Friday, March 30, 2018
Whoop it up Friday
Since I was hunting for fabrics to play with Bow Tie blocks, I processed two more grocery bags of scraps into the fabric food chain. I know I could have just gone into my barrels for stuff already cut, but I am seriously trying to tackle all those gifted scraps.
I got forty 4.5" Ties made and I know there will be a lot more to come, but this was a good afternoon of play after all the sorting, pressing, and cut-down. And I did accomplish my block for the month.
The last two poodles were finished and I hope that in April I will have time to put this into a flimsy. I have a lot of bookings thru April, so my sewing may slow down.
I saw SARAH mention pulling all her HSTs and finding a project to use them up. I have these all over the place! I use to be very good at making them finished and trimmed, then put into a container by the size - I dig thru them and use them here and there and then got a little sloppy in keeping them in order. So I pulled one of the totes and may play with these to finish out the month.
They are talking about us getting into the 50's this weekend - we shall see. I am grateful that our snow has had a chance melt off slowly, but now we are into serious MUD season around here. The woodchuck has come out of hibernation as well as Sir Stinks Alot - skunk. Even a racoon has been raiding the bird feeders at night, so they are being taken in now. Maybe Spring has arrived?
I will be taking time off for the Easter Holiday, so blessings to all .
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
The newest temperature rosette is ready to be stitched to it's background. I went thru my scraps and pulled light to dark Aquas as we head back into those temperatures. We are thankful that it is warming up gradual so all that snow melts off slowly to prevent flooding. Between the three big storms in March, we had a total of 72" - a LOT of snow.
32 - 41 -38 - 38 - 38 - 42 -43
I had pulled out my box of apple fabrics to find something to go with those boxed squares made last week. Quite a variety and some very vintage pieces in there as well.
A night photo indoors - not good. But you get the idea and I will get a better picture in natural lighting when done. The block with the HSTs was in with the print that had such a pretty orchard scene, so I used it. There is enough of that with another large piece to make the back. I'm deciding if this needs a border and if so, what will I use.
A closer look at this wonderful print. I fussy cut two large pieces and there are mixes of other fun orchard bits I found in that box.
Not that I want Fall to come around so fast, but I love apple picking time. And do you see the two black cats? Had to have kitties on my orchard.
And there are a few flock of sheep mixed in just for fun.
There was a green, blue, and brown print of Deb Strain's 'Apple Crisp' that I made extra boxed squares with and I thought this was the perfect name for this quilt. The vintage brown I would have loved for the border, but you can see the flaws in this - they run pretty regular, thus not able to use as well as I know the fabric is just too fragile.
This is Debby Kratovil's 'Adinkra' quilt pattern that she had as a BOM last year (or year before?). These are African symbols and was inspired by her trip to Africa. I made little tribal dolls with fabric that a friend brought me from Africa. I need to put setting triangles on them so I can get this quilt put together at last.
Please disregard the torn plastic table cloth - compliments of Bella and why I use plastic table clothes. I pulled my tote of solids, but there really isn't large pieces in here for corners as well as I am not sure this is how I want to head. Would any one like some solid scraps? Seriously - they need to go out the door so just put in your comment 'me please' and I will pull a name next Wednesday.
I think I need to do some fabric shopping to make this quilt have the right look. Any suggestions or on-line shops to pick up some regional prints?
Since my plan A is a bust, I think I will pull a baggy of gifted scraps yet to be sorted and play with bow ties. They were my block for the month and I have not made a single one yet. So plan B is my play date.
Sewingly Yours,
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Tips, Tutes, and Tasty Things

Today Sarah has us sharing some little bits of 'help' to quilters as we work on our Hands2Help quilts. Maybe you have a tip or tuturial or tasty things to share.
Develop a good habit of putting away your fabrics after a project. If you have a 'fabric food' chain, cut those scraps right down into usuable sizes that suit your quilting needs. AND clear containers - if you see them, you will use them.
