working down.
Then himself thought this was a good place to hold things down. It's very hard to cut small pieces when a big cat is laying on them.
So I resorted to my barrel system as I needed nine 4-patch blocks and this was easier than trying to work around a cat. I need 11 of the sawtooth stars though and managed one before he settled in.
So I changed gears and put the rows for the Sail-Away quilt that is a commission piece. I don't have a thing for the back, so will run out early tomorrow and pick up a double fleece for this as I want it quilted and ready for mail out on Monday. She. also, ordered two of my quilts from the shop so three quilts will go out on Monday.
I picked up a commission for a small cross stitch piece, too. So I need to pull my books for border designs and my folder of 'fonts' . I have a rough draft from discussion with the client so I know what direction I am headed. I hope for a 3 week (or less) turn around on this so there won't be a lot of sewing while this happens.
We had some sunshine and warmer weather, which was much appreciated with a couple of walks around the property. I was beginning to feel like a slug!
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
I managed to get the houses, hearts, and stary moons for the Debbie Mumm Sampler finished before I took a few days away. I went to house and grandkids sit while my daughter and SIL went to Boston. My daughter ran in the Boston Marathon in the worse conditions ever! We had such cold, snow, sleet, rain, cold, rain - well it was like January appeared again.
I took hand work with me and I would have finished the second diamond if I had counted out the right number of papers - geesh. I even finished up the handquilting on my mini Civil War Sampler and I hope to get the binding, hanger, and label on it as it is entered in a show in 12 days.
An odd week of temperatures for an odd rosette.
39 - 51 -51 -42 -28 -30 - 34
I came across this bag of scraps on the shelf - fallen behind on of my project totes. I will play with these while I work on that binding. This should make a cute little piece.
Enjoy a little side project today,
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, April 13, 2018
Feline Friday
The important early morning errand has been completed and I can relax the rest of the 13th.
The errand - taking Moe for his annual trek to the Vet. I am so happy that their office is only 1 mile up the road and we only have to do this once a year, as my big 'guard' cat cries like a baby on these trips. It's funny how he comforted Bella on her day and now she is comforting him on his day. It's rainy and dreary, so I am sure these two will be here all day.
Yesterday I got two more on-point 4-patches done and I hope to get two more finished up today. With the 4-patches already made, pressed, trimmed and the background pieces are all cut - these go together very quickly.

I watched Barbara make this Debbi Mumm Anniversary Sampler and fell in love. I have made all of her 'free' patterns, but not this one. A great project for helping eat up some of those scraps.
I just love those fish! Just working mostly from the strip tote as a lot of these blocks use 1" - 1.5" pieces. Anything larger is coming out of the last two scrap bags yet to be sorted. I am going to try and get the houses done today.
It might be Friday the 13th, but it is still a Friday - go sew.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
I have 20 of the 30 'Puss in the Corner' yellow blocks done. I want to finish the last few blocks up today. Then I will see what I have on the shelf for some sashing and border and this one will get put aside for finishing next month.
I would like to get at least four more of of these blocks done. The 4-patches are made and the white pieces are cut in that container, so this is a quick, doable project.
The next temperature rosette ready to stitch to it's background. Another cold week!
39 - 25 - 32 - 28 - 27 - 30 - 32
Today is a mixed bag of local travel: Miss Bella has an appointment with the Vet for her annual check up and shots, I have to deliver the donation quilts from our Quilt Guild to the center, the center is right across from my hair dresser - yes, a hair cut this afternoon!
So my easy, scrappy projects fit into today's schedule. Then I will settle into finishing the handquilting on the Civil War Sampler so the binding can go on this weekend.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, April 9, 2018
Monday Making
The RSC18 color for April is yellow and golds. My yellows are a little bland at the most part, but that tote does need to be tamed. A blurry photo because I had a furkid rubbing my arm for attention and then ran off when I tried to take her photo.
There were a lot of 'bits' in the tote that I could quickly use for a new pineapple. The w/w was on the table as left overs from some other block making and the greens came straight out of the string tote. The dotty print (folded several times) I am thinking will work for the border, but with a green flange and finish up with a green binding. This is such a quick project and the pattern can be found HERE.
I had a good laugh when I realized that the slip I pulled for the block to make this month was 'Puss in the Window' - it should have been 'Puss in the Corner'. I have a slip in the cup for Bonnie Hunters' 'Moth in the Window' block and must have written one after the other and had a senior moment. I have 1.5 yrds of a bright w/w that needs using up and will be enough for these blocks. Where this project goes after that will wait for inspiration - now to chain these babies thru the machine.
The sun is shining today!! Happy Yellow!!
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, April 8, 2018
15 Minutes

I will be joining KATHY and KATE with some slow stitching today. I have used the 15 minutes a day to tackle my hand stitching. My temperature hexies are done each day, but I have some other projects that are getting attention as well.
This Civil War Sampler has been sitting for a long time. I entered it in a local quilt show with the purpose of encouraging me to get it hand quilted and finished. Just stitch in the ditch and a little bit in each block - these are tiny blocks with lots of heavy seams - this shouldn't take me long to quilt.
I have two large quilts for this show, too. They need their temporary hanging sleeve attached, so more hand stitching to be done. I have some company stopping thru out the day, so a hand project is easy to put down and then get back to today.
Sewingly Yours,
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Is It Spring Yet?
After a 48 hr. period of a huge drop in temps and some gale force winds, we are having snow again. This was Friday afternoon at the start and it is to snow all day today. I am in a Spring cleaning mood, but I need Spring first!
I got 40 lovely 9-patches from those strattas and scraps from that grocery bag of goodies. Not sure where this is going, but it is a start.
Ready to start the cheddar hexies to be added around the newest diamond block. I'm doing a little reorganization of my 'yardage' shelves and hope to find a few more cheddars for this project.
I need to check back thru the Temecula Quilt Co. site to be sure I have caught up on all the blocks. I did get these four done and a new one came out yesterday, but I think I may be missing some.
I don't have any photos - I was presenting - but I did a lecture/trunk show on Scrap Quilting this week at the Peaceable Day Quilt Guild in Cobleskill, NY. They have a very large, active group and were gracious hosts. I was able to enjoy their Show & Tell and so many wonderful projects were shown.
Today I have some morning errands and a visit to the local Library to discuss a joint project with our guild and the local garden club for a "Spring Flowers" display thru-out the library. Then I can sew, sew, sew as it snows, snows, snows.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
I hope you enjoyed your Easter weekend - some time off for me was much needed. I'm back at working thru the last couple of gifted bags of scraps. This one has a lot of reds and strattas. The yellows will get pulled for the RSC color of the month - maybe another pineapple mini.
Some of those strattas sub-cut and being used for 9-patch blocks. This will be a good project to get back into the routine.
The next temperature rosette needs yesterday's hexie added to be complete. We are being teased with days of going into the next color and then back. Yes, we are still getting snow, but nothing that stays too long. Today is an 'ice' day, so I am sticking to home.
39 - 46 -46 -48 -38 -37 -34
This will be a center for a new project. These are the corner cut-offs from the Meadows' Mountains quilt. Trying to tackle that tote of HSTs.
These were some more cute strattas in that grocery bag - border for the next mini? I have a couple of slip pulls to reveal. My monthly block is Puss in the Window. And I had that give away of my solid scraps. Since there were just three interested, I did up slips and pulled one. Dawn at SewYouQuilt2 is the winner and I will contact her.
Hope you get to play today,
Sewingly Yours,
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