I have a few tutorials on my tab, but a quick little project that can be changed up with your own creativity - and scraps - Tissue Cover.

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted a recipe! And I should compile the ones I have onto a tab. These are a quick treat or would be fun to have when a bunch of sewing buddies come over - Mini Muffin Pizza.
Be sure to check over at Sarah's to see what other's link up.
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, March 23, 2018
Whooping Friday
I have four of the on point 4-patch blocks done for the newest project. I should call it the 'squirrel' project as my mantra for the year 'focus' has just gone out the window early in the year! But aren't these cute?
This drew me away (0R is it awray OR awry?), too. This baggy of left over solid JR strips kept falling off the shelf so I decided to tame it. I had used a few for a project a long time ago, a student used some, now to finish it off.
Cant' be anything easier than boxed squares - which just was a pull from the barrel system. We shall see how many I can get from this pile of 'desert' color strips. There is a semi-plan in the back of my mind - as long as I don't get distracted by another squirrel.
I rarely get a photo of the two together, but this is how things have gotten with the constant cold and snow. They are getting on each other's nerves and play becomes a battle. We are going into a dry and little warmer trend, so I hope they get outdoors. That, or the broom stays ready for a 'sweep' out the door.
Now to focus on those boxed squares,
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
I'm pleased that the Snowball Quilt is now 2/3's done. I have the other rows all 'placed' and put into piles by their respective rows. They are tucked aside right now for some other play.
I did sections of the next two Poodle blocks as leader/enders while working the snowballs. Now I have just two left and this one will be ready to become a flimsy.
The next temperature rosette is done and we still are into the blues - cold. I am hoping that we start to get into a little bit of a warming trend; with no more snow!
30 - 32 -22 -24 - 28 - 22 - 32
I have all of those 4-patch units done and now I will start setting them into their on-point block with some Kona Snow. This is my play date today along with a few errands in town.
I hope you get to play today,
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, March 19, 2018
Monday Making
I know I have a lot of projects that need some focus on, but I need a day to play. I have pulled out one of my barrels - 1.5" squares and dumped it by the machine. I find working tiny relaxing and keeping to something simple, yet I think is such huge bit of heritage to our quilting world. The basic 4-patch block.
I see a lot of people making the small 4-patch for other quilts, but I fell in love with this quilt on Temecula Quilt Co. Maybe it was the setting of a block on point set into a quilt on point OR maybe it was the cheddar background. The plus side, I have everything I need for this quilt right on hand! No shopping required.
And to add to the cheddar love lately, I will take breaks from the machine to get more of the cheddar hexies added to the diamond project.
Take time to play today - it's Spring in some parts of the world and tomorrow it arrives here (hope it doesn't snow),
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, March 16, 2018
Whooping up Friday
I am slowly getting the Temecula Quilt Co snowball blocks together. I'm not one who likes to pin a lot, but I am taking care to match those little flip corners using a whole lot of them. The sewing part isn't what is taking so long to do...............
It's the pressing! I am pressing seams open and that takes a long time - and some burnt fingers. These are to be set 13 blocks a row and 16 rows so I have about a 1/3 of the quilt assembled.
Since I'm not a quilter who just concentrates on one project at a time, I am switching out to start some work using those strings I stitched to the phone paper. I have a leader/ender project by the machine too - that will help get a jump on that.
These three projects will carry me nicely thru the weekend. AND hopefully no more snow. However, we are to get bitter cold again. Maybe I will find something yummy to put the crockpot to good use and add some cozy to the house.
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
I finished up the strip piecing to help tame that tote (not really, but a dent) and got thirty on the 6.5" x 9.5" papers. To use up the few left overs on the table from those I cut a couple of pages to 6.5" square and made the diagonals, because you never know.
The next temperature hexie is certainly feeling blue! Why not - three super snow storms in two weeks - geesh!!
34 - 32 - 33 -31 - 28 - 29 - 28
The new diamond hexie project is being worked on as well. Not scraps, but a Jelly Roll and I loved SARAH's comment on keeping the cheddar on all of the outsides. BUT. there are only six strips of the cheddar (I feel cheated) in the JR - called Indigo's and Cheddar. Guess I will have to do some fabric shopping as this one progresses. I do love the old prints of cheddar, so some FQ pick me ups will be a good thing.
Since there will be more snow today, I will finish up the few snowball blocks for the Temecula Quilt Co QAL. Then I'll do a little bit of a lay-out, but this is scrappy enough that I can just grab and sew as they are piled. Time to get this one done.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, March 12, 2018
Monday Making
I knew my string tote was full and really not looking forward to making string blocks, but I had more to add from the recent 'gifted bags' sorting - there is no more room!
I have several old Yellow Pages phonebooks that are perfect papers for foundation. I could just sew strips together, but I like to have them on the paper to hold them while I am ready to use them. Plus, it keeps them straight as sometimes when you do long strattas they tend to 'lean'.
I'll be using these in the new Blog Hop "Wish Upon a Star' - what will I make?
We have our new snow bomb starting sometime today, thru tomorrow and right into Wednesday. OYI!!!
Sewingly Yours,
Saturday, March 10, 2018
15 Minutes
I have spent at least 15 minutes a day hand stitching - my goal. I need to get those four completed temperature rosettes stitched to their back grounds; so today is dedicated to this project.
My back needs a break, because I spent all day Saturday cutting up fabrics from those gifted bags. I pull all the big stuff first - anything for the shelf or FQ totes - and then I process the rest into squares for the barrels or strings for that tote.
Another bag was filled with zip lock bags from different people that I stuffed all together to deal with 'later'.
My goal was two bags, but since I was tackling zip bags, two of those. As you can see, all of these really didn't hold any 'large' pieces. This is my usual donation - the clear offs from the cutting board. That's OK as it all works for me. AND I have some fresh fabrics in my barrels that get a constant work out.
And I'm lining up some sewing and handwork prep for the next few days as they say we have another storm coming thru - I'm going to be ready.
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, March 9, 2018
A Good Ending
We were thankful that the second big snow storm never turned out to be. We might have gotten close to 8", but that is a better ending than the 20+" predicted. A nice thing about our snow is that it has kept this wanderer closer to home and his battle scars have healed up nicely.
With a snow day I was able to get this B/W stacked coin closer to a good ending. The sashings and inner border are cut and waiting. To use up some more of that black I am going to have to add a border. This was a little bit of a change up from the lovely tutorial given during the Scrumptious Scrap QAL FOUND HERE.
I hope you all enjoyed the Small, Smaller, Smallest Blog Hop which came to a good end. I finished up my little bird houses - the pattern can be found on Moda Bake Shop site - HERE. It used up the small bits of Spring Green for RSC's color of the month and I have a cute mini as a result.
And now to top off that good ending, the winner of my give away - that barrel full of 2" squares. Random selected:
I will send her an e-mail request for mailing info and these will go right out. Thank you all for visiting, commenting, and those show of hands for my scraps.
I'm pulling some gifted bags of scraps this weekend for some sorting, adding into the fabric system and cutting away those bits.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Scrappy Wednesday
I worked a little more on the Poodles. I'm in no rush on this one, it's just one of those 'fun' projects that you take the time to enjoy every moment of.
I'm not sure poodles have 'lighter' puffs when clipped, but I sure have some cute puppies from these scraps. I have 5 done now with 4 to go. Those last few may wait for next month as I have some other priorities ahead of them - but then you never know.
The next temperature rosette is done. Another crazy week along with the 'snow bomb' storm we had.
52 - 38 - 28 - 30 - 20 -28 - 34
Should we lose power, I have this new Hexie project to work on. This will eventually be a diamond shape.
If the power stays on, I have pulled those scrappy 'bricks' I cut when prepping fabrics for the poodles; and cutting up some scrap white and w/b 2.5" squares to chain these thru the machine for a stacked coin quilt.

Please be sure to visit today's participants:
Sewingly Yours,
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